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[软硬件讨论] 求救:memorrymgr.c,line:2679,chunk over-lock

发表于 2007-2-1 16:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
错误.; h% S" H" N  H2 m" X/ G

/ n1 w! o+ j- w* K+ P& Q# \3 h. E- \& n
650-1.20-apr' _6 Z  ]3 T6 n4 M! ^( f

# Q) j* y- H! V" w6 {& Xcjk6.2
, v6 m! U" h; G' n
/ j. k$ I0 p- n' c: W: j5 U
2 w9 \) X' _7 q7 E  v这个什么错误
6 B. p) h! ?0 s+ N8 X( F! d1 a电话中。..一般突然重启动了& J& j  o# w( m, W, f2 [8 m" m* Y
- F6 n/ R& G/ p% i% F# S' B0 ]  N
& Q2 Y1 Z- @$ G% }6 b, s" h3 \
2 i$ [9 e0 ~$ |# ^/ v3 E" F# i, F
发表于 2007-2-1 16:21 | 显示全部楼层
5 Z& ~6 g" e9 x4 ?- g4 y4 b7 W) S* [" J/ ^
# U' q7 `3 f) }( s/ s0 \- N! O! p; h- Z, i9 I. ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-1 16:22 | 显示全部楼层


View Full Version : Chatter MemoryMgr.c, Line 2679 Chunk over-locked( t& Q  }9 u2 o3 q) B  s

) p. c0 ^3 ^/ ~5 u' Q" H" D& z5 T$ n+ ^
- K3 n6 F6 K7 \1 E. N( Q7 |2 N" C! P+ r* r5 m4 X
deer805/04/2006, 10:34 AM0 R( @  i6 ]  E- k8 W6 z" A9 D
* m( j4 ^0 c; K) J7 B. s, c: e  L+ j0 I* i9 q; q
I have just started to get resets with the message "MemoryMgr.c, Line 2679 Chunk over-locked" when I do a ##377#$ ^; V, |6 s' d# F9 h" h
8 C7 ~% @1 h3 D1 _8 z0 P' |' W7 K
By chance any relationship to Chatter? I imagine not but I thought I'd ask for starters...
% U% e; E5 i) A+ J" Z9 E, j3 Y; x$ G$ Z5 q8 m
' b$ ?" n" q  f0 u3 F, C6 F- F9 C3 T0 r4 Q9 W; J
6 @5 M& s/ \+ O. e; e! ^% C, J! j" t' @2 n: _8 @$ g0 p
Chatter05/04/2006, 11:50 AM: u7 a- ~1 L* z& Y% O8 ?" K
Is this a sprint phone? It's a hardware problem; you need a new phone if this is coming up frequently.) ]* q" U4 ~7 c8 w
- `$ V* B5 W: a/ \
3 \1 h6 ^+ W/ X( M9 }6 l( {5 H
4 Z: _; O9 k9 {4 S, ^; g--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
. I9 j' |- E; F, t  U& A& e( ]' D* e+ M& R; y" O
deer805/04/2006, 12:07 PM
  ^; C% z% e6 lMarc,& i5 ~- D: l* z" T. v& I
& [8 L" h, Q- I  e" @
Thanks. It is a Sprint phone. I've had it for 1.5 years and had this problem occasionally in the past. I guess there is a time for everything to break down...9 N6 c/ k# @/ R+ E0 C

1 W; z$ [! o& ~% M% U--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) m, X4 S+ @5 R, [
: `8 K! T6 Q, N4 r, K' |. n
asiayeah05/20/2006, 10:21 PM
' d% N( I3 Z1 p' U5 G$ @; hWhy is it a hardware problem? It sounds more like a software issue to me.
9 B9 u) F4 O( \4 M# X1 Z! V' C3 G2 O3 a* d* p4 }
Are you able to reproduce the problem in any pattern? You may want to avoid using some applications to isolate the problem.
. H6 P! V* F' r0 _( K
' s- ^- L4 a( j4 y, G4 d2 K  WThanks.
: ~" z: ^' P* H0 d# |4 |* O% D9 a- t! g4 i3 K( B6 |
4 N: D2 P. C. h, }9 T9 j
( B) {3 k. C1 L2 M7 OChatter05/20/2006, 11:40 PM- [$ H  g$ a& `' i
I've seen about a dozen cases of repeated, frequent errors of that exact type. Every one was on a Sprint T650. The resets couldn't be localized to a particular application and, in at least one case, resets would happen spontaneously on a zero-out reset device. In EVERY case, these problems stopped completely with new hardware and never returned.
+ A4 J1 p/ {8 R( d! u, r1 A5 h) J: s6 l8 h
So while I agree with you that it SOUNDS like a software problem, I am convinced it isn't.
, K8 M2 O4 r/ T' A  s, g
; Y7 Y0 Z- Y& d" z3 n3 wMarc
) E& e) ^+ ]8 P. F0 j% ?1 X/ F: B* e: x, Q
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------% |* c0 z+ j: [9 N& m  \  z

4 f. L. v! S7 _9 w! V$ _deer805/30/2006, 10:47 AM% X% r- D3 Y. r* e4 m" V
3 y  @. |7 w' j$ C# Q/ c
0 j% W% L* G5 {  M' _: KThanks. I realize all the people that have been having trouble with this and do understand that it is probably a hardware issue.
7 i+ V# |9 b. s. N1 @
1 |! u4 U* C# s# A4 |/ qIf I could make a couple points to see if it raises any red flags...1 p7 [9 H5 s+ W/ z5 P4 P4 b

