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[软硬件讨论] Palm 上几种不同的重启复位(reset)方式(软启/安全模式/硬启/Zero Reset)

发表于 2005-10-28 01:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" g" S1 F+ K5 p# c0 H% R0 `8 ]3 ~3 u: B) z& `; S6 ^6 x: N$ [4 K, W. g
palm 在正常的状况下是不用 reset 的~
7 s/ O  E7 q( K: X除非你的 palm 出了问题,如程序错误,又或升级 OS, 以下为 palm 上五种 reset 的方法:
0 `2 D6 `6 C# b- E3 Z3 e. r* f/ Q* s1 V4 K* Q7 a! }( F; h
1.Soft reset:软启(重启). H3 o$ G5 V7 z1 Y
用一支回型针或类似的工具(在 PalmIII 以后的机型中,只要旋开书写笔的顶部就有软置工具),透过 Palm 背面的小孔,按一下重设键。
' \# `2 t7 v  F7 W; A( ?  |+ b这个可以解决由不稳定、或因删除应用程序所引起的问题。最常见的致命错误通常都是因为删除了设有闹钟系统的应用程序。
# F- D5 I( N$ }
' @9 n) p2 c; N( U2.Warm reset:(安全模式)- j8 X; u# [( H/ V/ _' h* |
如果在做完 soft reset 后,你的 Palm 仍然不能正常。
5 b) q9 M8 }9 u) k0 v你可以试着做 warm reset。只要在执行soft reset的同时,压住向上键即可。机器会自动进入类似于PC机的安全状态,则不加载所有的外部程序。进入到正常状态后再松开上箭头键。
) B- o; P$ E, J& x* `# f! s8 G2 \* }; H. a" }/ L% t- H
3.Hard reset:(硬启)3 V4 ^/ u8 U/ B$ i/ R
* P5 N  O7 G: H7 z* p, m/ ]. n: J# e
" {2 c; B" h$ n7 A6 m如果都失败了,就必须要使用 hard reset 了,这是最坏的情况,上天保佑在出事前你已经做好了备份。* O! S0 ]" S0 a4 X* k. H( T7 ?/ e) \
只要在执行 soft reset 的同时,按住电源钮,并于 RESET 后出现画面时,释放电源按钮﹔Palm 会要求按向上键确认 hard reset。千万千万小心 (不到万不得已时请别这么做):这样做会将你在 Palm 上所有的记录清除,回复到你刚买机回来时的样子,除非你会使用并且已经启用了 FlashPro 诸如此类的刻写程序。因此,要记得先和你的电脑做 HotSync(资料同步)。这样可以确保在下一次做 HotSync 时,你所储存的资料可以比较容易回复。但是在 hard reset 后,你还是得一个一个的,将系统之外的软体安装回去, 特别是当你的 Palm 进行过升级,容量越大,你会感到越痛苦。- s+ M/ o! ~# j  T* T5 e

$ b9 L( i& m3 T2 z如果是TREO650:按住红色的电话钮,同时戳一下后面的复位孔,第一个PALMONE标出来后,机器会自动停在第二个PALM的标上,此时松开红色电话钮,机器会提示你是否清除所有内存数据,如果是:按向上键确认,按其他键则进入正常状态而不清除数据。( ?1 f4 r7 b7 u) @' K( i5 Q! B- F

