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发表于 2008-4-18 14:22
4 V1 `" s2 T# D) K! Ynnd刚才紫光出错了 将就看吧,反正大家都知道怎么刷了,正好给国外朋友介绍介绍本站
& L! w# {5 B9 u( |$ h" N) o, ^6 c6 {
/ `9 }$ L8 p7 c# s
8 ~0 Z/ f& m- ]. i& l9 ~) g' r* `6 g* w截图里面的软件美化图标的也都做好了,人气太差就不打算放上来了,留着自己用好了 :sweat
6 E) w) s( ^8 o7 _4 r/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2 O; P6 ?1 Q7 |+ E i+ h# hPls plug your treo into a charger first!
7 ^- Y% m/ L4 P7 P' V2 W! c1 k" [4 p* Z3 g0 ?
Upgrade your treo with the rom uploaded by extracting and copying the attachment into a SD card.
9 [5 ^$ D6 m$ ?$ }( {5 C- H- B$ z$ o0 A6 s
Get it plugged into your device and press RomUpdater app appearing in the launcher, the Cmd interface will show->
, t- v1 d D" P6 }In the blank line in the middle of the screen, type rev cvt2 then press Enter->
: }4 l: j; E) @% HThen in the following blank line, type ace then press Enter->
% q4 D& k! Y9 `5 d& Vthen wait untill the "SUCCESS: Pls Hardrest your device......"->6 y3 s6 u' E% K! c( s
return to the launcher." r) {* u# H5 d9 i& y3 ]% J: j) w
To save your time,a Hardrest program is already positioned just next to the Romupdater app
7 p% G/ V, _' g$ N0 T/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
0 N' f! o- W' S* M4 v1 P0 ]' x, GHowever, in case of any potential harm,
" Z& X- e" H+ }/ {# k$ {It is HiGHLY recommended that you do it by using treo RomTool and Hotsync cable......- i s x' Y* \) ?3 ]* b
; e' g" {, Y) ~, W {% M' O: }
the rom is tested myself many times in the last several days, anyway, I CANNOT give you a word that it works on your own device :-p
) v/ W% W% g) Q$ d( M+ A- y$ z3 ?& I- K
Those who would like to use the cable may extract "ace-palmos.zip + md5" from the attachment and then proceed.
+ _* W* d& _1 X: `6 u% n& b/ a4 v8 @% E
% N4 p$ F+ Q0 }8 \2 F k- _Have fun :-)! U: u7 I# }9 N: ~1 g4 t
/ G3 J+ a$ K. b
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3 I/ V3 p3 R0 {5 K6 N& z( a4 I `
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: _2 e, e( k+ I$ U& m
- I7 N. ^. N2 ]( v+ h
搭车问一下有上海的坛友有sony相机随机配的记忆卡没? F; v p( o6 T: {3 V/ `/ n
; U0 B" R6 n" B+ N! ~6 g% V' x容量8/16/32的都行,需要一个长棒,报个价格丢一个过来,准备收一个,8 \3 j/ X& m5 M0 h! n- k; E. ?
先谢谢了 liness# I: Q2 S2 x5 L9 L
7 B1 q$ b% a/ x2 r
[ 本帖最后由 asakawalan 于 2008-4-27 14:17 编辑 ] |