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[WM&Sybian] [只供DIGI会员观看] 最新PPC软体XX大全 II

发表于 2005-7-10 15:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ACDSee Mobile CE : 122 052 593 957 710 641 ( p; z: P9 y9 F3 \. u& M( s

  w% a6 r" c& x( y' d1 n& ]  UAntmobile Flash Assist v1.2 : 45690105709
+ v; c7 K) q+ s; M* i, N! t* C: h0 ]7 V( f8 f+ U
Applian Super Incredible Bundle:
0 |/ u3 F# K/ mRegistration code/Key:SIB1000329753G150G-1213
9 J2 g* ~  y* d7 bWorks with all of Applian apps that are included in the 'Bundle':
8 K: w5 J8 E- o2 Qex1: Applian RemindMe 2: code/Key:SIB1000329753G150G-1213 6 N. i, R# O* M/ m! |: e- h) O3 A
ex2:Applian PocketLock PLUS 1.3 ?ode/Key:SIB1000329753G150G-1213 % z+ s9 ~$ m; v
Choose what you want to install and use SIB ?ode..works with all.
, _0 e% Z, c7 m2 x- x9 y$ J; M! O- T9 B
AIDEM Games and apps:
. S) V. x6 O$ ]) ?* HPhoto Explorer v1.52 serial: 04E0-06AE-057B
/ ^. ?# j- H  L8 D5 OWinceZip v1.00 serial: 0674-07bb-0329 % ^; E& Q) q3 [2 S1 \
File Explorer v2.0 serial: 0818-08d3-0671 & ?7 R- a% t( j, c
Power Converter v1.00 serial: 0892-0925-0765
* ]- {+ _* k# ^! H$ RAidem Pocket Painter SN: 04E0-06AE-0559
& \" i$ Y% ?7 p" V4 dTalking Calculator v1.20 serial: 085A-08FF-06F4 ) _1 M$ t: y4 r6 g0 p+ U8 J& z
Majong Academy v1.00 Serial: 0778-0868-0530
* S' A" W' Z$ V6 x5 J: O, Q  IMajong Paradise v1.00 Serial: 07b2-088f-05a5 * t) t; x& _; ]. E$ ?& {
Pocket Piano Pro v1.00 Serial: 07C7-089D-05CE - O8 Z$ B' p( E% T% {% z- u
Bugme CE v3.1: S/N: 01291626 : F& q2 H- G9 O5 f* t- q

! b5 d9 z8 g4 C; z1 }Bisque TheSky: TheSky Pocket Edition Version: 1.10 (new* 05/03/04)
% A0 x  U* a( hpassword: TheSkyPocketEdition3456 7 R9 z+ k' h! l+ a
reg code: 8075-5E9F6379
% g  e5 f) [* i5 gftp://www.bisque.com/OutBox/Download/pocketedition/TheSky Pocket Edition V1.10.009 for Pocket PC Setup.exe
9 a- G# g9 k0 c- V3 Z$ l' Z0 f) `' k0 c, c8 [  W
Bryht Flash Player 2: ; c6 k! u+ [- n0 V
Owner email: pocketgearstuffcmail.ru . w6 _. j7 O2 F+ T: n9 b
Serial: WeUrB393ETKRPqba8sr9tRgdzgpY 4 j; T) z6 m/ a+ m4 l* e

3 _# P8 ~1 R% h( f& X0 [CarsoCalc: Douglas A Smith: IRNOPPMEFNFEGEPIPTP 7 L$ @3 t. p" @$ w3 N! ?
6 a! N% p% s. }' n) ?- ^! T+ P
City Time: 'Douglas A Smith' Reg Key: 31848 4 j' c0 w: \3 H/ K. t: a1 {" C
6 E" u$ f/ F' ]" l
DataViz PPC Beyond Contacts v3.03
1 |1 b; ]0 m* t' K. qRegistration Number: 7542611-7638 # b  `# N/ }. I" Z& P

2 f9 K1 \8 \7 V4 K- r! _DictionaryToGo: Douglas A Smith: 3ED2F585   n, n& `5 j0 g

: E: L' U' S3 z1 B7 U) \DigiSoft PictPocket Cinema v2.80 2 o  @, U. x3 S& m- P
Name: Your own Name; Email: COREcPDA.com;code: 2867077479 5 Z: u/ c: |, p0 s

& X6 j# k/ }. |! B! C2 Q; oEctaco Partner(R) Dictionary English-Spanish 2.4.04: 25SPMU1FWPLM
( w# G1 t! Y9 D( r/ `
) L) U+ H- e7 ~/ {Ectaco Partner English-Spanish Talking Dictionary v2.5.6: 23TPO25VWLJF
, Q+ i3 u$ `& v5 Q- g5 j# r
/ V* w* w5 _2 K" U8 B+ i- sEctaco Partner English-Chinese Dictionary: 2MTLO255XP1M # v$ B" w+ s' c# j0 `% ~
(new* 05/03/04)
/ z4 h/ W/ k7 J3 L& ~( Z5 `* \* Ghttp://www.ectaco.com/download/new/pocket/echpk.exe - d/ }' X" K2 E. ?
9 o7 a1 n, k* u* R' B
Ectaco Partner English-Japanese Dictionary: 2NTLO255X51M
; T+ U7 V" m) s4 j(new* 05/03/04)
* u2 @6 J9 S3 R) v5 a/ B6 |0 r) ^2 yhttp://www.ectaco.com/download/new/pocket/ejppk.exe
+ L" P7 I. o, _5 c3 a. k) j+ A! j$ R
3 h8 K6 i4 J& LFlash Format 2.50: CXQ9E CL2AI 8H8BI E8S6J $ o( @3 r0 F% e5 j2 z2 n) g/ [

! E, O0 G* ]' \# |8 H5 tFlexWallet sn: AGRLLC3
1 U) a6 p2 \) _4 h
" }; P7 ?% U3 K. pFonix iSpeak:ip10-61d9-8Zd7-mFcB-cHnF
7 H6 U- d: f, F9 P: @. e  b# G
2 I2 P2 B9 D( k5 K# i2 t  Y  EGlobe_ppc KEY75469021
5 v; X' O2 i" ]. s  K( p- \2 u4 `2 z* X( L5 }5 G9 e
gSpot/Navio: Douglas A Smith : F49964
, D; R9 H3 W! i2 p. {* c! a% E& k4 B: @: F' W2 }9 A
Handmark Apps: / r9 j/ J0 A$ A: Q8 e  e- I
PocketMoney : 54655589 & _. E5 F9 K6 \) N$ B
Oxford Dictionary: 68263138 1 ~5 O7 X  k; w5 L2 Q
Student 4.0 :38492031 3 T8 ?- }' N) y4 m$ v( u  O$ D
PDA Photo 4.1: SPXU-20-131233-028
# j0 h+ x$ V" D3 ^8 FMobileDB w/Excel 1.5 :177556( PALM)
% i- M# L6 W. ?MobileDB 4.x w/Access: 72565i93(PocketPC) 7 @/ \, E8 E2 N& f  Y, L" z
1 K# ]8 ?) {8 h+ G' S1 c' _! o: B- o# U
Handmark Games:
0 \8 l% w: F9 K0 c* `) v7 `Handmark Pocket Monopoly SN:52136525
$ N+ c0 ]) W( R( nHandmark Pocket Scrabble SN:46243219
3 M: |5 E2 F5 t9 ~Handmark Pocket Tetris GamePak SN:36526834
( K2 `( }! g  m: f* m4 ZHandmark Pocket Battleship SN:96982058 or 96973753( h# K; g+ h; }$ h) x! E7 D4 g7 G  L
Handmark Pocket Yahtzee SN:77914236# K  h7 j) o! E1 o( Y
Handmark Pocket Backgammon SN:43215790; u4 s, ~0 Q1 g
Handmark Pocket Trivial Pursuit:73957660 ; B$ b4 B4 |3 q* A  i2 \3 @' Z. c
Handmark Colors v2.1 SN:321518507 u% }0 O/ Y5 x/ B  P" \
Handmark PocketChess v1.21 SN:70581650
+ H+ M- e, R: M( S5 N; ?
8 S6 q4 ?3 x5 F# AHandmark file alter: Unknown author..kudos!! 5 M5 D' M" o. d" Q' S$ n
1. Install the Handmark title and run it once until it asks for Serial number. % n) S+ Q! j  `" t
2. Exit out of the program completely. . f3 G6 N) x: t7 O7 A' ?( s7 j1 K
3. Go to your \Windows folder on your PPC and find a file called actl034.dll.
2 I  u2 T+ E; M9 v4. Open the file by any of the following methods: + M/ s! r; S6 o1 B, ]. l
***** Use PNotepad or similar PPC text editor to open it up. 2 S  R! {1 z" Y% n2 N( \$ Y
***** Rename it to a .txt file and open it in Pocket Word. 8 C, H1 |5 d: V) S8 v% g! Z, X
***** Copy it to your desktop and force-edit it with Notepad.
$ N$ M5 U# f' }! O- ?" l(my observation) It works for all installed Handmark games and apps..with exception of Handmark's War Incorporated. : W- \& o% u3 I! u  G3 O& \

5 e* M- e, W/ b2 }+ P  @# UHandyZIP v1.8: DXA7F 5IZ1R 44PAO G97T8 ( V2 E( ~) z" G. ?