2 i: n$ g: O8 I如果是680:按住红色电源键不放,取下电池再装上(一直按着电源键),等第二个palm标志出现后机器会自动停下来,这时就可以松电源键了,会提示你是不是要清除资料,按上键确认.
; H+ I1 p& u$ V" g6 W0 h
" L( |! B# ^: R4 E4 H/ l4.FlashROM reset:& n# p: R: n* K( p5 s0 X6 N" c
还开不了机吗?再试试 FlashROM RESET(清除ROM资料),您若安装了 FlashPro (用来将程序写入 FlashROM 执行的软体) 那么有一种可能当机的原因就是你将不能移到 FlashROM 执行的程序移进去了﹔ 操作是在执行soft reset的同时,按住 Memo 键,接着 FlashPro 会问你是否确定,所有安装在 FlashROM 及 RAM 的资料都会彻底清除掉。
! C8 o7 V" b% K; W1 C& [, L
+ r: n8 Z8 c& ~5.Upgrade/Downgrade OS reset:8 F% O4 \3 z7 l0 N, s/ |) L$ d
这可是很多PALM机器 reset 的最后一招啦! 在执行soft reset的同时,按向"下"键, 这时画面就会出现雪花,左上角会有黑色小框闪动,下载 OS 3.5/4.0 软体, 将 FlashROM 区段 (除硬体序号区)重写一遍,若在升级 OS 前后悔,可以直接进行 soft reset 就可恢复原状。
/ A" {: q9 M* P3 W
; {; y- Z/ v' V) N' [6.TREO600断电重启:' R7 ~- h4 I9 w0 u
% E* D) A6 _. |8 B. G   不要插充电线。, k' H8 ^: q& S8 X5 l6 s: h
   同时按着K、退格键(就是回车键上边的那个左键头),按着的同时戳一下后面的复位孔1 @5 y0 V0 C! J$ T
   继续同时按着K、退格键,屏幕暂时在白屏下闪动,然后黑屏。此时再放开K、退格键,此时机器应该象彻底死掉一样毫无反应,如果机器有任何反应,你应该再来一次。2 R7 w) t+ ~+ n) _$ j! a; H
/ [. M3 i( c8 c  [) J
( Z1 [2 a# g' ^) o: q" V( j& `/ R+ t5 [1 b" g  k
7. Zero Reset:
8 E4 e! p6 h: {2 zTungsten T5; Treo 650,LifeDrive
% B9 F8 a& j; g具体的方法是插上原装同步线(线的另一端不必插在电脑或充电器上),然后同时按住同步线上的同步钮、五向键的“上”和“电源”(即第四个钮,那个红色的挂 电话的钮),在按着这三个钮的同时戳一下后面的复位孔(一个人做的时候难度很大,可以找人帮忙或是用牙咬住手写笔来做),戳过复位孔后再松开电源、上、同 步三个钮,机器大概会有10来分钟没有反应,然后自动重启,进入出厂状态( TT5、TREO650和LifeDrive 的操作方法略有不同)。
9 \  i( T# ^# l/ w% o, S
; S) T, D- p5 @0 ?要注意,很多人做这个的时候并不能真正成功地做到(不成功的次数一般在50%以上),对于TREO来说,要看到真正的无反应阶段(象取掉电池一样,无论你按什么键都没有反应),才证明Zero Reset成功了。
( c$ D! o* x1 d6 j, p. m8 K
% I$ `1 }; e- n0 e- m- d1 h/ d/ phttp://kb.palmone.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?New,Kb=PalmSupportKB,ts=Palm_External2001,case=obj(887)#zeroout
% A* L* ^( `/ Z" t9 a& f( h2 Y, l
2 l) s6 t; S0 k; L0 E$ \# V------------------------------------------------------------/ O6 S: e( m0 M2 y5 A
如果你不想拆电池盖,也可以用下面这个程序来执行硬启,同步到机器中运行一下就OK了。8 |2 F& u4 ?7 T
7 q0 q0 ?; @/ M# i! n# z
HardReset.prc (284 Bytes, 下载次数: 5062)
3 C6 b: D  m. N+ D2 v( O1 {, J* h7 j* d4 n8 V
附.BootLoader启动(Treo 650):
+ H. s8 Q- O7 o( e/ q' S& v0 [' s
这种重启有一些象机器的ROM DEBUG 状态,在启动的时候直接进入BOOTLOADER状态,这样的话可以用一些专门的程序来访问机器里的底层数据.& R1 B' C2 K8 v/ \, ?0 @9 y
- E% O4 m( I2 J* b# Y" n+ H# n5 e# ^把同步线插在电脑上,连在TREO上,把电脑上的HOTSYNC程序关掉..长按同步线上的同步钮的同时做一次复位.机器启动后会自动进入一种彩条状态(屏幕上显示彩条)..  [2 s+ I$ R" H- d
+ Q: \% S0 B0 b3 ~1 T' j; A


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
wise_radium + 50 谢谢兄弟。


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-28 01:30 | 显示全部楼层
---------------------------------------------------------------------------7 K* ~0 b* F2 i8 G/ O1 _
英文方法有更多种,但是根据机器的不同有些方法是大家没有的3 I  c# ^3 ^' t

