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[Treo680/Centro] Treo 680电池(显示)修正

发表于 2007-1-18 09:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[转贴]Treo 680电池(显示)修正
: [) ]6 w0 G" r& ~/ n; W8 p5 z
' A. |+ G. a  y4 Y5 U7 q. ?) [3 u* r" ~2 [: c
: g9 a; v/ L8 u4 L$ S$ L
& K7 F+ {& s% r: f680的电池掉得快,很大可能是电池显示有问题。作者说,他发现当电池指示灯到了红色警戒线后(电话处于开机状态)还可持续7个小时,而不是强制关闭电话,因此估计是电池显示的原因。
) _; Y* `4 }0 \) |& e+ `% X" B
4 ?$ m2 h. `# l9 Q- y) X以下是英文转贴:+ Z8 k% k3 Q3 ?  _. Y# ?

# \% v) n1 d; P0 T4 E# nTreo 680 Battery FixFollowing my various Treo 680 reviews one issue which continues to elicit regular blog comments and forum threads isthe one related to the Treo 680’s battery performance and debates haveraged regarding both the cause(s) and possible solution(s)./ T: [8 J) l- z2 X& _' l
Having upgraded to the Treo 680from a Treo 650 I originally considered the ‘cause’ (slightly reducedbattery life) to be pretty simple – the 1200mAh Treo 680 battery is 33%smaller than the standard 1800mAh or 50% smaller than the extended2400mAh Treo 650 batteries – and I therefore recommended ‘solutions’(battery optimization tips) that were primarily adjustments to certainsystem settings and preferences (see Treo 680 Battery Review).
2 M! t$ i. K9 i" aHowever,a few days ago I began to experience the same type of issue that someTreonauts had reported.  Namely, my battery indicator was extremely low– at red – but the strange thing is that it stayed at red for over 7hours with the phone switched on.  Clearly my Treo 680 should havepowered off within a very short period of time if the battery hadindeed reached a ‘critical’ low battery level but it didn’t.4 ~& u1 O  ?% N$ w3 `
It has therefore emerged that the Treo 680 battery ‘meter’ – not thebattery itself or the power consumption of the smartphone – is the realcause and Palm Technical Support has now provided a solution via a verysimple ‘battery reset’ [Thanks for the tip Wanderer].- }& r2 E7 n! g3 p: |

4 l0 v/ C' _/ ^8 `2 Q“If you encounter a poor battery life on your Treo 680 andyou have to recharge very often even if not using the Phone function,the issue might have been caused by an incorrect first charging of thedevice.  
6 ~8 [5 w0 i% G) `  l2 BPlease follow the steps below to solve the issue:
0 p+ L) ~! I! `, ~+ b9 \6 ]
" D+ q- R# Y- o  j6 n, i. W1. Connect your Treo to a wall charger. ) T8 }5 ]  Z! X: W

/ G7 N9 A  M7 c& C& X5 v2. Remove the battery from the Treo and wait for at least one minute. 2 I1 D0 v( B8 s5 f' G$ Y3 b6 z  A

5 r4 ~& x- k) _' P3. Remove the SIM card from the device and wait for another minute.
0 o1 X$ J- F) S7 r4 L. I
! A# ?" l- P/ A: P% l4.Put the battery back into the device (without the SIM card) then letyour Treo charge for at least 4 to 6 hours and for this duration:
* ~/ X% y1 d0 }' Y3 A
. m! x0 Q5 u4 V( G: @2 ZDo NOT press any key after reinserting the battery.  
1 J+ k# @6 j$ M+ v1 a/ g+ }+ {3 @) l* m/ v, K! N# N
Do NOT switch your TREO On or Off either, it will do so automatically after a short time.  6 c* Y$ b. d5 r4 T! b
# [& O% F( c& h  A# k: O
Do NOT enter the SIM card PIN if prompted to do so, just wait!
. k7 T. f, f) Z  q2 d8 J" y
: ^* {' ]- a' v" A; ~" OAfter this procedure, which canbe performed and repeated any time, you will now dispose of the fullcharging capacity and the display of the remaining battery power willwork correctly.”
' T! T  i3 f% f) W/ Z  U& V5 }% O) P3 ^( `2 s/ q! @, D" ^
UPDATE: Thanks to A. Davis for also pointing out the following:8 q: M$ ]8 X, q
& ]9 u4 z  @0 o1 {1 j, R9 a, h
“There's one glaring omission from Palm's instructions.  It shouldbe noted that if you have any apps that do anything automatically atboot up you must first disable them!!!  For example, I haveChatterEmail set to turn on the radio at initialization.  This must bedisabled.  I also have Soft Reset set to startup GoodLink at boot-up. This too must be disabled.4 ^! K6 P$ C1 V% X
They tell you NOT to press any buttons or do anything during the 4-6hour charge.  Unfortunately, these auto-starting apps act as buttonpushers for you.  So any app you have that automatically does somethingat bootup, whether than be to start a program, connect to the network,whatever... completely disable it, then follow the instructions above.”7 p- a' e. m! ^
Because of this, I have modified the instructions so as NOT to putthe SIM card back in your Treo before the full 4 to 6 hours charge iscomplete in order to avoid the phone to turn the radio on at startup.
, p* N" {: g" W8 C! T
* t6 t4 P' I( ^Hopefully those Treonauts who have been experiencing quick ‘lowbattery’ performance will be able to regain the full and normal statedbattery life after performing this battery reset procedure.
2 _% m7 [# U" C( G' o, GNaturally, ‘power users’ (no pun intended) will like me consider that it’s always best to have a spare 1200mAh Treo 680 battery readily at hand as well.
# ]: l: U' F& V5 P7 X2 G+ Z& U/ Z
7 I7 O# n* b# }7 \* T0 D9 l主要就是:$ m8 n5 o0 a: c& i3 r. Q+ H/ W
1、接上充电器5 K- }  r' d6 T% j5 }
" [, C. R2 u, L2 }3、拔出SIM卡再等1分钟5 O# E+ U- v+ F+ @  I) }
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-18 09:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-1-18 10:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-1-18 11:25 | 显示全部楼层
还有一种说法是:在充满电的时候硬格机子(纯粹听说……PS:此操作时是否需要插着充电器?)5 `: ?8 e" g# {5 `0 Y6 a