! `: ^( P/ z4 L1 Z( M, zIntegrated HTML Editor v1.0 Serial: MJC4VE8SZ0RNIL
) A) [" J+ ~" h% V5 a& N- W! C( p8 Q
Jetcet Pro 3.1 Registration code/Key:05WT3096O004DH- W5 `4 u/ Z& [! U$ i- H! Q5 j
3 d2 R, s- V# l) A+ [$ P2 }
Klaar Syntrax v1.05: Douglas A Smith : 34883 ( M, y. Y. H. D4 T+ [
, G3 f# |4 F+ V9 V4 s  t; j
Lextionary 2.3: Name: dougsmith2@juno.com Code: 629665
* @/ X8 G6 x# k9 S  k  D! d1 n; n1 W$ I/ p/ U7 e
LockScreen: Douglas A Smith Regkey: 6CCF8BA7
" p5 i& t, \% V# d8 G) Y* \- N. ^  m& ~2 _( }# R' |/ m
Mindsoft Pocket Cleanup: RegCode: 210054478459 RegKey: 2828
. W# @3 l/ O# W$ C, h/ b8 r  o) X) q* _
MobiLearn Activation Key: 53M7-7300D7AK2C5E , c, G4 }8 C3 V  b, Y# J; t

& Q0 h6 e5 z2 Y# Y5 A2 d4 tMobiLearn OutLoud!! Talking Phrasebook (English-Spanish)and Add - In Nouns 3.0: 21473 (new* 05/03/04) 9 g1 I) y7 d& S" @

4 z: v3 ^; f/ H) G! }& {( l6 n, A3 G(The 21473 is for the MobileLearn dictionaries. Anyone wanting to install these MobileLearn applications, email me for instructions. Certain things need to be temporarilyapplied for installation.) " c, S1 x: ]' {& e3 t$ U

5 [7 I4 w8 L" R7 QMobipocket Office Companion Pro V2.0 SN: TISXFQUC 6 u9 J' a2 J! \

5 h- ^9 f3 Y8 H$ f" N6 r* ]MobiPocketReader 4.x s/n: 859J755X
* C5 x6 o5 ^) L+ G( ^  a  K) A
8 X! h. A8 i+ }6 L; NMM21 Molecular Calculator sn:13423
% j9 S2 W6 E& ?9 D8 i6 s5 y1 g+ W1 m
MXconverter: Douglas A Smith : RegCode Key: 62466 ' g, h7 q0 [  _1 r

* ~- `2 y, ?$ y$ e$ B# LNavio:Douglas A Smith : F49964
; I$ C& M" s& q7 X3 j4 k+ R* p# h! \- o
OZminibar: 09078 4 F9 G' K1 l. n* S* v: Y' ]

/ O, I8 t% ~6 c7 j9 `1 e7 rPDA Initiative's Chemref Advanced 2.0: 29786 : Q2 ~- _- t9 Z/ n
/ \9 e9 J$ I1 @2 X# A- b
Phatware Corp: 2 C) T" K9 q( g0 t- k5 j
CalliGrapher: CGR716-1875172845 7 ^9 f0 y0 ~" @% g% ^
PhatPad: PHPD-151-537092929 # ~0 D6 D+ u/ L" M* [+ r
PhatNotes Pro 4.5: PNPE-1422-0103-9188
8 p4 C8 D( P6 r
' n. q4 R* B/ f* I  h! T0 o. _& RPiePlus:
1 _5 k: I1 E# L8 `) ^: [7 H- oRegistration Email: dougsmith2cjuno.com
. V. `# j$ e1 ^% @3 e  O6 _9 ^% d- ~Registration Key: yamjgnee 5 c, Y. K, ^) @& w& J
# q0 j( q  o& K8 R' y% A+ Y( U$ b0 E
Paragon Technologie GMBH English dictionary with extended thesaurus
1 D7 b& q3 R5 W+ w- O3 l$ v1 f' S- G- jPPCS-00FB-015B-0178F6-0AE1-DC4A ; \* @0 x6 y/ k7 q( M6 o2 `! S
' q" }+ i% I, {# k' A
Meloditronic PhoenixStudio 1.1: username 'Douglas A Smith' : 42900
$ Y0 W# f' K+ D) f
6 h- l1 w$ m( C. l1 r, S3 jPocket Controller Pro: mZrGSgFMytuFXFMo 3 k6 I  d3 e, y2 V" @# J& v8 I

# J1 ^6 ]/ K& E. l, tPocket Controller Pro v.3.07 & v3.08 : wb4kQtCM29kCsFKN 5 o( v  t" ?! r. r0 C
3 W  k; O0 r& v% I0 f
PocketDOS: Douglas A Smith DeviceID: CUOYKNOM : Unlock code:EJSYHSKKUNXEUOPJNLNX
3 O" f- a9 G8 C6 a) d! X/ d9 X% l3 o9 D# h) q' a, B
PocketDraw 2.0: 000000-0007DEB
1 M/ H0 l: B( x% v- D. o6 M2 {6 C1 g9 b$ O5 d" z* E! ^
Pocket Informant 5.0: 4519-C0-6
7 o) ]8 P6 ^  P$ u6 W. x  M
% H" v9 M( {( X% ?& S3 s9 GPocketMap 2003: knke-ouqa-xbmo
/ d1 }& P( ?8 q9 B$ ~
/ q! ?8 {5 S" x" \" ]Pocket Hack Master 2004: 901-700-741-281-009-335(newest version)
: U0 R) A% q) O+ r8 v6 L5 f( r2 b% ^6 w* u: j7 P
Pocket Mechanic : 4234956914 (newest version)
/ r' o0 c( X; _# q) E! o
1 L+ `/ R# ~0 C1 Q# E; x7 D( W3 _PocketMind Bundle 2.5: FP15-005077-002906 # L( B! J& \( f- Q( r

( m/ D1 v. b% @9 o! S) h5 A3 bPocketMind Bundle 3.0: FP30-000269-00089A
, D0 w) t6 r" B4 f* }+ I. b
' P1 }) c* @3 S1 c, DPocketMusic: PMFP-000158-000364 6 p* M9 k- `# G/ {# v; n; w
4 Z- n1 J4 G, L
Pocket SlideShow 1.7: BPH9U EN3QM GG2A9 Q6AIF ' j  [/ Z0 i3 v2 n" U  @% j

% f' n: o+ {9 a- K, J; ~5 dPocketStars sn: Y9109519 # y+ b, E* w5 A2 y; }' T4 j
& t% b: g! S' [; Q* M8 g8 n: B/ r
Pocket Tools 4.2 Regcode: dougsmith2@juno.com: 14115-16411 ! |  K! I  S+ w! x% A  J$ V# ^
2 m0 k1 B0 }( `  H+ X
PTravelAlarm s/n:278-3965-1190 - b, n. L2 p  \
$ y0 f  c' X' ]/ `/ ~, F3 H' P
PumaTech Intellisnc 5+ sn: 004502-181BC-00041E-58BC22 - d5 x0 E! P/ I' Z; p5 G
% s' \% M& y! d* X" Y7 Y
Quickey Keyboard for Pocket PC [ARM]: ZD7G-JM81-Q5T2-07WA
, {) b$ z  F, _2 B+ |+ S
: Y  L7 V& p2 P1 yRepligo v1.2 sn: RAWCE098-12345255
! ~. ]% r! B3 E: k2 M9 ARepligo2 sn: RAWME1P3-45678352 + C- Z+ N9 L+ e3 O8 u3 r
6 r, c, G/ B: f8 p8 q/ _: o2 a( I
Simbsoft Voice Recorder sn:7356-5981 ; t5 w9 c$ V4 ]6 _" M- w' Y
4 @+ ~3 r7 V4 H; k' \  ~
SPB Apps:
  T3 e( b2 Y* A7 k+ XSPB Time 1.0: 24365137, 09425463, 53174628% ]: B" A( h( O5 T9 {1 b
Spb Pocket Plus: 19257395/ W+ ?6 F! f. b+ u0 a
SPB PocketPlus 2.0: 71297438
+ {3 O2 s/ q! e2 PSpb Quick: 40869324 . m, b1 U5 x6 y
Spb Arkaball 1.0: FC22483A . R* V& k0 e4 W  {# \3 a
Spb GPRS Monitor 2.0: 92873292
. N6 V% ?  W+ r! [9 E  W, D5 HSpb Full Screen Keyboard 1.4: 74514352
" I. G' j- v; sSpb Full Screen Keyboard 2.0: 24500927 2 r, D) s) i* F9 o+ M
Spb Palbum Picture Viewer 3.0: C345F433
. N, G1 e4 m% [/ fSpb Finance $erial 1.0: 19376423
( Z) G7 ?: j6 r- ]& RSpb Xonix: F82GF58P
% d* ^+ N9 d6 Y# Y8 _9 i
) k3 C2 G+ w( X$ Q4 s, w9 q5 TSpace Reclaimer: 08409 6 A, R! V7 S2 b, C* `