: H, `$ a: L, `6 U: p. ?
- o1 t; u$ K6 K2 i+ pFound this on PDA Avenue, and thought it would be beneficial to post here as well:( v3 w9 Q7 {! r/ v  T
$ A& J0 S0 a; d8 ^& D& T3 q
1.Soft Reset
% l' s! T# d$ TA soft reset tells your handheld to stop what it's doing and start over again. All records and entries stored in your 3 ~( _$ f" s; P& o) g  G+ A

6 w' ]. k$ P& }# a" Whandheld are retained with a soft reset. After a soft reset, the Welcome screen appears, followed by the General Preferences - ^" X2 i3 y! N" z$ P  y

9 B4 }5 E2 Z; x$ sscreen. " l+ {" E- N$ _$ j2 p
" Q3 E# L8 ]# h$ @
Use the reset tip tool (see below), or the tip of an unfolded paper clip (or similar object without a sharp tip), to gently * a. \8 @" f- Z. g9 ^; C: ^; H1 L

4 w4 q* B4 S% [' T( Hpress the reset button inside the hole on the back panel of your handheld.
0 [3 A/ o( m6 r, l% C5 s
/ |3 `9 p6 h8 BReset Tip Tool: On most PalmOS handhelds, the stylus that comes with your handheld has a reset tip inside. To use it, unscrew
1 b5 O. ?! ^3 u) p; D6 d6 S6 E4 B4 _$ |. {% ^8 ~
the barrel from the stylus quill.
: [" Q( ~8 x8 f7 E& K8 h( g
( \9 A; J( y; ~$ C# L" j: m% @$ ~2.Double-Soft Reset " Y. G8 b! v" q! ?, o1 c( N
If your device doesn't seem to want to power up after a soft reset, and you've checked the other obvious solutions (fresh
0 @+ A. Y5 m! d. ^2 x9 \! l. ?# A: C9 h6 \8 p6 r7 S. t
batteries, power button, contrast wheel, contrast button) you may want to try the 'Double-Soft Reset'. Simply perform a soft & u, p$ K* g* U( F0 `

1 Z+ P% x4 \- y# @reset as directed above, but press the reset button twice in quick succession.
% O9 x$ p2 ^7 Z' u9 D! m) r4 c5 J7 x6 d6 K: b# R2 T  R8 T- }  F
3.Warm Reset
$ ~" X' V) z+ EA warm reset bypasses any system extensions (such as HackMaster hacks, OS patches, Alarm settings, etc) that are loaded on
$ {6 h$ @- T( v6 x# J, o& A  l6 W
2 A9 u( d9 K" Zyour handheld. Sometimes a damaged third-party application will try to respond to a reset but will fail and cause the 7 ?+ E5 ^) P* l
; @+ e% ~7 r( q
handheld to 'hang'. Using a warm reset, you can start the handheld, then delete the damaged application before it has a
5 ?) j/ ]1 K3 G! d/ _" ?7 R1 f8 ^- Q$ G4 t
chance to try to run again. After deleting the application, follow with a soft reset to start up the handheld normally. , X$ l2 m" ?- F! G3 r
: F/ ]4 `$ l! h
To perform a warm reset: ) g* a% V1 y( I) y
9 {. m9 ]: h9 i) W
Press and hold the upper half of the scroll button on your handheld. 4 W- _1 O; p, l% Y7 P
Using the reset tip tool (or a similar object without a sharp tip), gently press the reset button inside the hole on the back
! E# v& T: m* ^+ {9 @( d
* y9 k0 X, J! |2 ?; k8 xpanel of your handheld. $ m; g" x, j9 W' B5 a5 D/ G! q
When the Palm Computing Platform logo appears on the screen, release the scroll button. ' Q& m2 o7 j' q6 B8 d0 Y
, \/ d3 a* D2 r! b8 z/ M. _; V
If you're not sure which application is damaged, you can use a tool like ResetEmu in conjunction with a warm reset to help 8 B- o7 X) I0 _/ ?
+ b7 I) b8 y% \9 k# G7 [
pinpoint the offending application. - u, R/ O8 W+ o+ Q

- L- D. ]) `# m( |2 f4 i0 _4.Hard reset: " g1 d" ^! `5 z- A5 z  _2 W
A Hard reset deletes all applications and databases in RAM. It then recreates the default (empty) standard databases 8 v8 q1 T/ B: X& g+ a& A

3 C$ V8 _2 W( E# H0 u* R# @: [belonging to the applications in ROM. The PDA is left as it was when you bought it. & \$ G! Q- L7 J" x* p0 T; w- e