4 d, P6 w2 t+ d6 O5 P9 E. m
3 |. O' H7 B; k' p( R; ]7 s还有,一楼的操作,是否需要先把电池充满?
发表于 2007-1-21 16:22 | 显示全部楼层
转贴一下 这篇文章的中文翻译:
: K( P) Q4 ^* @0 P/ `9 P
+ y# P) v, v5 O3 t如果你的Treo680的电池持续时间很短,即使不使用电话功能也不得不经常充电,这个问题有可能是因为设备不正确的初次充电造成的.
) C, v1 H7 x! T+ L7 i. u6 S6 T- Y请按照以下步骤操作来解决该问题:# h& ^6 G, U) V; h2 G( X  |

" @% Z% }# W: H( H& S, H* O    1. 将Treo与充电器连接(该处写的是旅冲).
* x/ k0 U" X1 X* Y+ G6 K
( G3 m1 y& }: u    2. 取出电池并等待至少一分钟.
& G% [( n, N: E. o
& z9 Q% j5 J* O1 Q9 I$ `4 @  ?    3. 取出SIM卡并等待一分钟.# C- H7 x5 b, K8 f. \
& ]' V* ]6 O$ S  _% t9 Q1 k* t
4 X* l* O' V9 f
) Y% K2 b6 `& y" x          o 重新放入电池后不要触碰任何按键.  
* g3 |% c6 S% [$ j/ X% a- P          o 不要打开/关闭Treo,短时间后机器会自行操作.  7 o, t) z& g5 F4 |& E2 X
          o 即使有提示要求插入SIM也不要插卡,只是等着就好了!
7 y: C8 r& B- D: Z; [3 z- V. \/ x& k' ?
    经过这样的操作(可以在任何时候进行或者重复操作),你现在已经拥有电池的全部充电能力,剩余电量的指示也会工作正常.”1 N5 b  q2 C/ _
: Q" {0 J3 |5 G
补充: 感谢 A. Davis指出如下要点:* y8 b4 L6 G9 r  J* z
. j' a3 [. I( _# D1 T6 j7 o
    “Palm 的操作指南中遗漏了一个要点.应该指出的是,如果有任何程序是在开机时进行自动操作的,你都必须先禁掉这些操作!!! 例如,我的ChatterMail 设置为在开机时自动打开收音,这个必须被禁掉.我还有Soft Reset设置为开机启动Goodlink,也必须禁掉.
# Z0 w5 V% B- @. z( g  J    你被告知在这4到6个小时的充电时间内不要触碰任何按键,但是不巧的是,这些自启动的程序所进行的操作,对你来说也是按下了按键.所以,任何设置了自启动操作的程序,不管自动进行的操作是启动程序,连接网络,随便什么......,全都禁掉,然后按照上述的步骤操作.”) ]4 D7 Y& g3 V
    因为这个原因,我将操作步骤修改为,在进行4到6小时充电期间不要插入SIM卡,以避免电话开机., B' q, r" ]5 O9 T: p
7 x$ D8 |1 P7 a
希望经历"低电量"苦恼的用户在进行以上操作后都能重新获得完全的,正常的电池寿命' j  e& t' C' e% R& G) `* @
发表于 2007-4-6 22:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-4-7 08:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-16 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-28 15:09 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 零下三十六度 于 2007-4-6 23:49 发表 ' M% m& D/ q+ E: s

" E% H. ~& o" D, b4 m这位兄弟试得如何?
发表于 2007-6-28 19:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-28 22:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-28 22:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-29 08:58 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 夏雪宜 于 2007-6-28 22:28 发表
+ h' V# N9 h9 j/ L等待港行的新ROM,据说修正了电量显示问题
" E- s8 W3 X9 W. `; z6 x

. ]! f5 ^6 C# G5 h8 Z+ U  Z有消息了?啥时候放出?
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