2 |. l( a( h% mSprintDB Pro+ Printing: Email: Dougsmith2@juno.com
* j, L8 f  z3 DRegCode: P461504
4 M  W& k' q) ^% c+ o
8 p4 \" \! o' R2 R* F6 ?Sprite Backup Premium Edition RegKey: 579332769 2 e( C0 g8 c7 q  X( o4 E: K# j- _

( X/ ^8 H- `9 V9 u, x+ C" CStarbrite pPod v1.0 pPod (PPC) sn:12013 (Apple iPod emulater)
3 X- f0 J. p; }(same ?ode works with Starbrite's release of bBop v1.04..a modified version of pPod)..a great mP3 player, with many other functions.
- @# L7 l0 h, [' A6 ~3 h+ a# c8 x+ [5 v; j& ^" u$ O0 E6 v
StorageTools - Format, Scan and Defrag:
$ e" [: C2 i& C% b  O5 q" K/ y0 m6 l3 rDouglas A Smith: CCD6 4508 4805 9794 ; n  y  F7 Q  Q8 X" f+ \* X4 }, G

; q8 b7 ~4 F4 V7 G/ m  o/ l4 c4 _System Commander: Douglas A Smith: LA1N7TAXA57Q6RWL - i! I, ?; F, g1 W0 R
/ B6 {3 [. E: ~! H8 w& U2 j& Q7 z
Theme Dream v3.0: RTD1023471450G500G-1221 (new* 05/03/04) . \, p5 k% a' V4 g4 H

* P) u. ^# J. i: w2 _6 kTime Keeper: ID: 44676 Key:09838-229157327-21019-1
& H! a0 f8 q4 N7 o& {, O  h- i# ~3 Z
# s" q; O) X. [* g4 @& W4 uTopKey: b8099080-c32a8395-3f29c921 $ E0 I  `' V9 a& S1 S
3 D9 A& Z, {/ s; h% h6 C
True ToolBar: 50107
& J& ?2 Z' b! M8 @1 C$ z# O* e. J2 [7 s& p( h7 C
TV remote controller 5.4 (voice operated)RegKey: KEY0741369 - f& I6 \% P$ h/ x( H( ~" x1 {

1 T- B2 I6 o+ r7 _+ c6 P! sTwo Peaks Billrate: MILESDIRECT   A0 s. u5 U3 m; ]# [2 v

( B( e$ X1 o- u# |  }: U$ |TwoPeaks TripTracker Suite: OAKVTR3 ( g3 t" B. y* B7 t; h6 u3 p

9 Z7 h; V% L6 X: \5 N7 {, zUltimate Periodic Table: FH-IHHI-PRJ2-AOWD # t- _# z  q- {. l. }7 O( U" k

/ s6 l" O/ `4 ?+ [' rUnit Convertor: 74xyz74 0 f, J+ O% L3 C) ]+ z" f8 y' [

6 O! k2 {( p# q6 AVehicle Info v1.0 sn: VH3AHMGF5DYRQ7 8 c$ A. k7 `2 ]9 L- {
' `& @+ C" u8 }0 X6 q' Y6 ~
Winphone Ver 3.5 SN: 100143-1331-0127
9 @+ C6 G. E# n  \) S& `+ `& n, {. D: x6 W/ ]  D2 F; I% ?2 `
WordBook - English Dictionary: 26930 - d; m7 V  c( x. j5 u
; D0 e0 W% C% D5 L! ]* K
World EncyclopediaToGo: Douglas A Smith: 12F071AF # a8 Q, U6 K: h1 j7 E
4 \8 r0 v8 d0 G- I  t. N# e9 r8 |2 C
WorldMate SE for Pocket PC: Douglas A Smith sn: 29075
5 }* c5 p6 q4 \& E" K+ x( ^. \
! W5 v" O- t4 X4 [& I7 G( M! hxConverter v1.03 w/keygenerator
, w/ ?$ s) `8 m+ O3 O" M- T! E% z. K2 w9 x4 e) j. U* m

3 T' A3 m6 |. h; Z' t5 CGames:
! z5 j2 V) g3 o2 E# `# r# h
8 x5 F  ]% `# \4 ]Aargon: Douglas A Smith: Aargon PINHMT: code: SYMBFWVM 1 V) w* ^1 _* A! y( Z

) Q# e1 c! i# i; ^& u4 U/ xAge of Empires Gold: XL04QU250LV5 & e( d$ x/ `! u( m) a" @
# G' g4 J3 f! d" o9 I
AIM Productions: TMax RegCode/Key: 43856 1 M: S  X$ Q  W  @: q
, N5 f) e, H" b4 f+ b8 V0 V3 J+ }) Q
Argentum..'This is War' : GYLIJKSOAA % _# |* ~# r' O/ v

( ]+ D% s+ n. G$ u0 x$ y4 D8 ?Astraware Cubis : Douglas A Smith : G8EPIHK4
# I, L8 Y6 T: Q8 b& _% B1 |( Y
5 X2 J1 p2 w4 H; D0 cBilliard Master: 128036-439126-414198
- G! i/ x( S4 A. c, w3 e! x
% G1 N6 y1 W9 C  U9 L  S. S& mBass Pro: C4CPDONJG8XL+ T& D' t: R- G. k' W+ _! _! ~) f7 w

# B8 E& p& Z( J5 M$ A3 q1 \4 g2 LBilliard Master 2.0: 658446-465188-231277 $ F/ l/ Z1 {6 Y% g
) ?) J% E' F% U2 E
Bowling Master : VJ9EV9RT9GF3
0 m6 V$ b, k8 z, W! V# ^( b5 e  N0 ~  y
BoxIkon: M825QJTW2Y
' J, ?2 x* i( ]: X) c1 z0 d* E$ H& L5 ?1 M9 a5 A' O5 |( J
Brain Stadium: 0777-0868-052F (new* 05/03/04)
/ e0 Q( M( A. ]/ U8 a' R& p- y4 x# R$ N1 M9 Q+ b1 J1 {" o
Bust 'em v1.21: Name: Douglas Smith ID: HLNN7TT3WN + z. W( X+ X. K8 O$ `
Email: Dougsmith2cjuno.com / Product: Bust'em PPC / Key: NFHPX7SAYY7PFHS783 ! M4 @: g- x" T3 v. Q
3 c% C$ c# I% N  [
Bust 'em 2 *Retail (new* 05/03/04) , [/ F) S, _8 p# z! b: A7 j9 Y
3 {# w9 `0 ?! X" i, |+ x
CECraft Games: (new* 05/03/04)
, g" Q7 z6 E- O5 U3 w# k* ~4 D1 [http://www.cecraft.com/download/default.asp
+ c7 ^% w6 V0 ^Young Paladin/Dark Paladin sn: 64S1-88CS-2511-W233
0 H& {( ]6 L* p% S5 t# OAngel Egg v1.0.1: FSAY-4OF4-YCWH-VWG
' T4 }5 k$ G0 l' T2 f. ]  M1 ?. {7 k9 E
CECraft iGolf: 61SS-1EBB-225W-YY8 # N* w$ C" z, K9 n" L
( _9 k7 |% a" U2 J0 i
CoolChix Chinese Chess v1.0: 31001 7 y; N( [- |, I0 `* y9 }- O3 A- |