9 O. y' K+ r6 V7 p* j" X! k; tHow to perform a Hard Reset:) `+ x1 c$ ~0 B9 z1 J
1.Hold down the power power button on the front panel of your handheld.
& Q; x  O" S! M- r* ?, d+ B2.While holding down the power button, use the reset tip of your stylus or an unfolded paperclip, to gently press and release
$ k2 T# Z9 |& e1 f! }1 d" F9 J0 k2 u( v& W, E  q. @
the reset button.
% P& `+ w9 y1 J1 w* ]; l7 u7 i  T4 ^3. Wait for the Palm logo to appear and release the power button. ) ^1 R0 H3 J; a: m. n4 E
4. When a message appears warning that you are about to erase all data stored on your handheld, press the upper scroll button
0 a) C8 y# ?/ j8 F
% U# i; ^& d: r. k+ x, ^(or whatever the corresponding equivelant is) to complete the hard reset. + }0 P  F5 ~, s

; x3 g1 m2 G" O) x& T# M3 _You should be able to restore everything by doing a Hotsync. So do this first.
4 g: S9 u- D* T- P0 M$ B; B6 K2 S( {, D" t5 y. h
5.Extended Hard Reset 4 T# ]3 c8 }% ?0 R9 Q3 U+ h$ {

4 a7 Z' B* M- q! O6 b* fAn Extended Hard Reset will completely erase your handheld, and will also bypass the creation of some default databases.
* @; U/ w' t5 ~9 T" c9 H" C' s% }) D1 \; d3 p
This differs from a normal hard reset, which will automatically create the databases for the built-in applications, and will
8 E8 x$ l( o9 C3 T; H7 j- H; ?8 i# W# X5 G
insert some specimen records into those databases: numbers for Accessories and Technical Support will be created in your
1 j1 X+ B2 W; I& k2 g
0 r( F; f0 f( n0 B. o& CAddress database, a registration reminder will be created in your ToDo database, and several helpful memos will be created in
' i1 @3 r7 J* q" z3 L- v+ U$ \. W. y. @' H' B
your Memo database. + [9 U, R6 e5 P* r1 U$ L
, Y5 j# j- T6 F; R: a
In addition, a normal hard reset will also create a Network database with some default Network profiles for your Network $ E- O: n1 \" n/ M) _& C! p/ u. N

; p  I- P! L. X9 I# {0 fpanel in Prefs, and a file of several default MIDI alarm sounds will be created. " t$ [- S" R/ E! `

