前几天一个朋友拿 来一台IPHONE.是1.0.2的机器解锁出来的,结果被他的一个朋友在电脑上误升到1.1.2.& T' q' M2 R3 V
9 x' [3 L4 o: ^" G- D2 J
; v* n8 h) ]. O$ b9 i) t: Z! [我帮着折腾了好久..都没搞好
$ s' y9 _4 z) ^2 ^& @/ A9 P+ x1 W7 K* r# F' M后来偶尔想到可能是原来的破解程序有问题.很可能把IMEI刷没了.检查一下果然是IMEI变成了0049....CCID也没了..
0 d' B$ |) M G H% n, F/ B0 w因为工作较忙,而且复原FW的工作很繁琐,所以机器让他们先拿去找别的商家帮着修了...商家也是一个普通用户..不会玩这种修复...只好再拿 回来.
2 M/ Z4 g( t8 B$ y( e这两天空下来,琢磨了一下.在网上找找看.发现了一个很简单方便的方法.试了一下..搞定6 d4 x" p8 S- d* j- T
记下来与大家共享.' h3 g' ^$ r$ x
# b$ ?7 c6 J/ n- H! }% Z这种问题的修复要用到WIFI,所以要确定你的机器的WIFI功能仍然可用,而且你可以通过WIFI访问INTERNET.% U4 N* V5 m; w% S
- |8 ]7 C$ E; _: ?1 d: E
/ _1 X5 E! |) |$ I建议先把你的机器降到1.0.2,激活.破解(即可以向机器里装软件).这一步请参考网上的教程.到处都有/ P' z; [ W/ ?
% Y r- F. {' `. `$ d8 o) c% t
0 w/ v- c8 c: q& K, _1.设置自动关机时间为"永不",在设置-->一般-->自动锁-->永不
, S: e. \9 }% y5 [2.在IPHONE里装上Installer,运行它.如果提示要升级就升到最新版., V2 f( c2 R2 E! e: |* y: H; `7 r
在INTSALLER里点Sources, Edit, 然后 添加 http://i.unlock.no/ 源8 V4 X- b( v) Y. [: k
3.在机器里上装上BSD Subsystem,可以通过INSTALLER里的SYSTEM中的软件来安装.安装后最好重启一下6 t+ ` g2 S" a- p4 }$ u, i
4.在INSTALL里找到Unlocking Tools软件分类,打开后会看到一个The Virginizer 软件,安装它.前后大概需要10分钟左右.
7 D5 ^1 }' N v5.软件运行后,复原你的机器.(即关机,同时按着HOME和电源开机.一直按着.机器屏幕亮了再灭后仍然按着电源大概10秒,直到手机屏幕上出现一个黄三角或是出现一个插头连到光盘的图标,在电脑上运行ITUNES,把手机与电脑连起来,会提示你发现一个在复原状态的IPHONE.这里按着SHIFT的同时用鼠标点一下ITUNES里的恢复钮,找到1.02的FW,恢复你的IPHONE)
$ G+ d$ K) b* t7 ~7 i- n: Q
( A) m$ R" u: A6 |你的机器会被恢复到1.0.2状态下.现在你只需要按标准的方式再去激活/破解/解锁.....
, N! S+ ^% ^6 E' P X5 h+ f+ z4 n( Z+ J
- P5 i; [% Y- I# k- n- [
f; S9 G* `3 u* y% r
8 d2 O/ l& \. L- }* Z
3 S% ]( S- D U% V4 o# A& ^ qHow to "Virginize" the iPhone to repair the baseband?4 z. N; y7 q( ~ j! x4 \
- m0 m$ M) Y$ {6 _4 P
9 W# F4 k2 a" g% l j# v( QIgnore all long and complex tutorials - I have set up a fullyautomatic script that will repair the baseband. This script will workon any baseband version, but will not work on phones with newbootloader (out of the box 1.1.2). It will not run on 1.1.2 firmware either, you need to downgrade to 1.1.1 or 1.0.x before running.$ R9 g8 F9 B- U$ N* ?* a
You would want to virginize if you upgraded to 1.1.1, and have 0049xxx IMEI.
# f' B* Z0 ~2 o1 `1 V# o5 N Check this in Settings → General → About.
7 P3 s6 k0 R9 d" N }Virginize instructions:- Set Settings → General → Auto Lock → Never
- Start Installer and update it if it asks. Tap on Sources, Edit, and Add http://i.unlock.no/ as a repository.
- Make sure you have BSD Subsystem installed. If it's installed it's listed in "Uninstall", if not listed, tap on Install and goto the System category and install it.
- Now, install The Virginizer found in the Unlocking Tools category. This will take almost 10 minutes to complete.
- When done, restore your phone to get 1.1.1 firmware reinstalled (this is not necessary if you are going to upgrade to 1.1.2)
- When phone has been restored, you can Activate and unlock as normal.
: M( J7 E6 @8 |6 O/ d1 s; }' c0 c! `) i& a/ ^
http://iphone.unlock.no/#how-to-downgrade-and-virginize-baseband |