. Y3 J: t8 x* j* l3 aChopper Alley(ARM): 405726789
* S; ?* F! ?& S* _! e
; w) T+ a. w7 K) Y% f4 j5 d$ Z( KConcentration Version 1.00: 35182 $ i4 U; T. b: C4 |5 t- L
2 J" b: X, L( w7 ^
Dr Pocket regcode: 755762-081541-306298-305122 4 ~$ g- Q* Q$ |9 g) |5 r4 G9 Q' ^
) p) a3 ~; ~. T3 d# j" [3 V$ `
Elastic Software Cribbage (ARM): 463-299-4713 7 K& S  k$ ]* ?- C9 L5 Z
( y4 j6 b$ P, r0 M- `3 T
Escape Velocity 1.0/PPC: ID: 2126-1957-134e-2073; Key: db53b48981
- n% b# P0 T' R0 \' r( ^4 i7 W8 [  sFun2Link: 0V0P9IA2OV39
. ^8 O3 P( A9 @, T+ A  Q1 {/ k& {& l( Q7 g1 O( r% z7 O% Z! ~
) J# u2 F! a: p1 i: l- M# RName: Vampirekiller 5 c6 ^% o3 S* W; Y0 |: y- K: H, @" b
Regcode: 99932-4796-2256-0624 0 ?4 W. M9 m5 s9 q6 v  O" d
2 ~+ c  n9 n1 d6 p1 F
FIFA 2002 SN: IK0MFC6MHJA5$ \- I0 A( M$ a
" m3 f7 ]/ c3 B: Q$ C
GangstaRace: 1133427389774291
/ ?- m  s. h8 \0 D7 t$ s) v" S" P' v# m0 T+ O# {
GeoPod Device: IDAZJB ?ode:51234
$ u% n7 h) K+ N6 l9 a9 G% |
1 `( t7 X! f% b( c; ~: t" i) eHandyMasters:
" o- o: Q& z; r/ X" {; SHandyConnect4: ACAAZCZ
. H' p+ B2 P8 w( R" C. l. [5 dHandyPacyman: APA9YM 7 U% Y% ]/ k3 S+ v# V" ~9 v1 q4 f
" e5 ?9 y6 a0 m0 `/ Q
IraqAtak v1.0 Installer Password: StickyVickie
% Y  X# h% k1 |' y8 j8 `
3 ]3 E; u' U; h% w$ aHyperspace Delivery Boy! (ARM): H%16-A32I-N8BC-D445
. k# L  d0 ~/ F- j- H( B
+ _; b  M$ H, A* _$ }! h6 dMadden NFL PPC 2005 v1.0: Douglas A Smith : 39676
' S5 e6 [. e* d$ N5 ^: J& Q8 k6 I5 C/ o+ J5 p; [
Marble Madness: MAD-C0-H1RB-AEFJ
: J2 |1 Y% k3 u5 _8 ?, l- MMarble Worlds: CreativeSam 6 d2 s& T  f& V- K% b) C/ M
Marble Worlds - CandyWorld: SimpleSimon
% a* O7 ]" s. p1 W! m2 dMarble Worlds - Space Station: BraveDave
# @( @: P0 @% B1 Z* Q/ Q7 Z% A$ q  w' b  P
Metallion: NXO630ZP44KI 3 T: @& T  a7 F; r5 O4 k

: V$ j5 f5 i# i- U+ ^8 ~MetalStrike: 03732 7 X) E' J& q: p6 P% r% E) \

, m# |6 f: d# f5 u+ ?MonstroCity: CKIA-5G29-KTBA-TNZK
( l: d; ^3 q* V0 t# m3 s; ]! m0 K. f
Mouse Maze: 4140-3140
% _; `2 X* L/ a! {) q' Y& s- q: K/ M( @+ ^! g7 M' H% X
PDAmill GameBox Solitaire: 9de83ac0-9edd4eff-34e0e029
, D8 Z; B& S; {' u" v) P; u* z5 b2 l3 K- x1 C
OZ Creations:   h  l3 r5 I7 w! Q# a+ U
Counter Sheep: 3023116969 , D" Z9 q+ Q/ R1 M' H7 G$ ~/ l
Snails: Douglas A Smith : X6VZ5-TUFX2-CWA
! `2 R5 x9 o! M* ?; I( n; |6 H3 z1 M& n7 h3 t
One-for-All 200 Solitaires: SLPPC-0005265-9985419 or SLPPC-0005280-9966023( ]' B, }# S1 p
, ]( ?/ v8 c* `+ J* h
PacMan: 98290415
1 A1 H0 J0 C" ]  a7 I0 O6 a, I% J- g/ c8 a
Pocket Bowling: 5277-4320
' @  }# U& I0 K' U& w" W% Y$ O
% W, b6 f2 f# K/ ?Pocket Breakout: DesperateDan
- j5 v7 k3 s3 I5 T( U1 u, R. d- v/ p6 k
Pocket GrandMaster: Douglas A Smith :ef0fa74c 6 l9 V6 x. p: C3 g* z. o+ \3 s, N: ?
7 J! U3 o  n0 R  L& ]
( O- E, ~+ }% t8 j' R' i) f
) p: L& U' [1 q7 J" N  }Ricochet PPC: Douglas A Smith: HN8MGWT4
0 e4 {5 t7 T7 y# _8 P' X
# Z( f( T! g6 D# H2 d+ Z7 e7 URacing Days for PocketPC v1.0 User: PdaNet; Serial:123 ;
. z+ P0 f" N+ \0 V' J/ X' g  icode: 9LTDEXVSE8X1
* t0 O. e9 k+ V: q9 O5 [+ K
: e$ d1 V0 D  mRayman Ultimate: , H8 w& r& j: r; T  _0 {) q
Purchase ?ode:433X-R072-E61N-0R00;
1 N) E  M2 ^4 T5 w+ g, `0 IDeviceID:L323-3L3X-A0E2-A1
5 o: V2 X5 ?5 Y0 p: r  MUnlock Key:9E2J-3E2D-U430-E3 # c: E) ^( a/ H
7 r: n9 h  u! J6 u) ?
River Raider 2003: AR A9Y 3Z
2 Y2 B* A) k# a/ |
. x) u# `) j# a9 sSeaStrike: 0C22-NP1S-0460-B859 ; z, W7 v- ?# q5 ?2 q2 s
# s+ |3 p5 a: ^2 k, ?
Shanghai Mahjongg: ID: Douglas A Smith;
, X* u0 D1 _' H# c/ `/ Y7 }8 zusercode:5516 4321;unlock ?ode:14935336 * X9 R- O8 K( t: t
! p4 L* _' Z5 R( ?4 Y
SidSucks: FearlessFred
6 m; z2 u2 b# J5 X( I. s& S& {1 j( D
Simbsoft Board Pack: Lines3D: 5435-7429; Railroad Jam: 2365-4202
; v8 ], S$ m9 R9 G  A( P  @2 C3 ?1 a+ V' [4 |5 l* n
SimbSoft Volleyball: 6257-5632 5 H: A- s' ?1 N9 E) O7 K

& a2 k% L% X- e3 a, USpawn: 17OF5O8CTN4C
/ i) c% j2 h2 i
0 U/ ~9 Q" W6 v6 uSpeedBall2: 48586 # M' k  m4 t, u4 L- C; N2 E/ I
2 e" c) g8 _1 l, E
StarSwarm sn: 14923127 7 v( ~9 r: C; c& Y" t8 F
% }3 n2 i; e- X$ l& q
Starship Trooper: STR6-TR22-EMC4 ) g" ]' ]8 @( {% l& W( a; _
% T' [8 j7 S; _3 O, ?7 b8 \- a
Strategic Assault: 1735437812 0 C  R0 ^: q. _
* `4 L+ X) q7 `+ F& a- [7 y+ l
Stuntman Evolution:
& e! V3 E4 [' t2 dProduct ID :YPAAYE7X
, Z  x9 I" r- t, BProduct Key : XX3APX3ALY 1 B+ P8 P7 E$ e" f1 L1 F
- u5 {% u* a, p
TubeMix 1.0: 8905-2209-0633-6135 # x8 ]5 F4 C3 Z
/ N1 f( f9 z8 K. n) n, s
X-Ranger: 48C54DD0-6714770B
# k( i) F9 k+ n9 C$ {; n) Z% A2 r! E9 I% J# m* F# A
Warring Nations:
0 Z8 Y5 |! u" t+ g4 COwner name: robert 1 u2 ~& Y& g3 O9 Q2 G7 u
Activation code: 0023-B912-E860-E360-4B6B 9 }; q8 K9 N4 ?

