本帖最后由 zeta19910606 于 2011-11-12 21:56 编辑 ) R* U7 W+ F( N. e* w! C
7 @! z; W) Z' U' x昨天打过补丁,就急着把IPK发了上了。今天有朋友说白屏,才发现自己也有这问题。
, h( V8 H" e: y% H于是删除了下载链接。9 N! E/ W( f1 D9 A! L6 ?9 [' F2 O
, u" o Q" A6 G0 K3 N
! L1 J3 ~$ S6 c9 N9 OAdobe PDF阅读器优化补丁更新v1.7.6) Q& s- l+ c! W/ U! B
, ?; Q* u9 @( p9 ^& |& D
by kjhenrie@precentral
9 W9 u# B$ |+ H+ Z1 V9 |& b# O- N/ a3 l: Q* ^
1.7.6 - This version is identical to 1.7.1 other than it includes the latest arxservice based on mupdf created by filmor_ v' v' G5 P, m
( e6 E0 r& W! n- E
1.7.1 - This version includes everything in 1.7.0 and the following new features:
% }* y8 J/ T. _5 t8 l' O8 ]0 x7 j# [! T/ [7 h
a. Cleaned up zooming (knownboyofno)
, z% ?, z! X, db. Added horizontal and vertical panning position retention across pages (knownboyofno)
; T+ `' @. U. v; Q. h/ Q2 c" c- d4 ]& z) ^3 a; a
( p0 k/ M: n: h$ k: }
1 E4 s# \- c+ e
1.7.5 - This version is identical to 1.7.0 other than it includes the latest arxservice based on mupdf created by filmor_
5 m: x/ o- r& m" | O7 [5 v Q9 e9 ]0 O0 e5 ^, {
1.7.0 - This version includes everything in 1.6.0 and the following new bug fixes/features:4 C+ c# V/ n# c. ?0 N! T
# | A4 P$ y5 i% Z/ M4 \$ @- ma. User Bookmarks are now ordered by page number9 u0 Q% B+ }$ @+ s4 K2 v
b. User Bookmark names can span more than one line (poor mans page notes)) i1 C$ t7 H, T& x6 f
c. Fixed bug causing an 8-10 second delay when opening the Pages/Bookmarks (TOC) panel the first time
8 s$ g- B* N: D7 J% o% a$ n3 A# u0 [: X" n$ i2 M) w) A: k! {
" i9 [+ x. |; `- @6 H! b恢复PDF:/ `( r) r) I) S `
用Preware卸载adobe reader% U4 O7 M* X9 f, n) H% g- o0 |- t
用Internalz Pro,打开/usr/palm/ipkgs,文件夹里有个com.quickoffice.ar_10.3.3.51_ARM_release.ipk文件,点击安装,恢复到10.3.351版,再升级,就恢复到了纯净的10.3.406。
! r1 Z& |# [; F
6 p1 ]$ s# @1 l+ B* }* p& G不知道什么原因,我第一次恢复了PDF后,还是没能打开。于是又恢复了一次。。
; u0 B- Q' g6 N3 p4 T5 S$ s9 U3 t2 F
先打了1.4 补丁,成功。- I6 @: ?" v9 I
然后又打了1.5 补丁,成功。- l" ~$ n* G5 \6 L% p
3 m6 N& r# `" K
7 h7 \/ A' [4 P1 s1 B理论上可以直接打1.7.6补丁的,喜欢折腾的朋友可以试试。
R. p) c: \, A- q3 k! z; K* J n* G3 ]7 k/ j0 w, |# z I2 M
# V8 w6 I, s1 c8 s
: ^+ ^: y. ?0 K9 t* c8 N" z) Ucom.quickoffice.ar_10.3.406_1.7.6_all.ipk9 _* @( |% T& u& C/ m- ?1 |
$ d, h/ q. z4 e# }
http://115.com/file/e6rpnr4d#4 B$ j7 b4 k* T
$ |- v9 h# o v1 r$ n- O
0 E7 Y; V/ }1 Q o8 A, Z+ lhttp://115.com/file/bh0r7iy6#- ~* n* T3 [4 r4 g
com.quickoffice.ar_10.3.406_1.4_all.ipk |