! q8 e! |8 ~! W% }/ q q; Z I
+ u: S+ {3 y8 `+ _6 U' TResco Backup1.40.72 N5 f( Y) J* N% T8 q9 _4 o
/ a: }# {. Z% X+ [7 j. v# V
$ M& Q; ^: ~( ~& ~Resco Backup lets you backup your handheld and restore it in case of problems.! ~9 l |( q8 O0 ]4 y
0 Q2 ^( ]$ ^0 O7 mWhile this holds true for all backup solutions, there are important differences.' y# b' m1 M7 S
0 P- C/ ?; `: W) XResco Backup achieves high compression, best speed and provides these benefits:# W1 n! U; i" m. t; b
0 W: `/ q# |: R4 `* }
Standard features:4 j7 B, X6 a& r
, L; q/ j4 D% u9 `% ~1 D% vFully automated backup solution to any expansion card. A+ e0 _9 v- z) t4 B# V4 M
Scheduled backups or backups triggered by HotSync
# t* Y. b& R& fSimple easy-to-use interface; V, ^: U; G% o/ \7 t9 Q) T' R" I t/ C
% E3 p2 e9 @' L* B& s
Advanced features found in some backup solutions:+ n. d0 ~8 t# o% W J/ } Z
6 x; Z8 a& s0 ?3 Z
Backup compression and encryption
- B" }" X. Z4 n1 `8 v' }Incremental backup. p8 v2 w" _1 o+ k- D
Partial backup, partial restore' t" \; y6 z& ^ ^4 P
Editable exclude list/ Z% h( I7 [. J. R' {% y
Archive of deleted databases (undelete posible)% R) h: t( M5 L% \
Backup of the internal drive
i4 Z8 y s) Y* D. G) m% iUser alerts about the scheduler failures5 u/ p0 O/ h9 r
% \9 W1 r1 Y |) W$ sUnique features not found elsewhere:& J K5 b+ Q: k' a; M9 K0 P4 E
/ x8 |/ H+ k( b& D- R
Reliable verification of the backup results
6 U* ]& N% J5 zStability: neutralization of the active background apps
/ ]7 b* M+ Q* ^Robustness: User alerts about scheduler failures4 L, x4 J% ?: a8 J$ k/ a! {
Enhanced tools for backup set analysis
& z8 \9 U( Z, C% i+ xBackup projects
$ S( B$ P) P. t3 ^& IOpen backup format, L% y+ m t4 h8 b) Z
, j! P) |& t& k0 N+ `& C
4 f) t6 T, ~" k- D) ~+ Z) j# }, a' i' B6 c$ \
Zip installer includes also Resco Locker
1 t( S' t& v( B$ I* L+ [& XResco Explorer allows for manual access to the backup sets or to the archive.
3 q& I5 |; N/ K9 i3 ~- |( [- |% r; E
6 q- G1 b; g/ o" O& g* C
Updated Description:5 L' S" p3 P9 `2 @% N Q
" `$ x2 C" @) r$ D5 X! r, \0 ~6 v4 T- j
5 q6 Y$ `' r3 U" R% LNews
5 B! t' \; D) x: C! h. u$ k% ~. o- D9 b5 F
* c- h0 q/ ~3 V8 o7 ^7 y
v1.404 n5 g6 l7 v7 ]3 L3 _& `+ D0 A
+ t/ K; e1 h6 [6 p
Backup sets comparison
6 V4 W+ }" _+ [3 v/ f6 uLive filter for backup sets6 R% a- v6 Q D# l0 Z% L
Improved Verify feature# k1 y( G6 \$ L* P
Project rename
8 B# c5 X6 q* A% r& L! L5 gAdvanced DbCache options4 j, W% B6 p+ d4 P
Better handling of fatal problems (crashes, card corruption...)& X! a o( G# S) W. y c# s9 F& M
Updated manual
, o( A) ]+ ?+ q3 j m6 J
- w: H: W# d4 i7 \3 V: [) u+ H) M- G r- {
' {# i- S& a, |6 K8 T本软件除了帮助文件以外,汉化程度为100%,包括程序代码里面的需要汉化的部分都用16进制编辑器进行了汉化.....请大家试用,如有不稳定的现象,请大家立即删除,并回馈改进意见,谢谢
* E0 z) r6 x( [$ y另,本软件包里面附带了英文原版,joys*^#%@的cjkos汉化外挂文件......请按个人喜好选择安装% X- b" I$ a: R% a4 W5 r
0 A8 N J9 Q3 E) |# X8 \4 l
[ 本帖最后由 chl721 于 2006-10-13 10:59 编辑 ]
& c2 G9 L4 G v* t; r/ F# I
Resco Backup1.40.7-cn.rar
(204.32 KB, 下载次数: 730)
. }* Y+ W1 {* {
% o" S. a+ x7 ^$ P O& BPhone_Technician_2.5_cn.rar 10.14更新( h3 v9 k* s4 ?" A1 I0 U9 C
* ?; _% u9 A( c9 z
软件介绍:) D# u6 j8 Z2 U! ^1 g
3 O7 h0 {8 i: b9 d2 j6 ^1 r这是一个treo电话功能的增强软件,
6 Q k# {- z6 f# K. e/ |可以设定电话模块的开关时间,通话时间关闭屏幕,通话时间禁用系统通知,通话时间禁用键盘......等等功能,希望大家试用。
3 {: I& G# i1 K本软件除了帮助文件,汉化程度为100%,大家在使用中有不稳定现象,请立刻删除.....
