you'd better get in BBS to study the knowledge of palm OS and pay you time as far as possible." K5 U; X2 n! O" r. _3 H9 U% X
and you'd better have the good English ability.
7 N- Q) h0 h" c; \, D8 sthere are a lot of person like you who feel palm OS very difficult. me too.4 B* g: ^) L* @7 n$ Q' Z
but be along with the knowledge growth, you can feel it is extremely simple.1 n; g5 H" o+ ` u" z
be patient boy, successful is not a simple thing.6 U+ `/ }, `* [/ ]5 [
but,if you study anytime,everywhere,use the source of BBs,as frequently as you can,you will feel that it's simple!" r- r8 b# D0 ` }7 O' Q! }# |
good wishes,boy |