1 j) E6 h2 u0 P) y9 p5 FIf you have the Notepad application, a normal hard reset ensures a sample note will appear on your NotePad, and if you have
& C, Y5 W! H2 h! ~0 s: `
" ?; i8 g. C2 }4 X! {  m$ R& ~" hthe Mail application, an email message from 'Mail Help' will be automatically inserted in your handheld Inbox.
+ @& z( C! S. K, F7 T8 E* y( l3 Z! h) Y% ]! i9 K
An Extended Hard Reset will ensure that all of these startup files are not created.
; ~* d6 L3 g% F$ y0 f1 F/ f! Y0 l8 G: F2 d3 T, V1 ~& {% k1 g
If you decide to perform an Extended Hard Reset and install one or more third-party applications that expect to see the
4 v9 n. }" _  W. Y. H# M+ s
1 J- ?* p  c% m4 r  g$ C1 x' }built-in databases present, you may encounter an error. For this reason, it's suggested that after an Extended Hard Reset,
0 @( B  p" A  h# ?
' W5 ^/ T8 g; q: m" j: syou run each of the built-in applications (Datebook, Address, ToDo, Memo, and if installed, NotePad and Mail) at least once
8 c) ?' L9 t" f& k" o7 B& G# l% k$ C; d9 K7 g) T
to ensure empty built-in databases are created.
9 H1 ]1 t/ C* K( m+ O$ h* A
0 p+ I) j1 `* j  U0 z# c* P! z$ hAfter an Extended Hard Reset, you will not be able to select alternate alarm sounds for Datebook alarms, but the default
. L. H, A. Q. V4 q- o5 Z5 ~: g5 [) A; b8 r
alarm sound will still be heard for appointments with alarms set.
( ]2 ?3 f* E* I( u$ p+ o* y2 L: r
8 X: \0 q- M% Z7 E' v* m5 kTo perform an Extended Hard Reset: / d2 l% c, a9 b; M7 X/ u' b
! L4 s& n/ m) |8 ~1 F5 l6 O  D) m9 ^
Hold down the power button on the front panel of the handheld. 7 g& u+ ?6 a/ A' b) q
While holding down the power button, use the reset tip tool (or similar object without a sharp tip), to gently press the
) x# D4 E1 x1 S* x. J
% ?6 ~, e8 V! h8 {$ d3 j, greset button inside the hole on the back panel of your handheld. 6 P- H, t$ ?3 t4 p0 d" J  L& P" E- n( X
Release the reset button.
0 J9 Q" J* y& Q- a" ^When the logo screen appears on the screen, release the power button.
7 b9 S  w* {8 f+ E" B9 i* A2 f2 IWhen the message appears on the handheld screen warning that you are about to erase all the data stored on your handheld,
/ y) Q8 D) G+ w
3 m8 m; |: o) o4 E* M% Tpress and hold the upper half of the scroll button on the front panel of the handheld. & E& O; d* Y1 Z. X8 G
While still holding down the scroll button, press, in any order, the Datebook button, the Address button, the ToDo button, 5 \8 o0 T5 ?' K. ~1 _5 b( m
2 S$ s9 ]* c- T+ `  j! h1 U# p: G
and the Note/Memo button.
/ Y! s# m8 g; H! f* q0 ]Release the scroll button, to to complete the hard reset and display the Digitizer screen. * r5 @% Y: e; m9 m
  r; H" E& J; p  L7 N7 m
Pressing some but not all the buttons while holding the scroll key will result in a normal soft reset. Pressing no buttons
2 \( h" u+ r9 V" d+ Z1 U; P* t+ T9 d4 V3 V! C# J
while holding the scroll key will result in a normal hard reset.
! \8 f( n' d$ v9 N% m/ |* @& m4 L2 f6 I
6.FlashPro Reset
0 d, S* W) `: W, F4 k$ v
6 R. C+ H0 b: K1 Q; i6 {3 ^On machines that have FlashPro (a third-party enhancement that provides user-access to free Flash memory) it is possible that
$ L" c, x* Q7 J6 R9 S
; w% q4 p! l  A; T% omoving a corrupted application into Flash will prevent the unit from responding to any of the three normal resets. . D0 s/ R" [0 U5 `3 w1 y

+ c+ ]% d: |6 W/ u) h/ _6 IThe makers of FlashPro have provided for an additional reset procedure that will reformat your Flash memory.
: O5 r5 x; ?7 @0 ~; A' O# n9 k" K4 v* Y( _
! H" X4 C  P% nNever perform a FlashPro reset unless a hard reset does not solve your problem. ) Z" `  h0 D( y5 c6 d1 H

4 r8 n' e+ {# V; p/ M% _To do a FlashPro reset: ; J3 Q* S6 t6 L5 o2 V

6 h7 q- [, F8 b" Z" bHold down the memo/note button on the front panel of the handheld. 6 _( Z: E' M/ M0 ]8 b/ n
While holding down the memo/note button, use the reset tip tool (or similar object without a sharp tip), to gently press the
: O+ Q8 ?  E% b0 e/ Q! [
. ^  b  `1 o% U: I8 m8 rreset button inside the hole on the back panel of your handheld. . O& S  G* F2 m% d1 `- s: D
Release the reset button.
. v% q6 d4 o- j* ^$ GWhen the logo screen appears on the screen, release the memo/note button.
  O, n- j5 C0 ^1 j. H7 NWhen the 'FlashPro' message 'Hit the ToDo button to reformat flash' appears on the handheld, press the ToDo button on the
- d% @% u9 {5 F2 d' k
1 F6 ]  M0 t7 w1 Efront panel of the handheld to perform the reformat. $ {' x* }8 Z% B0 g

8 d7 Q& P, z3 w: U6 Z- O" cApplications and databases you stored in Flash will be removed, and you will need to reinstall them. , e) j; s+ i2 Z9 |- w2 ?$ D

0 v8 e9 ?/ a" Q; d) f2 @0 k1 ^) V7.JackFlash Reset . q1 K2 I4 d9 ^0 V+ c, k0 c2 u  O+ R

