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[Treo650] 点不亮屏幕了!

发表于 2007-2-24 21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
年前一天,准备回乡下老家过年,女儿强烈要求我给她装点游戏,就在tompda中下了一些装上了。结果她玩了一下(忘了是哪个游戏),机器就不断重启。硬启,同步后正常。回老家后,她又玩游戏,玩了碰碰球和扫雷,又重启,就不让她玩了,一切应该还是正常。晚上看了一部电影,然后充电。早上起来后,发现屏幕启动不了了,只有收到来电或短信后,屏幕都会打开,然后各种功能都能用。但只要屏幕一关闭同,就再也打不开屏幕,只能软启、收到来电或短信后,才能打开屏幕。再后来,软启也启不了了,点reset或取下电池,出来一个界面,红、兰、绿、白四个平行的长方形色块,第一行显示“bootload v0.24",第二行显示“SD”,屏幕和键盘一直亮着,关不了。只能把电池拿下过一段时间后,再装上,才能启动。启动后,也是屏幕关闭后就打不开。其间不时会跳出同步界面,点“取消”后其他按键不起作用。硬启过N次,情况依旧。现在,只能接电话了,打不出(因为屏幕打不开,不能拨号)。请高手指教!!!
发表于 2007-2-24 21:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-24 22:22 | 显示全部楼层
http://bbs.tompda.com/archiver/?tid-2116573.html- {' u4 `8 [& W
发表于 2007-2-25 00:26 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 08:38 | 显示全部楼层
我拨电池后过一段时间再插上能够硬启,但硬 启后,屏幕关闭后仍点不亮。
发表于 2007-2-25 09:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1 zhousr 的帖子

 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 10:52 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #6 wwpemail 的帖子

发表于 2007-2-25 11:37 | 显示全部楼层
The Treo 650 Bootloader7 m6 N# z- N7 s& r& \$ l; P/ R
From ShadoWiki
5 U3 I. F* b) Y) a9 C; r, n0 yContents
+ }& M6 a9 U2 L$ y+ b& {[hide]! z2 q9 S  }  E/ B
  e9 v% L; V. o3 m! ?7 `4 Q% o
    * 1 The Treo 650 Bootloader- j. P2 B* ~0 ^* `; h& J* y
    * 2 Running the Bootloader and Using Commands2 Y. z! P2 o, S" F7 ]4 p" O+ E
    * 3 Hidden Commands: M% E# o1 C  M( m# I
    * 4 IPL and SPL
! D! X+ Z! n- j5 _/ d    * 5 Potential Applications of the Bootloader
1 `" i8 h2 n3 G- V1 l9 C
( T0 Y" a( I6 K, z9 n. \[edit]
, W! Z) M- A; F  y3 t5 OThe Treo 650 Bootloader
4 o" B" s8 l: E# R- F8 Z+ k, _$ T+ B) v' c( ~
A bootloader is a program that is located at a certian part of the Treo 650's memory that is designated as the default boot point. Its function is to control various functions of PXA270 processor, such as loading sectors of memory to start the palm OS and write protecting vital memory sections called the rom. More information on the rom can be found in Custom Roms And Rom Hacking. The bootloader itself appears to be one formerly used with PPC phones. Palm seems to have modified it slightly to suit the palm OS needs.5 K( v7 R7 x: A$ s

, n8 ?2 M7 S6 u4 b  Z5 g4 k" V' Lusb bluetooth adapter
9 o2 O/ P) |! ^  m8 L+ w: ~2 |2 j[edit]
3 z' @$ O$ P' k# Z6 G0 KRunning the Bootloader and Using Commands
% x6 d0 v. i8 Q; F" `+ K7 t
8 R- j+ f0 G, S6 x3 K  m2 G0 RThis information was taken from the bootloader. In it we find the exact name of the bootloader and the valid commands with a brief description. A word of caution: The command flashtest writes over every address in the flash memory, overwriting the bootloader and rom. This can be fatal to the phone if the test becomes interrupted. Unless you are trying to diagnose a dead memory adress fault in the flash memory, then the good folks at www.shadowmite.com higly recommend against ever using this command.1 @7 U' x" h" s( p& `

6 O/ E7 D+ x" }: B, r  N. \Bootload Start# [# j7 N% Y6 g! }& y

7 ^$ s: o# c3 v, r5 P8 Cpmsys =0xA171A808
% O2 q- b+ F8 B
! S; d$ T+ g# N' [& ]# fHTC Sausalito Bootloader Version : BOOTLOAD V0.24 Built on Apr 14 2005 at 15: Copyright (c) 2003 High Tech Computer Corporation) [9 j$ C' |) L! g3 C

