#1 建一个lifedrive专区
) B! E; c3 k& f; w% {3 z- t) W1 t' L/ O" [' `1 G
# q' g7 |9 h( p5 P
/ T. t! |1 W0 {; r4 |) ? 1、装软件时,经常出现不断的重起循环。这种情况下,只能复位了。但是不论是安全擦除还是完全擦除,微硬盘上的数据全不见了。
) K8 t9 d; K+ ?0 o5 K- n; x, G: M' U% S v# y9 V, H4 P
You can skip this HD format by pressing "reset" again upon the moment of seeing black bar in left lower corner after chosse "secure erase".
* l* Q$ q3 `. Z5 K# O. z* `/ oSuggest to use "PowerRun" to move all your programs to HD, so you can keep every program intact after hard reset, just need to resintall PowerRun to get them back.) R8 D2 ?$ g4 M; c) I
. T# Z, `' e; o$ X* A 2、WIFI功能还算可以,但是刚开始使用的时候,经常莫名其妙的死机!
2 C% B7 @/ n4 M. M5 i/ m# g1 C( v' A5 G' `& I0 f% [) m
If you have a Wireless Router at home, suggest to have Wifile Pro installed, easy to download file from your laptop/desktop.
, c1 ~ m8 M' ]- p" k2 C* h$ f8 L& {% |1 K+ ~$ { J
3、内存还是比较小,装不了多少东西,还是要用扩展卡。5 G. |1 [5 H) U5 e' s2 _& j2 V- M
# P5 k: ]0 l; s
Agree. Use PowerRun.3 M# O# L% S+ G" h3 x& {' c
! H1 l3 g0 m u! m 4、扩展卡槽没有橡胶盖,想不进灰的话,抓紧买卡吧。
& W: ?5 y J8 t. w$ Z2 e% }
) Z4 X" c y& d! s7 d8 x3 _Good tips.% U6 @/ ?. ]5 T0 U! A
4 ?# B( [9 E' e$ b, b, W2 f
5、随机送的保护膜真是烂。/ I+ l8 ~; X2 G
" R+ i/ Q/ s& p4 }2 b: CYes, it even does not cover the entire screen surface!
% ~5 h% U, ]/ c) L/ h2 Y
J k7 d+ ?* D Y+ { 6、数据线接触不是很好,经常由于位置的变化而断线。, z( a8 `; z7 m! O
6 E4 \* V) s$ p* E8 z* RDid not notice this on my LD.! E7 M! s8 e w
2 b+ A$ ^. _2 o& E3 }/ G
* q7 @- v" l7 R+ T3 U
& _- c5 B$ _' d' d. U2 EYou can download SMS I guess, not quite sure as I am not using this often. |