所有的这一切我们都只能无能为力地眼睁睁看着,看着Palm和webOS慢慢离去,真是让人绝望。 9 Y p: F, E4 G6 P
; o' i1 {" [8 `) F 终于,webOS迎来生命历程最后一棒,CNET上有人放出消息来说LG已经向HP收购了webOS,包括源码、团队、webOS相关网站等。对于这样一个结局,我这个多年死忠已经没有任何触动。
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0 G4 R# |9 S+ e根据CNET报道,LG向HP收购了这些资源(代码、文件、团队、网站),并没有太大兴趣把webOS用于手机,而是计划用于他们于2012年6月就已经开始的一个智能电视项目,同时LG通过这项交易获得HP授权,可以使用HP从PALM收购来的webOS产品、专利等。目前财务条款还没有最后敲定。+ G W& s$ _% L" K+ O- `
; Z8 @! w. G% P3 u7 G7 M自从Palm推出短命的Feleo以来,一口咬定不愿意授权给其他厂商使用的webOS曾被视为Apple的IOS的强力抢占者,但其后一路坎坷。Palm管理下的webOS经历重重挫败,落得被HP收购的下场,其后HP这个品牌黑洞就将毫不意外地吞噬了webOS的最后一线生机。3 G7 `0 A1 K, d* A0 u
+ e5 I: }- `6 J' [2 z" g8 G在过去的这两年时间里,众多与我同样历程的老机友们很多人都很清楚地知道Palm已经没有了,只余下一个符号;webOS也只是留在HP收购的纪念碑上等死,心灰意冷地等着看有没有人能发发善心摘了这个牌子,发现灰尘下那一颗颗发光点。( D) {! ^/ X3 ?8 a0 P7 H
3 }% `, S6 P$ Q0 R6 @终于,这最后一棒敲响,如当初2005年Palm OS被卖给日本的Access。这个曾经领先而优秀但却先天不足的系统走完在移动领域短短的历程。
# ]3 G% h- z; _+ o6 z; z- Y也许仍然有不少人很乐观地希望LG把这个系统继续发扬光大。我却没有那么乐观,在IT业界过去的时光里,能够真正支撑起一个操作系统平台的企业,还从未在欧美以外的地区长期存在。这涉及到的就不仅仅生产和开发那些我们都可以看到的东西,还涉及到文化、经济环境等更多的软性基础,而这些基础,在目前的亚洲还远未成熟。在未来的几年里,LG能把webOS在智能电视上真正用好,就是对webOS最大的支持了。( a+ W; o, W9 R* S* u- f
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WebOS gets another shot at life thanks to LG Electronics. 6 J2 p) {1 b) h7 O) M
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0 H8 {2 e8 @4 ]LG is acquiring WebOS from Hewlett-Packard, with the intention to use the operating system not for its mobile phones, but in its smart televisions. With the deal, LG obtains the source code for WebOS, related documentation, engineering talent, and related WebOS Web sites. LG also gets HP licenses for use with its WebOS products, and patents HP obtained from Palm. The financial terms of the deal weren't disclosed. The acquisition marks the end of a sad chapter of WebOS, an operating system that many saw promise in, but was badly mismanaged by HP. Initially hailed as the potential savior of Palm, it was seemingly bailed out by HP before it quickly pulled the plug on its mobile initiative last year. Its mobile products, including a revamped Pre and the infamous TouchPad tablet. LG has no intent to use WebOS for its smartphones, with the company largely focused onAndroid as its mobile operating system of choice. Indeed, much of the WebOS team members that work on the various mobile products at HP has already left, according to a person familiar with the deal. Many predicted the death of WebOS after HP opted to dump it into the open-source graveyard. Despite claims of continued support by the company, it was essentially left for dead. Instead, LG will use WebOS to power its future televisions. The deal isn't a complete surprise, with LG already reportedly looking at the platform for use in its products. In fact, the company had been eying WebOS for a while."It creates a new path for LG to offer an intuitive user experience and Internet services across a range of consumer electronics devices," said Skott Ahn, president and chief technology officer of LG Electronics Inc.LG said the WebOS team will make up the "heart and soul" of the new LG Silicon Valley Lab, with its Sunnyvale, Calif., and San Francisco sites joining LG's global R&D locations in the Valley, alongside WebOS offices in San Jose and Chicago.Good news for Palm users: LG said it would continue to support them. 1 ]/ u2 M3 M- x# r
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