3 o7 G3 V' x. {7 K2 ?5 B++Check BT Router! W# C& O  g1 p4 d
6 q$ ^2 @  `) _8 @3 m9 l' w
>>? Available monitor commands are: ? [command]
/ s3 g" [! T3 O# A2 r; L9 T" k
$ {, r. x! j* j9 C" xh [command]
$ ]! E+ i- ^5 [7 H* Z4 _, f5 j1 Z, {. V
mb [StartAddr [Count [Filler]]] --- Display/Set memory
7 }  w* f/ H5 M4 p$ R% g5 R  E3 ~9 g/ ]' e: ]+ Y0 T5 `
mh [StartAddr [Count [Filler]]] --- Display/Set memory
& e; ?# J' X& ?6 }% _2 n8 H) N) e, W# P  E1 n" }$ B
mw [StartAddr [Count [Filler]]] --- Display/Set memory# S6 X: K% R" l" p1 q: @2 b

+ I9 u7 {# l+ E& Hl [pathname] --- Start a BIN file download via MTTY
7 [% `" C( u3 t6 U' Z
% R- }5 o$ r6 J5 Qlr [pathname] --- Same as above, but run it when complete
! y3 _" R6 I9 S% d. Z4 B3 A% t4 H* @
tftp --- Start a BIN file download via tFtp# }" F4 Y( z% s5 b

' @$ H' t/ m1 T+ `flashtest --- This appears to try writing to every byte of memory, it will kill a phone!
& C$ ]4 s/ l% \* ~: G) ^7 q7 N4 ?
9 E# k; h1 b& z$ ^jump [addr] --- Jump to a memory address2 h% i, s3 g/ ~) J* \0 D8 g4 ]
( N" p1 _9 X0 A5 x. y3 X/ K
touch --- Touch Screen Test
. ?0 L1 M% l! N+ A
, p" |2 P& {* v, E, P! z* ?touchssp --- Touch SSPx panel test??* `) j5 i8 Y& T5 i# u
, h4 ~1 a6 t+ ?4 j1 O" T% L; s3 ]# \
idle --- Put the CPU into idle state) |0 P: F; I- k- j* I% h) o1 T) L

: Q# I% F* B3 S! Z6 ssense --- Put the CPU into sense state! z0 h6 R& K1 i* o

% ]: H# H5 N& f& [standby --- Put the CPU into standby state  }( m- ~( \0 S( Z/ D$ y

9 T8 e' f' ]* S' Lsleep --- Put the CPU into sleep state& D) u4 I5 i7 U" P6 T

4 l& D( f7 b7 ]( @! J7 r) Z- Sdeepsleep --- Put the CPU into deepsleep state
  I# x3 m" u  U) N  y8 o* e5 M* l3 c" ~
fcs [CLKCFG] --- Alter the CPU freq.6 w3 j( A/ d2 J. f8 h8 x% Y1 Y$ B; D1 h  y

' d* U, ?7 d) M% c$ W. p  M1 ikeytest --- Keypad test
$ @% k( Q; J( F  h' v" u- k3 n  H% z1 A/ J3 R
pi2ctest --- Power I2C bus tests
2 {: W% Y) _. S, ^: m$ y, R) \6 a; k
$ e* i, X9 B  a' T9 M7 z1 Fdebug
/ x# m, H8 A& e! n! C. W5 F2 p/ y  \; G* A) b
flashtype 0 (or 1): S4 o, W1 C$ ~; Z
8 C5 p; j9 d, u* K+ F& ?
rdoc 0(IPL)/1(SPL)/2(XIPKERNEL)/3(BINFS)2 C/ F) @# |/ n2 `8 I4 k, O  M8 F0 }
, S* \; r' V: ~6 k: X
1 l- j5 }$ ^2 _% f' S$ @( ~3 S- Q8 p  q
upload [addr] [size] --- Upload memory to terminal - writes binary to your connection!
: s+ Q+ F/ M+ v8 h7 p- ?% }% K
# g, {7 B1 G( k5 M: a: q6 }2 Rpwr [0:normal; 1:idle; 2:standby; 3; 5:sense;- }* K3 Q+ ]( n4 t7 c2 n3 p& \
: \+ B1 M3 a9 d! J  u5 _" `0 _# _: ^# M
wpdoc [0/1] KEY
) p6 R+ k4 H: o$ m* ~  V- L/ q" m1 \1 \* H4 O% N+ M+ }5 I
usb --- USB debug mode enable
2 }( h* [& P# c+ x
6 I& M8 V* U7 n' R7 Zled [1:LED1; 2:LED2; 3:LED3 ]. E# I" u6 v+ r+ m- t
+ k" L$ [& I, b
r2sd [command]& n" b4 q6 `$ q8 \6 T: {
) l/ v' P# ?# U3 h3 S' W) B" a
sd2r4 b$ Z2 C0 Q) W4 v; N
2 P  T' Z/ n7 E) e0 P% Q  F* u( W
rtask [Type[Value]]' j* U8 y/ X  g. C+ G7 {7 F