+ H/ ?. P  c9 ?0 }' m6 TZio Golf 2: RA0IF0N304YE
1 R7 W2 _  M6 f& M* D3 f0 t" ~8 b/ {
ZIO Pocket Gambler:1600A0RGPRXE
发表于 2005-9-17 23:06 | 显示全部楼层
感谢分享) E+ Q0 n5 K4 ^$ v2 ^9 Q
, ^% X; ]! R9 g. w( n
发表于 2005-10-11 16:47 | 显示全部楼层
最新PPC软体XX大全 II
: P% e" i$ a' [; Z' ?
7 c: [* N2 a6 o; ?8 e; d) s' VACDSee Mobile CE : 122 052 593 957 710 641 + \7 V1 c  h* P7 I  v, V
9 H' O) z2 S7 I" c' o
Antmobile Flash Assist v1.2 : 45690105709 " N. C$ }8 W% k2 C/ z, m* \7 ~' u

# E9 ~" w. G8 w8 ^+ [Applian Super Incredible Bundle:
1 w6 S' e% {& y8 K# x) RRegistration code/Key:SIB1000329753G150G-1213
' V, `! h$ H4 D& ]0 R$ ~6 f/ d" |Works with all of Applian apps that are included in the 'Bundle': ! i: T" f5 y9 ~  A4 Y
ex1: Applian RemindMe 2: code/Key:SIB1000329753G150G-1213
% K3 g6 {/ Y: j6 d: u. @ex2:Applian PocketLock PLUS 1.3 ?ode/Key:SIB1000329753G150G-1213
4 L5 r& R$ K! U5 c0 E$ ]Choose what you want to install and use SIB ?ode..works with all. ; V5 H3 C; s2 r

& G6 g5 U# B0 D  z+ OAIDEM Games and apps:
  k3 |. g8 h' b, c6 sPhoto Explorer v1.52 serial: 04E0-06AE-057B
5 X- }& b/ b- d: f5 z+ uWinceZip v1.00 serial: 0674-07bb-0329
# [) h+ z% Q# x6 cFile Explorer v2.0 serial: 0818-08d3-0671   d( w  W  y5 ~/ r
Power Converter v1.00 serial: 0892-0925-0765 % @8 x) W% l1 c5 @
Aidem Pocket Painter SN: 04E0-06AE-0559 ( W- }. F: o; z2 Z' c2 {
Talking Calculator v1.20 serial: 085A-08FF-06F4 % _( f$ S8 H3 e& B! F
Majong Academy v1.00 Serial: 0778-0868-0530 % A* J& W3 C. s9 t
Majong Paradise v1.00 Serial: 07b2-088f-05a5
7 ~) V' L8 p4 P) o$ _$ GPocket Piano Pro v1.00 Serial: 07C7-089D-05CE 3 v( `& c  o: v# y6 q
Bugme CE v3.1: S/N: 01291626 7 y; w+ J% `5 t) M+ i

" M) O, y- i' q4 ~* ?- P' S4 uBisque TheSky: TheSky Pocket Edition Version: 1.10 (new* 05/03/04)
7 X% p5 F. i) R: wpassword: TheSkyPocketEdition3456
3 C" T$ Q' H& z( p) qreg code: 8075-5E9F6379
3 x0 ^- ~1 g* L. p% Wftp://www.bisque.com/OutBox/Download/pocketedition/TheSky Pocket Edition V1.10.009 for Pocket PC Setup.exe
/ q3 H4 I8 J0 ~2 A( {
2 R  V7 P) I$ Y. Y# IBryht Flash Player 2: : g' B! R" J! v" O  D
Owner email: pocketgearstuffcmail.ru / `7 \% m* S6 Y/ I
Serial: WeUrB393ETKRPqba8sr9tRgdzgpY ! O3 c5 p# {' k) A& ^2 [

; I3 X7 F: N3 N3 qCarsoCalc: Douglas A Smith: IRNOPPMEFNFEGEPIPTP
/ V- `9 |; J& b' B. O7 l) n+ ^& c* i( O1 t
" K/ |+ Z0 K: T$ n* S5 m7 \$ GCity Time: 'Douglas A Smith' Reg Key: 31848
, X6 T6 V0 {4 [6 s0 |  o
9 d' {% ~" {  B' s# HDataViz PPC Beyond Contacts v3.03
* `3 ~# M3 l& }8 R1 uRegistration Number: 7542611-7638 ; o4 b* U3 F  N+ b# n1 P0 g

, |5 t$ c, Z& [" Z8 T: cDictionaryToGo: Douglas A Smith: 3ED2F585 , l/ Y/ W6 m2 B2 N) W2 @3 o" S: h: g% a

% q& P$ p# k' [; p; rDigiSoft PictPocket Cinema v2.80
; P& T6 \% d; b9 M, b5 SName: Your own Name; Email: COREcPDA.com;code: 2867077479 2 |2 N$ t6 R+ T! w6 b( D4 T

' l$ F$ D6 s+ t* u6 n. }/ `Ectaco Partner(R) Dictionary English-Spanish 2.4.04: 25SPMU1FWPLM : j' ~& X4 H7 r. o" t$ G$ x

4 R5 X5 Z# i) d9 sEctaco Partner English-Spanish Talking Dictionary v2.5.6: 23TPO25VWLJF
! t. I3 _1 Z( U- g
6 s% a5 U+ s9 P+ |3 p" \Ectaco Partner English-Chinese Dictionary: 2MTLO255XP1M ' o  z+ M. v  u* O1 f/ w& @
(new* 05/03/04)   q  z& z. i  x
http://www.ectaco.com/download/new/pocket/echpk.exe ; ~" M4 Q, j% ^, u1 Z' a1 @

$ G4 H8 P& e$ D% ]) u2 qEctaco Partner English-Japanese Dictionary: 2NTLO255X51M 0 J; ~3 |3 g, Q
(new* 05/03/04)
0 B( T! b1 C% s5 D! W! v% ^http://www.ectaco.com/download/new/pocket/ejppk.exe
# e8 G) g* }  ^. P
/ u2 c1 _. D4 A: s6 ~Flash Format 2.50: CXQ9E CL2AI 8H8BI E8S6J # D1 z; h  L1 p5 Y# x

$ l3 C/ F& \1 D  ?FlexWallet sn: AGRLLC3
8 q/ Y! T: r6 F+ I# M% d2 G6 {8 k) i2 s- E* Q2 f
Fonix iSpeak:ip10-61d9-8Zd7-mFcB-cHnF
+ P$ K6 j0 h* q6 T' H  x3 }9 j0 Z8 y* Q+ I
Globe_ppc KEY75469021
& G& Y( A5 [' X7 D3 E2 s: x' |, _2 N$ \2 S+ t7 V% c  M! i, X- q% a
gSpot/Navio: Douglas A Smith : F49964 ; y, j5 F: w- d2 w9 R

7 ]1 `! ^& P( h' P% }# q1 \Handmark Apps:
7 w/ T- [1 c  ^, V* h$ n7 d# ]; tPocketMoney : 54655589
: R. F2 N. ]& j; C' F2 bOxford Dictionary: 68263138 * e" h" i5 x5 X5 u
Student 4.0 :38492031 # Z$ `: b* ]; g5 i* G3 {
PDA Photo 4.1: SPXU-20-131233-028 ; u) S! b) X+ v' `7 D& d
MobileDB w/Excel 1.5 :177556( PALM) + g7 L8 |' X# R5 c* A
MobileDB 4.x w/Access: 72565i93(PocketPC)
9 j! Q% \- }4 O" [+ N% B, t6 g. v6 [
Handmark Games: ! H& M3 ?/ U. J$ D% g. p
Handmark Pocket Monopoly SN:52136525
0 d1 v  d# s4 G8 DHandmark Pocket Scrabble SN:46243219, R& w2 z6 W8 P
Handmark Pocket Tetris GamePak SN:36526834
7 \* F7 e" I' g( dHandmark Pocket Battleship SN:96982058 or 96973753
. j9 G+ y" I) ^5 W: gHandmark Pocket Yahtzee SN:77914236
4 p& _* w- a& WHandmark Pocket Backgammon SN:43215790' g! t. v) I' I! q7 k6 }. `$ J* w
Handmark Pocket Trivial Pursuit:73957660 9 G' K6 \# ^+ M) V) L3 t
Handmark Colors v2.1 SN:32151850- y, \3 v( g3 y
Handmark PocketChess v1.21 SN:70581650, H6 K+ E6 U* t! g& _