- X! A+ g+ n, |% o9 N8 N* uOn machines that have JackFlash (a third-party enhancement that provides user-access to free Flash memory) it is possible
4 @' {! O! w1 `* w2 J1 U; c) r$ B" F1 n* R9 J9 y7 `
that moving a corrupted application into Flash will prevent the unit from responding to any of the three normal resets. ( h. M2 Q0 e4 f  Y% n

% a( Y# n# ?$ OThe makers of JackFlash have provided for an additional reset procedure that will temporarily hide applications you have
- `& F& w2 k" \" Z3 `, J3 c; B; E( T$ L" l% j
moved into your Flash memory. % q- B# w1 F! l$ h7 ^, Y
/ K4 i4 j$ ^) S* ?! i
To do a JackFlash reset: - D. |& C. u5 g' C% d' `; z9 j' _

; v4 |8 H0 [1 o' j7 h% MUse the reset tip tool (or similar object without a sharp tip), to gently press the reset button inside the hole on the back
' P+ ~; l* A3 b& ^. I" n
8 z" w( ?0 ~0 `! l  {4 O4 i: wpanel of your handheld.
  i/ _3 b9 @- z8 O& S) i& URelease the reset button. 7 w& S2 V2 ^0 M
Immediately AFTER step 2, press and hold down the Memo button. If you do this correctly, the Alarm will sound. $ z, m' g7 T! |
Once the alarm sounds, release the Memo button. This should allow the Palm handheld to reset correctly, but the contents of 6 o0 s# F+ e$ |. F/ Z% M$ f5 `
0 C, }( R$ g; \
Flash will not be visible until you run JackFlash or perform a hard reset. / m( G7 I3 w- O* S* l
Run JackFlash and then move the items that were placed into Flash back into RAM. - h& T. j6 Q9 Q# c
2 ^+ o5 ]" V" D( Z2 m0 u
This procedure does not remove any data from Flash; it hides the contents of Flash from the handheld. You can still use
& Z; Z0 K, D6 B$ g, }! d
) }; z* ~3 i) x" P! ?' x; J$ L7 AJackFlash to access any valuable data. / Q; ?$ l6 ?* ^" H. A% m
/ q% q, C4 r. b  i. G2 I" @
8.Debug Reset
; i* q: e( {; R: t) \' z. c7 h( E7 p2 g8 f3 |$ Q
Sometimes while upgrading the Palm OS, there will be a connection interruption or other problem that will render your Palm   b/ l9 d  z) ]2 O$ C
) L/ B! M2 I' Z& ~! L  x2 m
completely unusable, due to an incomplete operating system.
1 N6 L" W3 m8 i/ m7 ?, }( s( `( W! H# G0 p& f! r  `1 l
The debug reset will open up your serial port to allow an OS install utility to write a replacement OS directly to Flash. & R/ Y5 p' P( ?

9 {# U/ d' k/ Q- E6 n1 k7 RA debug reset should be done when OS upgrade instructions call for it.
% ]+ ^9 {) b8 f' }+ h1 x
: {5 j- U4 r" [8 u7 pTo do a debug reset: 8 @: `7 C5 r  O1 ~

( \' a  @* M+ U3 ?  C1 aPress and hold the lower half of the scroll button on your handheld. 1 o! h7 V0 h- f. L2 ?- {8 }: Z
Using the reset tip tool (or a similar object without a sharp tip), gently press the reset button inside the hole on the back
1 o2 T3 a7 @$ Q/ E! e: A/ q/ n& x2 f! R' _
panel of your handheld.   ?5 r6 w. N- N9 T4 G/ i- Y, s5 L
When the Palm Computing Platform logo appears on the screen, release the scroll button' o' b2 \; C: ?, C( q7 o

6 O4 g7 A9 E3 M- j$ n- X
' `: X1 y) q& s' q$ \1 X% n% }* a. J
9.Battery Disconnect Reset
3 T6 j/ B; {, F6 |Treo 600 only3 K7 P! P, t* G+ b

) K* ^5 \1 f, yA battery disconnect reset is a last resort step you can take to cut battery power, wipe all data, and regress a Treo 600 to
& T6 _) K$ K0 f+ _
+ n, ^# _  ^+ G# K  }" Zits factory-fresh state. It only works on a Treo 600 smartphone.: r$ \( `; R. N; B  m& }" e

