公布700P最新官方消息 :http://blog.palm.com/palm/2007/04/anatomy_of_a_so.html
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* K7 x0 F5 D1 Y6 RAnatomy of a Software Update + 700p Maintenance Release InfoProduct managers like me have needed a place to communicate with Palm customers and fans about what's happening at Palm, and now we have it with the new Palm blog! We're looking forward to future blogging and to reading your feedback and comments.) n+ X/ P' n' e
One of the hot topics on the Palm/Treo community forums has been about software updates and I noticed that folks often wonder why we can quickly post a patch for some issues, but others sometimes take a full ROM/firmware update and take more time to deliver. Let's look at a couple examples...
8 z/ N4 a- j. a* HShortly after the release of the Treo 680 smartphone, it was discovered that using the camera could cause an excessive battery drain on the device. We quickly diagnosed the problem and figured out that a small change to the camera application could solve the problem. We cranked out the updated app, wrapped it up in an installer and got quick approval from the carrier to post it. Case closed, but how could it happen so fast? Two reasons - it was a small change limited to one app, and that one app happened to be a component that we could replace with a new version in user storage. Since the change was localized and didn't touch any of the radio/telephony software, we could push out a patch quickly.3 l+ Q" t R$ L+ |7 b9 j/ A
Now maintenance releases (MRs) are a different story. When we release a MR that replaces the ROM image and radio firmware on a Treo, the process becomes more rigorous and requires more steps than a patch. Once you start mucking with complex components like the radio, power management or the file system, then you are way beyond a patch. Case in point: we started working on Bluetooth improvements for the Treo 700p as a patch so we could get it out quickly. More than a few months into the effort we decided that a patch wasn't going to work because the changes touched too many other components - we'd need to build it into a full MR.* e1 z1 y0 b" ~
MRs are usually big efforts - the deeper into the wireless functions we dig, the more careful we need to be to avoid breaking something else and the more testing Palm and the carriers have to do. So when we do an MR, we try to make it count. That means we batch together a number of changes that come from a variety of sources - call centers, online forums, carriers, retail stores, etc. Once Palm is done with the MR development work, we beta test the software internally and externally, run through pre-certification checklists, and hand the MR to the carrier for final certification and potentially a final round of changes.
) n q0 O9 k' X" L8 O! H0 ?We're now in the carrier certification phase with the Treo 700p MR and as I type this, our best estimate of customer release will be the week of May 28th. In addition to the Bluetooth improvements I mentioned above, the 700p MR includes updates to SMS send/receive performance, MP3 playback, phone app launch speed and other areas. It's admittedly been a much longer project than expected, but we're almost there...; f3 r5 e3 p7 h4 b
Thanks for reading,
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大致意思:不同于 680的电池patch 700P的蓝牙patch不是一朝一夕的,一开始预期3月末要出的蓝牙补丁,由于在试验的过程中,发现只修改蓝牙部分,远达不到实际的效果,这就涉及到the radio, power management or the file system, 无线 电源管理 系统等各个方面,需要做详细的测试,预计700P的patch将在5月28日出来,届时将有 SMS send/receive performance, MP3 playback, phone app launch speed and other areas 短信收发(编者按中文??不太可能)mp3,电话,应用程序的速度,当然包括蓝牙等各方面功能都得到很好的改善! |