& l! t% J# n9 [" HHandmark file alter: Unknown author..kudos!!
$ L3 |  ^+ O% D; ]. {9 l! y% r1. Install the Handmark title and run it once until it asks for Serial number.
: A2 r+ v4 ^& T4 {) {+ J2. Exit out of the program completely. 5 q) ]3 R, B9 _4 e' }; a1 J8 z
3. Go to your \Windows folder on your PPC and find a file called actl034.dll.
# F7 g) B$ w0 ]# R2 k4. Open the file by any of the following methods: 7 R% l, B3 L/ `
***** Use PNotepad or similar PPC text editor to open it up.
* O( B! L$ E; J/ [* K***** Rename it to a .txt file and open it in Pocket Word. " N' Q( k9 y" M2 G( v- |
***** Copy it to your desktop and force-edit it with Notepad.
# l' E( V+ x' p; V& F% O! f(my observation) It works for all installed Handmark games and apps..with exception of Handmark's War Incorporated. " u# E8 p/ \+ r- _: b

( X7 d! }% e1 G" B4 d2 ]HandyZIP v1.8: DXA7F 5IZ1R 44PAO G97T8
( i: q: p9 _+ k( U2 \
3 O( v1 `6 g3 }. RIntegrated HTML Editor v1.0 Serial: MJC4VE8SZ0RNIL
1 f0 ]+ h; T  a" p; s! K! ^+ O4 T9 r2 a4 R+ d0 ~4 j: X7 }
Jetcet Pro 3.1 Registration code/Key:05WT3096O004DH5 O9 v. [% P" M3 s1 ^

" _# s! }4 P2 g6 hKlaar Syntrax v1.05: Douglas A Smith : 34883
4 v1 Z& D- `2 ~* s& Z- }3 s  h" c, \- x" h3 V1 P, W
Lextionary 2.3: Name: dougsmith2@juno.com Code: 629665
! y. i; ?* c: N% |# Q& l0 I( b" q; [6 |
LockScreen: Douglas A Smith Regkey: 6CCF8BA7! Z5 d+ ^9 s+ n4 ], D$ d3 w8 \
9 c% Z) S  N; U' K
Mindsoft Pocket Cleanup: RegCode: 210054478459 RegKey: 2828
2 ]2 G4 ^4 E# t! }) _
$ H2 X7 g( e5 L0 u; `  fMobiLearn Activation Key: 53M7-7300D7AK2C5E
* H" N( t: Z3 m, `& x( h
8 X  \4 \8 q) e4 ZMobiLearn OutLoud!! Talking Phrasebook (English-Spanish)and Add - In Nouns 3.0: 21473 (new* 05/03/04) / f, Y  x/ u6 x$ e9 N
( ^/ t; k$ {1 |6 b& D% M' r: ?; {( l
(The 21473 is for the MobileLearn dictionaries. Anyone wanting to install these MobileLearn applications, email me for instructions. Certain things need to be temporarilyapplied for installation.)
5 o8 A, U3 p% q  s" R* O$ N
( F$ T5 s! a6 a+ o! ]2 g- KMobipocket Office Companion Pro V2.0 SN: TISXFQUC $ R9 D$ n2 m6 _9 Y2 r9 {: n5 Z
, Z3 `5 x+ J4 Y8 X/ D2 y7 ~
MobiPocketReader 4.x s/n: 859J755X
9 H1 E3 [/ c/ R0 n
- b! F* E% M! D2 K7 w9 N7 NMM21 Molecular Calculator sn:13423
/ C4 t  y! l+ @% {8 ~+ p: m# \1 `4 J- J. U* k/ p
MXconverter: Douglas A Smith : RegCode Key: 62466
% h& m) A: D; J! O& q  D3 D
. P" u8 |) g! s' XNavioouglas A Smith : F49964
% c1 z+ W' U& F7 e- l0 w( F
0 V  z9 {$ d3 n9 D) jOZminibar: 09078 + b, O* L$ r: c. Z
' @3 G1 p" c6 T( K4 h
PDA Initiative's Chemref Advanced 2.0: 29786
5 M' l- a7 s, J* l3 {5 _; X
/ y5 o/ w0 ]! x3 H& SPhatware Corp: % i6 O; [' M: V6 W
CalliGrapher: CGR716-1875172845
+ U! d  Q5 n4 m  R$ C6 bPhatPad: PHPD-151-537092929 & x$ G/ K0 \1 g  H* k3 C% P
PhatNotes Pro 4.5: PNPE-1422-0103-9188
: |+ S% j' s* w; \$ N8 _: g* k/ M9 `+ @, c) }
PiePlus: ( {, O" q2 f  C+ e/ u) g
Registration Email: dougsmith2cjuno.com
3 U# ]# c4 N) u: I$ F( eRegistration Key: yamjgnee 5 J4 C9 u. a2 v) h9 @" J

3 u% r9 ~' X/ f" S9 U4 hParagon Technologie GMBH English dictionary with extended thesaurus
1 L; ?) _+ s3 W2 j& M0 U" ePPCS-00FB-015B-0178F6-0AE1-DC4A $ P# V0 z2 @4 G) @3 s6 k

" E9 g. A+ L" Z" z1 C8 V: a3 AMeloditronic PhoenixStudio 1.1: username 'Douglas A Smith' : 42900 " F+ r: \& D& U7 P* L

$ L  E  A7 r! |2 Y0 W* w# L* l6 TPocket Controller Pro: mZrGSgFMytuFXFMo " C  w* _: M# H* [  A
' N+ B5 c0 G0 g  f% w
Pocket Controller Pro v.3.07 & v3.08 : wb4kQtCM29kCsFKN
# b, D! Q  v% ~# N6 H* Z0 g0 s/ y, n2 ]7 r( R) d+ C7 @
PocketDOS: Douglas A Smith DeviceID: CUOYKNOM : Unlock code:EJSYHSKKUNXEUOPJNLNX " d& D0 R% j, u$ T' Y7 G2 k
" ~2 H# M3 q  N  e0 \: j
PocketDraw 2.0: 000000-0007DEB - C# d: R- U3 e. |

# b" f4 H4 E+ l, rPocket Informant 5.0: 4519-C0-6 2 Q% r" t+ a- D/ p* L
5 m+ d  L+ P0 i! c3 [- T' L/ n
PocketMap 2003: knke-ouqa-xbmo
* n4 |5 E+ a* h9 F' Q" Z8 B4 c4 i
9 @" h% T4 J" @! [/ K  P8 pPocket Hack Master 2004: 901-700-741-281-009-335(newest version)) t& V# A& H4 A

, b4 x& s/ X: K; SPocket Mechanic : 4234956914 (newest version)
+ @; \- ~2 f3 Q7 C; n
1 _9 j- G3 z0 j  H3 W1 DPocketMind Bundle 2.5: FP15-005077-002906
$ {+ i0 \1 z) g2 X6 \! m
2 L9 M, c9 Q! H( `# OPocketMind Bundle 3.0: FP30-000269-00089A
$ {- w$ s* j2 L; j' Y8 Y& @& f2 E
$ L' J8 s% [4 K& FPocketMusic: PMFP-000158-000364
  F/ R) f- E) `8 v
1 F' x3 G, B0 IPocket SlideShow 1.7: BPH9U EN3QM GG2A9 Q6AIF
! ~. y. s) C& \# a$ m$ z
( o7 x' F1 K! mPocketStars sn: Y9109519
# j% ~5 {* \$ ^0 S6 P5 n! g* L- u. H2 l7 b
Pocket Tools 4.2 Regcode: dougsmith2@juno.com: 14115-16411
$ @1 ?/ d8 a3 z) }
6 [. w5 H% t; S! ^PTravelAlarm s/n:278-3965-1190 5 v* y- P0 t0 ~2 F9 j8 g4 {

6 Q- r+ R3 q3 n, rPumaTech Intellisnc 5+ sn: 004502-181BC-00041E-58BC22 ) i; G: H. B% M& k- ^4 Z9 E6 m

4 {- B$ C! W$ q/ k3 ]4 {Quickey Keyboard for Pocket PC [ARM]: ZD7G-JM81-Q5T2-07WA
% @4 `; f, t7 c9 V; c9 g7 v
$ @8 J, S  l3 S! z, tRepligo v1.2 sn: RAWCE098-12345255 ( x( j8 {, x  F
Repligo2 sn: RAWME1P3-45678352 $ b6 F  l% ]1 t1 m# Q3 a4 H

