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[软硬件讨论] SplashID同步问题

发表于 2007-11-24 01:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" F$ w; E0 w3 V# R# e SplashID.jpg # b8 M. d3 u- V8 V7 @
但是为什么我的Palm Desktop没有出现这个图标晕了。。。
9 J! y- G0 W& F Palm Desktop.jpg 1 ^) a6 c$ h& D8 v; G
4 j1 B4 F" g1 e) Z" {2 G$ W5 f
# }% u! Z2 s' u/ U! d2 |( A" @/ e" c& w( s8 R) z

9 Z, h1 f: ^+ H- O' i

8 V8 w3 i7 Z3 |9 y3 _4 n; `5 w! H: x
官方链接) U4 ]3 E- n1 d
http://splashdata.com/splashid/index.asp" ?% |2 j  L/ x6 E( A9 a4 a

! n) \3 ^: F. O" J2 I( H1 T6 LPALMOS版的汉化版 http://www.treo8.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=268464 L: p$ |% g" [2 D9 e( z( ^
( `9 V; `/ ]0 e
/ A2 G& O5 H1 r, y5 W3 @http://bbs.tompda.com/viewthread.php?tid=1948761&extra=page%3D1( _! Y. j+ A* ~" q1 e+ v

. e: O# N2 ]6 g( }[ 本帖最后由 religion 于 2007-11-24 09:07 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-11-24 02:15 | 显示全部楼层
5 L  }8 k& ]6 m3 U
, T+ n' p( N) m. O! E$ z否则我会认为你是纯粹来做广告拉人的7 r% _, r& B& t3 U. Z' C

: D; X& \# ^; |7 `: L2 E其次,! D  _0 \; t2 u5 I! ~. D' B  g
你应该去官方网站上下载最新的软件 来试试看,你应该说明你用的软件版本,PALMDESKTOP版本等信息.别人才可能会尝试着帮你% l. J+ v- Q' h5 i
* R' i  L* K3 u# M+ M) Q$ o1 F$ Q0 a
, S8 x2 O6 n+ @+ k) _5 \
PS. 2007年里这个软件更新过很多次...
- w, ^# e6 h1 f) h6 V5 @1 \
SplashID 4.03 (Windows) - July 27, 2007* P4 h% \' m* s. f4 I+ ]' e
  • Desktop:
    • Fixed a bug with the installer
    • Clarified auto-submit web auto-fill preference label
    • Fixed a   password generator bug where results were not              being placed in the selected field
    • Fixed broken keyboard shortcuts in menus, including Alt-F, X              (Exit).
      SplashID 4.02 (Windows) - July 19, 2007( U! B7 p9 r" A1 F( O( l. W
  • Desktop:
    • Fixed a bug with the installer
    • Fixed ReadMe file
    • Selected types in Panel and Tree view are now preselected when                creating new record
  • Handheld:
    • Fixed a crasher in the Edit Type dialog
      SplashID 4.01 (Windows) - July 5, 2007
/ p2 h- I) E' v; r      
  • Desktop:
    • Changed the sort order for the Types menu back to alphabetical
    • Set              focus to password field in Get Password dialog on desktop
    • Removed horizontal scroll-bar from middle panel in Panel View
    • Add mouse-over tool tips to bottom toolbar buttons in desktop
  • Handheld:
    • Fixed an obscure crasher, when canceling login after locking application            from new record dialog
    • Fixed a problem with email records tool
      SplashID 4.0 (Windows) - June 22, 2007' X7 {4 F$ I) U( W" D3 E1 M8 X
  • Major upgrade - upgrade from previous versions for $9.95
  • New desktop views - Panel View and Tree View
  • Tree View on the handheld application
  • Enhanced          security - auto lock-out after 10 failed attempts, password strength          meter, and password hint option
  • Web          Auto-Fill - one click to open a website on the desktop and login automatically
  • Synchronize          multiple SplashID databases (with other version 4 database files only)
  • Enhanced          Lookup feature instantly displays relevant results as you type
  • Email          securely encrypted SplashID files to other users (from the handheld          application too!)
  • Add          additional standalone desktop users
  • Change          the database and auto-backup file locations
  • Toolbars          give you button features where they are needed the most
  • Updated          icon set with enhanced high resolution graphics
  • Fully          Vista compatible
发表于 2007-11-24 02:23 | 显示全部楼层
经过实际测试...这个是完全没有问题的...用最新的PALMDESKTOP也是可以的," B5 U8 \* k/ q1 V: q! o

3 Z3 }/ r+ M: l2 ]) A你的SplashID的桌面端应该是版本术低了
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-24 08:52 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 寂夜清风 于 2007-11-24 02:15 发表   I; X- u  P  M9 ^( y
/ R+ K6 @3 w: _4 R7 e8 i6 K/ A) [
9 ?9 ]# w7 c( K* B) j8 U/ P$ |2 ~0 |9 q. _1 ^) L0 j. f
2 a0 ~; Y5 `, D你应该去官方网站上下载最新的软件 来试试看,你应该说明你用的软件版本,PALMDE ...

: u" m' N" z5 ?! T8 K
- L  A) V7 [6 e不好意思發時沒有注意下次一定改正 ,謝謝清風提醒并幫忙把我的原帖修改
* C  G' c- w) f% l6 m6 V我試試新版本的桌面端。
5 ^4 e' }, Y3 y1 @3 b
# M8 x$ s, A' p, s& [[ 本帖最后由 religion 于 2007-11-24 08:57 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-24 10:29 | 显示全部楼层
剛剛試了下我的PALM DESKTOP的版本是4.14的- p! `. B. b3 w7 Q2 c# r
Palm Desktop2.jpg
6 M& H5 G3 w( g' P  K0 W0 rSPLASH ID桌面端是3 U+ x6 l( R: Q+ F: Z+ d, N
SplashID2.jpg / T' \$ v  y- K/ Q6 X
4 K: _* J8 K  N6 P. l1 b5 `
; W3 u8 {0 Y0 Z# L7 G[ 本帖最后由 religion 于 2007-11-24 10:30 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-11-24 14:43 | 显示全部楼层
晕倒..9 Z1 E; }2 `& F  n/ D" }! I
# u/ q! J6 s& ^8 e) Fhttp://www.treo8.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=26846% x" o" ^- `; j& A, t$ p0 G
  h% p* H1 ~6 u: V
' ]5 f9 z0 ^: _9 [* V& M) \2 k( {( l5 _5 _5 S0 \
, }% A. T) f  T3 o3 W" E所以很怀疑是不是你的SPLASH ID DESKTOP没下载对., `5 V2 b$ E& u
7 h* O0 q) _$ P! t1 L' m
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-26 12:03 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-26 14:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-23 12:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-4 11:47 | 显示全部楼层
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