8 W' c: X0 l& r+ E  l0 _$ D( crroute, ^5 X- c. c  I. Z. Y* [5 T

! [" [$ z* U: [rtest
0 [9 g6 v6 I$ K0 o9 ?
" J- S  }$ I6 _rimgdata. i- W; t7 l/ _: l% e
. V2 a+ e* n; X# g
8 U3 i4 Q6 z( M# v  ~: v, w' l) u& L/ x! h4 J5 v/ L$ j9 V6 c
pwm! L. v$ U- T+ J* s' h6 k

" q; r. J+ `7 y+ Baudio6 L" ^2 M! j, Z, Y. K# X
+ Y, ^% }. Z; m3 a& s/ E8 V" q
btrouter, t$ J. o7 x% L" q
1 K1 P) j7 S/ A2 \( P  i$ j
0 |8 p$ H! Y5 G0 D4 H! Z. ?  l" G& r+ q0 g6 r: o4 x& r# [
- v7 L2 E  q. m
2 Y  f* m) P- D: z% {, T; Z3 ^' \audiocdma, G& R8 K" C. k$ j
! ]* e$ {5 ~2 U6 Z4 Z4 _& G2 Y
dsdoc 1 or 09 J6 n5 A$ L+ P, \) k
2 @0 `+ ]( ~  Z" O
) {. x$ w( |( f
0 Z" W, O) w& R( f5 Ghwt
' H$ a6 x6 n8 [/ v4 ~
% G) F# G- \5 e1 }) }8 E: jgsmdl' n; I7 ^3 S6 {3 w
[edit]& K  _: R) `" R& g$ V9 n- c7 s
Hidden Commands3 d: G/ f/ u0 r2 `

* ~8 U1 Q5 A3 u; }( C& RThe HTC Sausalito Bootloader bootloader was originally meant for use with PPC's and seems to be hacked by palm employee's for the Treo 650. Some commands have been found to be invalid, some functions look for a PPC rom file format. There are some commands that have been added that arent in the list of commands specified by the bootloader.
" s* O) I7 @; p# f% n& }
/ j: |  J& ?$ d1 B1 G7 ANew Commands:
4 K6 a* G+ E  N% i+ w! ]0 z' _. {) o
/ j! B& `  e6 \2 g4 u+ N7 Aruu( j& I) Q4 \* @# O% J

- _+ v" y, b& h+ l5 Wgettoken
* K; `3 Q* h& M9 g3 n2 b. y: j1 Q
1 l* n0 @, Y# [+ k& V+ R9 |settoken9 t/ d+ O* {- `$ [' x$ i
[edit]. b0 b7 K, p; h# q/ J+ D/ w1 P
' g5 n9 p  S* g  g$ u9 |, g3 \2 x" u9 _8 ]- m% `
The Bootloader references two programs, the IPL (The Sausalito Bootloader) and the SPL (The Palm Loader). The IPL is the Initial Program Loader, the part of the bootloader that resides on the phones internal memory. It is what allows the bootloader to function on the phone, and establish an interface protocol with a pc. The IPL loads the SPL, the Secondary Program Loader, in the case of the Treo 650 it is the palm OS 5.4 Loader.. n7 j1 B/ h7 p* q- w
[edit]4 ~8 M4 d0 X: t. c* r' B
Potential Applications of the Bootloader2 x! O: c$ f# h: z5 l6 d( o
. O0 P6 B# R5 R) F* q5 |2 ?
By understanding the bootloader, we hope to be able to repair phones with improperly flashed roms. Another application would be to port a linux based OS on the Treo 650
发表于 2007-2-25 11:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-25 11:48 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 14:39 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #8 PurpleSun 的帖子

 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 14:41 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #10 tracey716 的帖子

色版,硬启N次了,没用呀:(8 g) @1 K5 r& `5 c, }0 u1 Q7 D
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