楼主 |
发表于 2003-7-13 19:22
Originally posted by marimari at 2003-7-13 06:31 PM:& }8 m P/ l4 v8 p" }( w
看来与Agenda Fusion不相上下啊…
2 W2 d' P, }# u+ ]正在头痛要用那一个了… $ I% o5 l# H5 i6 c& `
- Y8 r1 V3 B8 q z! S/ t9 n3 h
In my opinion, which i have used both.. |5 k4 ], f* b! K+ w! m# B! \
Agenda Fusion is MUCH BETTER!!!!. A) v1 P' ^0 i1 |
especially the speed
% c y# J/ w" S; n) d/ B# C2 h8 `: Aand also, it's native support for the pocket outlook
) B. Y2 x2 [! o5 t/ i; N
$ P, L5 O% P2 i; G3 t+ `It also handles chinese much better than Pocketinformatnt.
2 \( }5 ]/ g, b6 o6 ?4 g# B& Y
Many people like Pocket informant because of its "prettier" display and interface;'' P7 i9 G- [1 {, V, L: p
but for practicality, speed and usefulness
* M9 l, l8 c% ?8 yAGENDA FUSION forever!!!!$ T& c! G2 E( a: u
Latest version is Agenda Fusion 5. I have posted it in this board too. |