1 g5 c6 F/ B! b' G, X, F
; M8 h# ]+ a% I7 z( @! }; r& e+ A[ 本帖最后由 chl721 于 2006-10-14 23:59 编辑 ] ! s1 @3 P4 g& z7 o; ^7 E
(42.19 KB, 下载次数: 571)
+ L* [" g) ^4 R
. R7 ?0 T- ?. v6 @2 J* |10.15日更新
+ _# H/ J. V4 ? V: M
, ?' O* B5 U9 G( Y; lPhoneFuns5! `6 C5 l) l, y% s. E+ \/ Z3 j5 u
& ^% A% n4 \( U3 I2 y; \( h" \* s
该软件又是一个treo的工具软件,能够设置快捷键用以启动程序,定时控制手机模块,锁定键盘,设置通话中关闭屏幕,设置铃声,甚至还附带了一个来电/短信防火墙......欢迎大家试用,如有不稳定的现象,请大家立即删除,并提供错误说明。' P/ M! Y( A9 K; C" q7 r# g
本软件汉化的时候出现了一点小问题,因有3项隐藏菜单,但实际只显示一项,造成菜单多出3行空白,不知该如何调整?请教各位Boss,希望能够给予解答......* Z$ z: W- S& z- S
# m6 d* ?7 C. D+ N; v0 l! ]
软件介绍:2 \: A7 i* q8 W; P2 |* p3 \
PhoneFuns5 is a utility for your Treo 600/650. Its features include hotkey launcher, DA launcher, brightness control, MP3 ringtones playing, calls / SMS filter, scheduling your phone to turn on/off at a specified time, turning off the screen during calls, upgrading system launcher and much more.& C) R* F) X& {3 H8 x6 i
. e( j! b& q; M, t# V$ ]Overview of Features:$ E: p: W7 P; Q3 `! |5 g \
: c& m! v6 D p; O3 l5 r1 Q
HotKey# j8 u* X+ p. K) \7 s
The HotKey makes it much easier and faster to call, send emails & SMS, launch applications & DA, open a website and so on.
$ H, Q. z- @- O6 O3 a4 u- aHotKey works perfectly with KeyCaps600/650.6 Y4 Z9 m# U: \7 G
: B' ?/ w9 ~; i
Brightness# S2 g! l/ R9 G+ Y
Adjust brightness quickly through this function to suit different environments.6 L4 I( v. A, ]. s
4 s) P4 i6 w/ b+ S, q* o9 d
6 N. W6 V9 b4 hMP3 Ringtones enable you to assign different ringtones to your contact. LED reminds you of the contact at the same time. You could assign different responses to calls and SMS, such as: refuse phone calls, answer calls and reply SMS automatically, hide SMS, delete SMS.
$ U, i% R4 \1 v3 _2 n# ONote: You have to install pTunes player.
! f0 |' Q* q$ ^6 n% G( O& \9 y2 r" q# ^/ [. T- y) q' e
Volume Button5 S' a2 C, Y Y ]
Compared with the standard volume, this feature can do something more useful and less annoying.
4 z, V7 A$ y, A0 H! U) S
; e1 P+ h( f# nKeyguard7 E/ b6 w# _) X* ^
More powerful and more useful Keyguard function., _! E* r1 P( R( S' k/ V; D
' j) E. H+ m7 u: ^7 Z: X4 D4 P9 pScreen
) C9 E. r$ m5 h* g# FSave your battery power since it enables screen off during calls. With this feature, you will save a lot of power if you usually make calls for a very long time.
; P+ G' q7 r+ w+ J" \4 F" d* Z, z& J% `8 U0 s( g0 i
Radio$ f" K, ^1 M w8 F; l! F
Auto to turn on/off your phone at a scheduled time. From now on, your life will be more enjoyable and relaxing. Meanwhile, Battery power will be saved a lot.0 G* c1 [9 \' ]. j/ Q+ N7 S0 V
% M, F& b7 a7 ?& s
Mixed# z# o4 b) d- y
Other useful features:8 {( N# H2 J$ ]* |
1. Strengthen system launcher to make it more convenient.1 m9 Y; _1 O" L- t
2. Use Command Bar more easily. 6 J7 j1 ?: P7 h% U/ f0 ~
(252.04 KB, 下载次数: 588)
, U c: @8 Q4 k2 Y/ H: [3 A1 V
8 ^- D8 [' Q" ~" V% s.10.19日更新; @2 @, H* J. H v
' Q0 M! Z& t, n
bugme!5.23. Y B0 Y: Y0 J% R& P9 {8 |
, ^2 Z: K* ]3 ]& t6 L+ w! t
这个软件不需要再多做介绍了吧?大名鼎鼎的涂鸦、记事软件.7 p& U5 M! b! V0 k$ J- U. S
* U+ N% P& F/ q由于时间关系,该软件汉化的不很完全,没有用hex搜索编辑过。
2 V1 y- @4 A( z4 D2 y4 |' a
(684.64 KB, 下载次数: 653)