1 I2 I; m! M( M8 T! f- JTo perform a battery disconnect reset:
# F: k+ O7 C. k" a& h3 b2 L8 h) u' `" S  l# ?2 ^! Z
   1. Disconnect your Treo 600 from the AC charger.
; j9 q; K9 H9 Y( |   2. Hold down the K and Backspace keys simultaneously. (Note: for French AZERTY keyboard, press K and M; for other language
8 l  _, y/ p2 C8 s. d
- V+ r/ ?4 L$ Q4 U! Koverlays, please refer to the customer support for your region)
  e/ I* b1 W4 ?% f4 C: E# t   3. While continuing to hold down the K and Backspace keys, press the RESET button inside the hole on the back panel of $ ^: v% u" D" g( H9 v, r8 Q" {
7 l, k; e& M8 I) d
your device (where's the reset hole?).
- ?1 X3 h& ]  g  D$ |0 \1 l   4. Finding it hard to do? Good. We made this type of reset very awkward to perform, so that it would not happen by & l: a- L/ [0 ]  C

: L5 |8 G8 o5 R1 ^0 a8 [/ U9 X# P1 paccident when your Treo 600 is jostling around in a pocket or bag. Sorry for the inconvenience. You might want to ask a
& C: M' B" S% Y: e0 Z8 e, c( S* m9 A7 S# c; r/ [/ Z' L' d
friend to lend a hand if you find it too difficult to do by yourself.
: p  O' I) G* T' r+ o/ f   5. Continue holding down K and Backspace. The screen will flash white briefly, and then go black. Release K and Backspace
, }, s' E: |. t
' P4 W1 `3 E- f7 m) A2 g! ~after this happens. Your Treo will appear to be "dead" and the screen will not turn on. If you see any activity — such as - s5 Q5 I+ P/ |% u, m0 S7 H# V
6 h4 I2 H: M% _
the screen turning back on — the reset was performed incorrectly; try again
. J+ F6 T+ O* J4 z, z   6. To revive your Treo 600, connect it to the AC charger and plug the charger into a socket. The screen will stay blank
* H: x9 S: G/ ^: G: ^) k
" U2 |! r1 \- [for several seconds (as long as half a minute), then it will turn on. The LED will glow solid red, indicating charging.
: Z8 R( @1 l$ S   7. Finally, follow the steps for recovering after a hard reset (a battery disconnect reset is an extended type of hard 5 U+ Q+ P  t# t! m  M8 E$ @
8 a2 Q# r% }/ j+ L) D
! _7 s$ u7 o" D  F1 j
% l8 Y+ u, @6 T: ]/ [3 u* _/ n' Y9 x/ |# k$ d9 x4 Q
10.Zero Out Reset: n; ?; f" j. z2 [7 ]9 z$ O

' h' u" o4 A0 ~% l2 a  a' aZero Out Reset, ]; g  t' {* x& l8 S
Tungsten T5; Treo 650 only2 ~; X2 k. b6 B
# M5 Y# E  Z7 q  p- `: @+ D0 F, q( ]
A zero out reset will regress a device that has non-volatile memory to its factory-fresh state. When done correctly, it % d# q7 }  k7 d  p

9 o1 r* X/ C6 ^completely rewrites your device's internal memory with zeros and ones, ensuring that any data is expunged. It should be used
! q' b8 h1 m$ g! {1 A
- Y3 P) i) }% @, K9 O7 H" Q8 [only if you want all information completely obliterated (example: you're selling your handheld, or you're sending it in for
) \. A4 N" F6 |" m/ m3 w* `0 i; [- Q8 [' d" d, ?
repair, and want to protect your privacy).. p% l+ M7 P  n6 r& a: ], Q2 R1 v' ~
- z6 z+ I% D7 L3 p" [, R
Tungsten E2 note: a hard reset (above) produces the same results as a zero out reset - completely rewrites data on internal ) |* l1 Y: C; O# M* m9 }1 t1 K

  ?# a& p) u0 n1 Bmemory. No need to perform the steps below.
3 @  U7 g% c  V6 D; J% S' M  x/ l2 t2 U, ]) L4 d
Warning: A zero out reset will erase everything on your device. All your data will be removed, and formats, preferences and 5 b' o9 F" S/ r& e) ~7 j

0 ~7 C1 f0 A' Iother settings are restored to their factory default settings. Don't perform a zero out reset unless you want to eradicate
" u7 W0 f8 h7 j% R" i+ T, }
+ X0 b: G( F7 ?% _0 A, Geveryting.' K- j1 t1 @  v( v5 m# h