* i% [* y; ]& g, {$ I  m- }+ d1. Mine seemed to begin after I had to restore my device with backupman. Normally I have no problem but one time it went haywire (all kinds of errors when trying to restore). I simply tried again and everything "seemed" fine./ y: j9 @+ [8 u/ `( d5 p0 H; L, j% S! j
3 [/ ]; m2 z) d5 T! h3 X
2. The errors I get seem mainly (and sometimes only) to be at night. The only difference I have set up between night and day is that Chatter is in sleep mode. Any ideas with this?5 d0 Q' J+ g  V/ Y4 I$ v

# B. _2 T4 T4 O' k- D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 B5 N0 E& v1 ?
' k/ \; N3 g9 \5 |9 a* oChatter05/30/2006, 11:33 AM
! c$ C& o1 k5 QNo, sorry.
, }0 S! q) b% f& p6 Q
; |1 L! O+ D+ c! s+ D& b2 gMarc$ g& p4 ^- H) f# H

( B. Z% Z$ Q% x: O--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ N( }5 @3 S. v* f4 ^: z1 `& s2 J5 n! c1 H( j
bertopl05/31/2006, 01:09 AM
# Z3 c/ r1 d1 E5 a5 g5 `- ]% |: Pit's worth trying to upgrade the firmware to sprint's latest if you haven't already tried that.7 b3 K, L7 [  I4 z7 n- y8 D

  @% y# q5 b0 `--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ n/ s2 M6 m) W& Y4 L& x; ]& G% Q; ?0 @: G' v5 f+ j  h9 w! p3 e
deer805/31/2006, 04:25 PM! K; S6 \# s* n8 f7 ?2 A
Just did now. Thanks for tip.8 E5 n6 |, s  l

* F6 S% m, X3 a0 ^3 H& v" E--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 K) Q6 R5 u) e% ?0 X( G- _
" D. ~1 B. l: r" H2 B! \deer806/02/2006, 12:19 PM; o* R4 h6 b9 k5 q0 ~9 k
Two days and no crashes so far after ROM update!!!1 V; r' Z2 d$ l0 L/ o
5 h; k8 n* ]2 z7 v: x% k
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. S; q7 K6 {* ~4 H

4 H! K* N  x8 }8 mMarkY06/02/2006, 12:50 PM9 @* N0 r5 t$ b0 @3 c7 i* j6 _
This is 100% a hardware problem - I think your memory is bad and Chatter just exposes the problem. I had the same issue and it just appeared all of a sudden. Search on the error here and you'll see lengthy discussions about this as Marc mentioned.% d, C* P% d& k2 D# J# z

1 [! i3 i! ?5 R--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ a2 E9 Z5 F- C; ]4 W  A4 o
" K( i' K+ m0 K2 k" Q- G0 Raprasad12/31/2006, 06:26 PM
- K! I6 Y; V( L) Ehttp://www.codeproject.com/ce/palm_memorymanagment.asp  G, H7 S# N- A& j2 W* J
indicates that this could be because of software too.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-1 16:24 | 显示全部楼层

寂夜清风 请进

用了mintones~~* `& H# K4 r$ s1 |
还有许的来电秀~~0 O* {# u, |8 C9 {6 {& H, a

" Y$ V2 M$ O0 o+ L3 T/ S& A
) s3 k* h$ k0 E/ o6 |这个很难判断?  不会是硬件问题吧?; {( N" }% A+ c$ j! d: g+ A. n

% K6 P! h& H# C) _+ H7 n6 u' G& @" l6 X, e
电话是我拨出去了..通话到一半就重启动了.; j6 Q6 l0 n- n6 G, f

' v+ ^5 d$ f( ]2 t2 {2 O- g
/ ~; E9 F7 m/ j2 C% `+ ^2 S- B很少这样子.
6 ?, t+ m8 n4 u3 b& {/ o( Y2 w这个是14天机.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-1 19:40 | 显示全部楼层


+ h: y1 ?! o3 F自己顶下.国外论坛再查了下.还是没有方案:(
发表于 2007-2-2 01:08 | 显示全部楼层
因为错误信息提供的信息量不足,没办法这样就可以知道原因的。6 N8 R5 o- H5 U! n9 G0 _

) T, S. J! |( Z& e如果是偶尔出现的话就先不管。
: N4 Y7 n. B' q; P/ j( Y! F5 g如果经常出现的话就把与电话相关的三方软件关掉。。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-6 19:29 | 显示全部楼层
没用啊..  会不会和温度有关?
& }0 h6 |# l/ |% m
9 F8 `: A9 E' J( ^0 B, K# R6 M( ~+ C( P; H- I
$ K2 U2 G1 G: K! x; U+ C5 Y
+ h( M8 t$ n' q3x a  lot
发表于 2007-2-6 22:35 | 显示全部楼层
偶尔出现 的话就不用管.经常出现的话就注意观察软件配置等相关的情况.. j( P( J5 {' c
; Y3 V# o. _0 W7 _* n
发表于 2007-8-28 13:45 | 显示全部楼层
同样的问题  一个星期出现 2-3次 郁闷 有谁可以解决啊
发表于 2007-8-28 13:47 | 显示全部楼层
当执行“联系人”得时候 在07-8-28在13:35发生了复位:' v+ [! D$ g8 N, b0 T! T' x/ d
发表于 2007-8-28 23:51 | 显示全部楼层
谁 可以帮帮我 分析一下阿
发表于 2008-6-2 16:47 | 显示全部楼层
) ?8 `) B; ]# x$ L/ omemorrymgr.c,line:2679,chunk over-lock
2 X& v; H' r! G! S该怎么办
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