! k* Z, P4 I8 X1 sSimbsoft Voice Recorder sn:7356-5981 , N+ W7 S4 y* u

2 i$ W- J" ^4 i3 k! Z) q6 ASPB Apps:
$ S! C, Y$ |7 \1 U  z* qSPB Time 1.0: 24365137, 09425463, 53174628. p* A) ~% o: J2 U* P
Spb Pocket Plus: 192573954 u; p, a3 w5 Z0 O" z# O+ A
SPB PocketPlus 2.0: 71297438 ; o5 P* m7 c7 g6 D$ Y% i
Spb Quick: 40869324   f3 R) O* @+ J. R: j) {9 t
Spb Arkaball 1.0: FC22483A 1 |+ f% Z1 i/ l6 E
Spb GPRS Monitor 2.0: 92873292
4 r6 F+ p- b5 B% }( cSpb Full Screen Keyboard 1.4: 74514352 * b2 s- W: L- T' X) n3 e$ m
Spb Full Screen Keyboard 2.0: 24500927
7 m4 P" B! @4 LSpb Palbum Picture Viewer 3.0: C345F433
* ?! l4 R% Z8 l9 a; I' sSpb Finance $erial 1.0: 19376423
3 N! ~) ?9 V# k+ iSpb Xonix: F82GF58P  B' ]2 O# h' E' z

0 M, k- Z- G, |+ k! t' G- \& rSpace Reclaimer: 08409 ) @# ^0 T! ?0 L( e$ o
) ?- M) B# q  q/ K: v5 {
SprintDB Pro+ Printing: Email: Dougsmith2@juno.com : O6 H  K0 c" R; X" `& Y! A9 ?
RegCode: P461504 , n, u0 @  F: {) T, p6 k% z
% B; U5 i6 v# u2 [0 T
Sprite Backup Premium Edition RegKey: 579332769 $ W+ U; W% C8 ]5 M1 q8 g
! A5 D' f9 K$ i- ?3 [6 J+ t  I5 v
Starbrite pPod v1.0 pPod (PPC) sn:12013 (Apple iPod emulater)
# |5 }; v9 N6 w5 Y* ~(same ?ode works with Starbrite's release of bBop v1.04..a modified version of pPod)..a great mP3 player, with many other functions.
$ f' W5 C+ a% W- c/ m
1 v& }; R( f$ G/ O4 |; AStorageTools - Format, Scan and Defrag:
+ y- p8 j$ @3 A9 O1 I( O4 t) oDouglas A Smith: CCD6 4508 4805 9794
3 M7 f. J. l/ w3 a; ?& f" G0 n, k: n/ o7 d. R. t  g9 {* b& J3 P
System Commander: Douglas A Smith: LA1N7TAXA57Q6RWL - h+ s, m' o" d3 ^+ L

/ @4 a) w( l# a" m! TTheme Dream v3.0: RTD1023471450G500G-1221 (new* 05/03/04) ) E9 a* [( j+ y+ C& U

& {! k& d2 Y0 XTime Keeper: ID: 44676 Key:09838-229157327-21019-1
/ U; }9 g' H6 u( S+ T! `+ P7 B% t% L1 V
TopKey: b8099080-c32a8395-3f29c921
5 T4 P/ S. j% E3 N: I1 }$ ^' m7 |6 t4 e
True ToolBar: 50107 2 b  |" U- P, y) T+ m% c1 g( L) E
- Z7 J7 s5 y4 A0 B
TV remote controller 5.4 (voice operated)RegKey: KEY0741369 2 i, w! h5 {5 X$ a* ~/ d

" R) X: Z! |2 H3 U2 w$ g7 m4 }6 VTwo Peaks Billrate: MILESDIRECT 9 u% w, k6 _! T8 l9 c; O
( t# o! P" D( X; {4 J
TwoPeaks TripTracker Suite: OAKVTR3 , S* [# k; L! u; z1 P
: _4 s: Q; B* }. D# S. }
Ultimate Periodic Table: FH-IHHI-PRJ2-AOWD # Y/ V+ o$ K) J4 m7 \7 R; a- B

& c. Y4 C/ r# ]3 g  C+ M3 }Unit Convertor: 74xyz74 : \- J6 n+ _0 i: o$ c4 w4 t

8 y! J- W% n6 R6 f( x. T* wVehicle Info v1.0 sn: VH3AHMGF5DYRQ7 1 ^1 T7 C' p4 o& [. w1 r) g( p: c

# V7 {3 M0 J2 ?" P* j1 e5 w" xWinphone Ver 3.5 SN: 100143-1331-0127 # @4 ^2 S7 q# B# a$ z' k% S
3 T/ r) X( _; J. e% t% i+ B9 d
WordBook - English Dictionary: 26930 . n" u- S1 ?2 r  x: ?- e0 N

$ ]' F0 G( y% C7 J4 W7 S% n! WWorld EncyclopediaToGo: Douglas A Smith: 12F071AF " Y2 C2 Y$ j5 }* o  Z& k

2 z# j1 k$ ]9 \8 iWorldMate SE for Pocket PC: Douglas A Smith sn: 29075
: C& d+ x( V1 {3 e3 P6 c3 E( n% {* s% b. ]- {
xConverter v1.03 w/keygenerator 7 T* G2 O$ ~/ }0 Y1 h
- K- Y% r0 P  D/ c
5 ~0 r7 G- v# J0 P2 i: |2 @4 o
, O5 J8 m4 S3 K. x# K$ P% d! [, ~
; Z3 ~4 C0 p6 f2 d' b$ \' `& MAargon: Douglas A Smith: Aargon PINHMT: code: SYMBFWVM
0 y. t. V1 g  ?
5 w6 W9 |7 L+ P. a' P- z$ Z+ LAge of Empires Gold: XL04QU250LV5 + F2 p( w% t3 T
& A: l5 A$ N7 {/ F6 s9 F& I
AIM Productions: TMax RegCode/Key: 43856 , `2 q- p, U2 t

# @8 r! h, M1 u+ hArgentum..'This is War' : GYLIJKSOAA # E8 n6 N7 p: R8 J4 g* a( N

/ q) _, j9 @5 w; aAstraware Cubis : Douglas A Smith : G8EPIHK4
+ D/ G: X! j/ c3 P7 v2 j5 \) P6 ?7 @: a4 |3 l/ r
Billiard Master: 128036-439126-414198
( |! T) J8 r  C4 s) O3 ^
- X) }( x9 O8 }: |) H9 EBass Pro: C4CPDONJG8XL8 {+ _3 j2 h3 @

6 K, {. L3 A' r  z! O$ h7 \Billiard Master 2.0: 658446-465188-231277
: ?/ L& S$ V8 Y- }# N4 H2 t: y0 y3 R6 O( S( H
Bowling Master : VJ9EV9RT9GF3 5 L; ^9 a. f% o2 r# E. `" F

5 G) c. F' _+ \0 W- f& P- r# f) BBoxIkon: M825QJTW2Y 5 W6 o/ V% S) k3 I6 f, p- P: \

' P) S/ I, t# y8 s4 p+ O- OBrain Stadium: 0777-0868-052F (new* 05/03/04) 2 e( C: D+ Z1 M6 i, X) n* s  ?0 ~! Q5 {
0 K9 e0 S+ @  u0 g
Bust 'em v1.21: Name: Douglas Smith ID: HLNN7TT3WN
. B+ u& _) K& PEmail: Dougsmith2cjuno.com / Product: Bust'em PPC / Key: NFHPX7SAYY7PFHS783
4 @* h( ~$ F/ f! L3 m3 b2 [* |9 C) l" C5 p2 ^* L. |3 |" |& w
Bust 'em 2 *Retail (new* 05/03/04)
8 Q5 c9 v: N3 `, {" @% {: E) S2 @, q* E2 O. y# q3 Q" H
CECraft Games: (new* 05/03/04) ' n- ]" c2 Y9 ?- N9 O
: v9 L, k- y, r) X' P+ OYoung Paladin/Dark Paladin sn: 64S1-88CS-2511-W233 - ^/ p( U( C9 R+ K) A
Angel Egg v1.0.1: FSAY-4OF4-YCWH-VWG
1 t' ]$ ]$ L8 Q3 c  X  P6 b8 z) ?- Z' B5 c: K
CECraft iGolf: 61SS-1EBB-225W-YY8
! z4 l: v$ x3 [2 O# V
6 p3 V5 d! y# I1 PCoolChix Chinese Chess v1.0: 31001   @5 m4 A2 W' T- h6 w" a
. v5 i1 {! U& \# W, _" F
Chopper Alley(ARM): 405726789
  G. x+ S/ L& W9 K$ m1 j
' E5 R+ E" u# f3 H0 Q6 g4 JConcentration Version 1.00: 35182 * g/ w+ s; Z0 o: U  Q2 l# X4 d
  p. z! x$ B0 i* v. _2 c
Dr Pocket regcode: 755762-081541-306298-305122
0 R5 d! |  y" A% \6 Z0 H. f! o0 K; s  z
Elastic Software Cribbage (ARM): 463-299-4713
/ A: G" O3 s) J5 w5 U, r  t9 l
9 |' S% s# ?3 fEscape Velocity 1.0/PPC: ID: 2126-1957-134e-2073; Key: db53b48981 ! P- {) y% g+ L0 M
Fun2Link: 0V0P9IA2OV39
6 E  L  T& `# r
; g5 A' x! H4 R2 o4 ?FrogWay:
' K; C; v/ r8 YName: Vampirekiller   K) C3 p* V2 P& i
Regcode: 99932-4796-2256-0624 - Q% @" W1 B# e