* k) i& c& i/ @# [. c! I4 c6 LHotSync note: If you wish to continue using your handheld after a zero out reset, please be aware that some third-party
3 M" i4 Y% H# [9 X( x; q7 U8 F
5 K, X8 E6 o9 r6 _& h- g+ Z! D- \applications change the way your handheld backs up data. Other third-party applications do not back up data. If you have * Y* N& a2 j5 K3 i2 \
- L* Q0 ^- T( L+ c, R1 \
third-party software on your device, please contact the developer to learn what components are backed up during a HotSync
4 j8 J+ c3 C; l6 D+ n% I$ N) H% F: J1 F" m! G) b
operation, and if HotSync conduits are altered. Any data not backed up will be permanently deleted.
4 H* `' R' g" a# ~4 v' Q9 O
5 R$ q' w+ P3 D0 @+ ?, nThere are two ways to perform a zero out reset.
发表于 2006-7-3 00:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-8-13 09:19 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-9-1 14:28 | 显示全部楼层
Zero reset,Ilike!
发表于 2006-9-17 11:40 | 显示全部楼层
楼主,我在进行ZeroReset后Treo650进入一个有四色条纹组成的界面,左上角还显示着Boot load v0.24  的字样。但是进入这个界面后就再也一动不动了(到目前为止已经一个多小时了),是不是出什么问题了?怎么解决啊?
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-17 14:27 | 显示全部楼层
如果出现这样的界面说明你很可能是在操作的时候少按了一个或两个钮(五向键的“上”和“电源”这两个可能是按松了,: Y1 m8 I- j  g+ M3 Z0 M- s2 N
* E; e9 c4 B& p( |% y
发表于 2006-9-22 20:40 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-10-10 23:29 | 显示全部楼层


请教:有哪位XD做过 ZERO OUT RESET?8 [  z' N$ R( m9 W
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-10 23:34 | 显示全部楼层
" u: A9 b3 f+ A; d( U7 ~+ M) K. X很多朋友做三五次才真正做对一次的
发表于 2006-10-17 12:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-10-19 20:17 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #11 wolfpig 的帖子

发表于 2006-10-19 21:53 | 显示全部楼层
请问楼主,TREO 600用SD 卡恢复系统应该任何RESET?谢谢!!
发表于 2006-11-8 13:56 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-9 22:17 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ztq 于 2006-10-19 21:53 发表
3 e5 |9 {! Z" W- g( z3 w- m- H请问楼主,TREO 600用SD 卡恢复系统应该任何RESET?谢谢!!
0 ^7 z4 G% w% T) w. ~9 R6 t. A

0 a9 |7 {5 U' W! g0 g1 V
原帖由 siemensc65 于 2006-11-8 13:56 发表3 c5 ?9 ^, ]  A( A+ X

1 }9 B8 O3 @' D& B  e5 o- M
! O, h/ M, q2 j! X. D+ ]; F# t: Y+ z
发表于 2006-12-11 21:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-12-19 14:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-1-17 18:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-1-22 09:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-1-29 08:43 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-2-3 11:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-9 08:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-13 00:07 | 显示全部楼层
that's great!
发表于 2007-2-13 17:37 | 显示全部楼层
我当时的机子无论怎么戳reset都不能zero reset,没法就按住三个建后下电池再装上,也OK,哈哈
发表于 2007-2-13 20:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-18 15:19 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢了我是新手 好好学习一下了!!!
发表于 2007-2-19 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
好贴 顶 学习
发表于 2007-3-17 22:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-17 23:06 | 显示全部楼层
: 学习中~~
发表于 2007-3-19 09:35 | 显示全部楼层
果然高手!: 学习中.........:
发表于 2007-3-23 20:30 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-3-23 21:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-23 21:05 | 显示全部楼层
如果是680,我知道, R2 g( _3 |* X( c, V  V* Y' d, ^
按住红色电源键不放,然后拔下电池再装上,等第二个palm标志出现就可以松电源键了,这样就是硬启- Q8 g* y6 }9 Z  h) \" c1 E
发表于 2007-3-23 21:56 | 显示全部楼层
:1 :1 要搜索哦
发表于 2007-3-23 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-23 22:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-24 00:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-24 19:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-4-8 22:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-4-9 13:21 | 显示全部楼层
学习学习 :1
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