Little John Z是palm上的模拟器。目前仅支持sfc,gb,nes5 z' Y& ^/ C& c" |0 q
在这里下载$ Z" T; @& R9 ~; X: ~
http://yoyofr92.free.fr/ljp/files/LJP-beta-20050125.zip: |! u* o* Q- S" y: T9 I& b
如何安装6 C8 Y) K) j! y: N+ G, |% G
1/ install LJP. prc files using "install tool" & "hotsync" or copy it in "/Palm/Launcher"" _* c9 R7 t5 P$ n. K% a; G
2/ at first launch, it will create all the needed directories & register the .lem extension.
6 t# _& r9 O$ n+ e" p: V m3/ copy the module you want (nes->ljp-nes.lem, gb->ljp-gb.lem, ..) in "/Palm/Programs/LJP"
! H* T* M3 I* t# cor use the install tool & sync.! u! D: R5 a% q: L g/ ~
4/ copy your roms in the right folder, depending on the system (see directories layout below).. q6 M7 j. i. F s- G1 q
using either a smart card reader or the "mp3" trick => check http://www.zodiacgamer.com 3 T! }. l2 h7 t d
forum for more details.
( x* Q, _+ E9 J: D! d. ~( `$ F简述一下nes部分的功能:较好的支持save,load。速度很快。相比nesem
0 k. e7 o4 B/ t1 i模拟nes的速度比nesem慢
0 r3 \' _8 [( c% r$ A支持自动连发,不过目前似乎该软件不是很稳定。开着CJK的时候很容易fatal exception,建议禁用" K4 t$ f8 O* q8 S+ l6 J
: z% j1 d- D4 A$ C
[ Last edited by yrd2002 on 2005-1-25 at 06:19 PM ] |