/ `- D" N3 J+ @. F* R* r0 GFIFA 2002 SN: IK0MFC6MHJA5
& a$ `8 D! {7 x
0 G! \6 w1 ]# M1 n8 c1 uGangstaRace: 1133427389774291
% N7 I: X. t1 i' J3 n* w/ y" k
( |1 @* G8 l3 U/ C- {$ I& lGeoPod Device: IDAZJB ?ode:51234 6 N9 w$ `9 o& P) n7 Q/ `$ H
% q- o) [6 f) G* w
& H+ |* C* n$ X, C5 qHandyConnect4: ACAAZCZ
6 l! F% {: g* d# y# X* d  {& H' [HandyPacyman: APA9YM . \8 ^9 B5 e8 A$ d( G2 d! H; ]

' G- W$ U! Q4 p& s( N$ DIraqAtak v1.0 Installer Password: StickyVickie ; M" C2 N4 ?0 K( D% o, @& {# i! y4 i
2 P6 o7 ^& M6 V5 E
Hyperspace Delivery Boy! (ARM): H%16-A32I-N8BC-D445 ; s0 ^- _) |& `4 b# ?, V

, N1 ^+ N$ f2 Z- z- VMadden NFL PPC 2005 v1.0: Douglas A Smith : 39676 " g" m9 @5 Z# c+ @  g7 V0 H
; H1 J& |/ K! Y  V/ v7 v- `
Marble Madness: MAD-C0-H1RB-AEFJ
# c+ X4 p* B) m2 YMarble Worlds: CreativeSam . a4 j6 s- _4 Z1 j
Marble Worlds - CandyWorld: SimpleSimon
& E% C6 L2 p4 A3 T% M$ PMarble Worlds - Space Station: BraveDave
) P* D" G- m8 U( M# T- z. v; r9 S: q0 U3 b6 Y- R* V  n
Metallion: NXO630ZP44KI
; v* e) @, M( S4 L# g5 x3 i) c% A* @  M
MetalStrike: 03732
, Z  c, z3 c( b5 ~* l, g# k8 ?- q: `/ n- \# g1 W+ e! h
MonstroCity: CKIA-5G29-KTBA-TNZK
8 q* @, ]* ?+ m) q
' M9 i, U5 ?- V" G7 P1 I1 IMouse Maze: 4140-3140
  u& j! T- Y) d1 V2 q' I" W/ P
; I/ q7 T) e2 {' j. j9 B- @PDAmill GameBox Solitaire: 9de83ac0-9edd4eff-34e0e029 2 |: E% t! A  V- i7 c' O7 U4 G

: C% ]) v% R# H# w3 I/ G* x: iOZ Creations: % z3 X0 E- e/ M. e; d; _  U
Counter Sheep: 3023116969
8 D3 e9 K; M2 `( I6 rSnails: Douglas A Smith : X6VZ5-TUFX2-CWA
2 r& G5 j9 i1 p5 i! q! t- G% f( t2 k: `, \
One-for-All 200 Solitaires: SLPPC-0005265-9985419 or SLPPC-0005280-9966023; k5 a" J) g' i! j$ A$ D' J9 @

" X5 ~- Q& ]$ o# n7 TPacMan: 98290415 3 {  k% n: p) i( `8 t) R
" }6 M' i% c+ L+ p
Pocket Bowling: 5277-4320
" ], h, S2 g. }9 B/ Q% Q' s0 F. R, u" r$ ]
Pocket Breakout: DesperateDan
: O8 ~$ F6 i7 t0 l# a% t. K3 z7 C' ?& C
Pocket GrandMaster: Douglas A Smith :ef0fa74c " ^' k1 m" n3 S" K5 d7 L

% ?3 B) h, x* Y8 z2 lPow Wow: TYLFX01HWJUO $ r4 O  V2 J9 u( \7 p6 j

0 w( ~8 [8 s" iRicochet PPC: Douglas A Smith: HN8MGWT4 6 N3 I1 c: V( L! u6 M4 }- U" T
# q  M2 j2 o! f9 I3 B, n
Racing Days for PocketPC v1.0 User: PdaNet; Serial:123 ;
& z, ?7 d) b4 p1 }, f) Z( h3 E5 ^1 D+ ucode: 9LTDEXVSE8X1 9 Q5 E/ H0 O" L6 H0 n( D" x/ C
6 `) D8 Q- a" u! k: T
Rayman Ultimate: # F* s5 Y) U" t  F7 r% `1 [
Purchase ?ode:433X-R072-E61N-0R00;
7 I, V, z8 E0 l. e" a$ m0 m* V  wDeviceID:L323-3L3X-A0E2-A1
+ g2 c; ?# _$ M; V' kUnlock Key:9E2J-3E2D-U430-E3
+ y& w5 j- F7 h' C/ R* ^" n
+ v3 {% W8 y1 ]! T9 HRiver Raider 2003: AR A9Y 3Z
. K, s6 t/ L) i, }8 F" v$ S, _: v- }5 `/ O2 v$ k0 a& p
SeaStrike: 0C22-NP1S-0460-B859 & @3 Z0 L* S( B
9 e. y6 A8 n- U& b, S8 |  a+ v5 q
Shanghai Mahjongg: ID: Douglas A Smith; 2 Y1 Z" ?& n9 y( m* T" B( P
usercode:5516 4321;unlock ?ode:14935336 ! o; H  A% n' {3 D" P5 b( g

0 j/ i  O: n/ ISidSucks: FearlessFred ( ?* d  h* M, o. |; E

, F9 m" s; @! p0 U4 {. m1 {Simbsoft Board Pack: Lines3D: 5435-7429; Railroad Jam: 2365-4202 6 v( a. A  G7 Z. {+ R

( q- F, D$ d: H% ^7 I, L* ESimbSoft Volleyball: 6257-5632
* q* h  p, T: D8 ^0 B
/ G2 z. i2 ?+ }. V, GSpawn: 17OF5O8CTN4C
7 s" b- \3 W" |! C1 D! [" w
- R4 F  M. W. W5 xSpeedBall2: 48586 , o( S& t) O! @1 T

' [! U! r5 M+ a9 x- tStarSwarm sn: 14923127
6 d" V1 ~" @- Y- `; N! `1 `
: E% _! {% P; p- o0 _( l3 VStarship Trooper: STR6-TR22-EMC4
/ w; r: s& v: R* R
8 Y  T' q, E2 B/ DStrategic Assault: 1735437812 & {9 P% Q: w( |8 ]" r
- @" n+ ^! H! w( l* r6 P
Stuntman Evolution:
! p  s4 S2 |% t/ n+ @* g8 F& h6 ]Product ID :YPAAYE7X
6 \8 c* {3 K# t. H' a9 n5 ~& bProduct Key : XX3APX3ALY 3 {0 R, G( S( F, [: J4 Y) m
5 s  O! Y: f+ z2 r2 w- n
TubeMix 1.0: 8905-2209-0633-6135 9 T' G# q9 g* L) q; Z5 i$ `$ S3 B
2 G; ]- j7 V8 p8 |6 B, o
X-Ranger: 48C54DD0-6714770B 5 P" l; m1 }1 \! o; ?. {1 i

. {8 N0 V& o# b$ Z: `2 V% m9 v. cWarring Nations: 3 t. `& `. `8 g( p
Owner name: robert 0 n* ^  A" D8 w3 G8 \  D; I
Activation code: 0023-B912-E860-E360-4B6B
( ]. {0 ~( O3 |+ H
% h9 o; _+ D: P2 p) C8 ]" ^' f, tZio Golf 2: RA0IF0N304YE + @3 D0 W* q6 {' f! C1 X# m
, B& Q! e4 k# H# u! D$ ]
ZIO Pocket Gambler:1600A0RGPRXE
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