9 ?- q: ]3 g% j- x' l& L
1 Q8 f* T# n$ h# X& s9 v* M' t7 zhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2147284
8 j4 s/ j$ w2 h" C: q! h1 {' j6 b @ M+ [( y# I1 Z0 ]
Thread News and updates: Edited 2/28/2013 # e$ e0 d7 p" f3 l
. v/ R/ V5 [9 |8 e" _! h7 o, ~OP Edited 3/3/2013, Change log:2 }7 V& }0 E: g4 ^
-NewUpdate! New CM10 Build from Jcsullins cm-10-20130304 download and test it here!
, `% }, k! u* a, i
: A) {- r/ z* A. cOP Edited 2/28/2013, Change log:
5 Y" O- n: v- L* T0 H-Unofficial release notes updated.5 I/ |5 [+ I( ^! q7 q' i
-Removed "The Google Chrome browser has issues with many devices, like flickering and the Keyboard disappearing."
0 w& i' a( L+ t: P! m5 J-With a recent update, Chrome now appears to be working properly with JB.( ~$ K+ c2 O: O: G6 E& \! X
-Note* You may need to manually select the update from the Play Store.
; Y1 n" r' G. V: ?5 m-Thanks to GuyIncognito721 for discovering this.
, \ a/ j# ]) G3 `' ^" u- ` O- n' b: L$ q- s
OP Edited 2/25/2013, Change log:& X0 I5 _) T T C
-Added New CM9 Links(Thanks to Mpgrimm2), c& K$ {3 [( q9 `% {; _
CM9 20130224 mbt3.5 cminstall.zip - 178.03 MB
. f, |9 X B% d6 DCM9 20130224 mbt3.8 cminstall.zip - 178.17 MB+ l4 I# X( P: V6 t) ]
-Read Me files updated/ x8 `+ b% {! _: @/ N- I9 Y
1 r* p8 z3 Y; \8 b5 A# i
OP Edited 2/22/2013, Change log:
, D9 C5 U& \& o3 N8 |-Added DorregarayGyroscope test patch version 12B Download: (Optional section)
0 A( b7 Y$ V' V" |: V' L-Added Flash player link Flash videos work in the Dolphin Browser w: q4 Y% h' y
-Additional small corrections.
# ]- }7 a- j, z0 I i1 ]: W5 z1 P( H
OP Edited 2/21/2013, Change log:
" a+ n, F$ `3 z-Added Dorregarays update-cm10-jcsullins-camera-config5.zip Download:; {" \5 s/ f- N% {" O
6 j0 H# \: l( F8 Q$ E( O+ vOP Edited 2/20/2013, Change log:1 d. t W! [- a# M
-Added new links for Read Me & Novacom files.
9 y$ I( N0 m0 ]" G-Added picture of Novacom file location(Thanks to Mpgrimm2)
1 o- L) ?( j- H! P' w! U: {-Added hyper link to Hulu apk Fix
( s0 S5 i- M* {/ E! K-Added link for Camera Launcher for Nexus 7(makes the Camera preview full screen)
3 W5 I I l# D. R. o3 W1 |8 P2 j$ l" _' j. z% E {$ ?9 Y
OP Edited 2/19/2013, Change log:! x/ \0 ]' w8 o9 A
-Added Dorregarays Battery Stats mod (Optional patches and fixes section), z; k5 k w" |4 P* X! T
-Added new CM9 cminstall package links, thanks Mpgrimm2
Z' b7 M5 y+ B' Z; [-Added links for new Dos batch files that work in winXP, thanks Gradular
v6 ]/ P e3 U-Added Build dates/names to the cminstall file links; |: c& k q( g6 }: a0 U* i# \- y$ e0 n
; |3 P: h9 E$ AOP Edited 2/13/2013, Change log: 7 c1 w0 D9 {! y. A! m+ V, V
-Added DorregaraysCamera Config V42 _ f0 o8 @, b3 D: q; t- x( [
update-cm10-jcsullins-camera-config4.zip Download:! k( H$ M0 y& F5 r, T- }
-Added New Novacom files links. Updated "Easy Way guide."
3 h, t; w( z$ ?* e2 |-Corrections and ongoing improvements.0 \9 @$ o# y! V
$ W9 ~+ d7 S8 z6 H/ V% r$ |# X
OP Edited 2/10/2013, Change log: 8 d" ~! _. ~) @7 E+ |+ s, ]: \
-Added Dorregarays Gyroscope test patch version 11 (Optional patches and fixes section)
( e1 F5 e& y2 F7 t9 ?-"Easy way" guide revisions. Steps 3/4., w9 i; s7 f/ m/ O8 m3 |
-Additional corrections and reorganization of the OP.
; H% M2 ]$ ^) B; G: x* Z4 X6 E
- H: v1 Y/ t9 s# l jOP Edited 2/9/2013 changes:
2 E* {# y! t s% P8 n' i6 n-Added Dorregarays Gyroscope test patch version 10C (Optional patches and fixes section)7 I8 m% p3 l: o7 v
-Added new download links for cminstall Moboot3.8 (Optional patches and fixes section), f7 g8 H/ g% q, [2 t# S% K
-Added Llama links & instruction (Bricking section)
! d5 Z# e, B A% |5 f9 O4 o-Updated cminstall folder and Novacom links.& ^- E+ Z9 k( N0 B7 F) E8 ?5 l
-Read Me files now includes CM10 info, links and Troubleshooting section.6 G7 L& J3 }9 P* e T
-OP is receiving some much needed streamlining.
% @5 b5 r. _5 V- E0 }, ^-Added New Easy Way DOS Batch files (byGradular) ; u s* t8 v1 e
; E/ W, B/ R! o* A$ Z9 d3 [8 V
7 b( J0 J' t' d7 j: s# e- [8 G! h! C% P7 C! B( ~6 N
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