很久没来论坛了,先向大家问个好 ^_^
9 A( q; S/ `1 u今天我生日,送几个软件给大家
5 l- \0 F' Z0 l5 ?3 o庆生日系列发的都是大家熟悉的软件,所以就不贴软件介绍了
) F) G2 k3 d5 ~3 ?对这些软件不了解的朋友请使用论坛的搜索功能
1 P. z: g2 J! n庆生日系列软件列表如下(可点击): g0 m8 B0 |- ?9 ~, s
0 l: D7 p- e1 M3 N% }7 P
1 W) W) k3 U9 s- h" |: z8 ~9 C
What’s new in Kinoma Player 4.0.1 EX# l+ h3 V" n; F- w' s& T) e/ h
) C/ _( T5 h6 K! iLaunching Kinoma Player with thousands of media files on expansion media and/or internal storage no longer resets or hangs the device. l6 b9 r( o! k1 ~2 Q3 V/ v0 O; Z. @
+ N3 D4 T: j$ k Y' [
Kinoma Media Guide update, including an expanded News section, new Music and Business sections, fresh YouTube and Google Video feeds, plus live radio channels from SomaFM and more.8 s" v7 k% u5 X5 A8 f; a
7 T8 F2 V L, Y2 f; X/ R" R
Support for SanDisk V-Mate MPEG-4 simple profile H.263 movies.
; B7 S2 s7 l' D4 y
9 S% d) Y: \4 M+ c0 ]8 f8 xSupport for streaming MP3 and WMA audio from Avvenu.
, B; N4 R* M! d4 V* x# w P; Z
; T7 ?! h$ r3 \5 Q; F! RImproved support for streaming Flash video from third-party sites.
$ Y& E6 b9 D* C; n8 v8 O8 a" x& v# n w6 i# P+ g2 L
Streaming playback fixes, to address various connection and buffering problems reported to Kinoma Support and in our Forum.
, D# F+ Z* g( e) k/ Q8 ?& d7 i
. h6 Q z* H( T) D5 W: Y) ]; OImprovements to metadata, media details, and play list displays, to improve readability and navigation.
9 q _0 R& F* u) l
- h9 Y! `, c1 W* E5 p% f比 TCPMP 或 CorePlayer 好的方面:
9 ?4 r# u' l; u, z9 p支持 Windows Media 9 编码的 WMV 和 WMA,支持 Flash Video(即 FLV)和 RTSP 流。支持在线播放!
/ n9 E5 y/ n' Z/ S: d8 m. Q7 H9 T! g& v$ l+ a4 o
注:目前仅支持 WM9 编码的 WMV 和 WMA,不支持 WM8 或 WM10,所以有可能您的 WMV 不能播放 :(9 d' y- j. y. u# [: @( ~
( l. \' O+ x4 ^5 \( \* O2 r使用感受:每次启动时都会自动搜索扩展卡中的媒体文件,比较耗时,但能播放 WMV、WMA、FLV 等格式。4.01 版比之前的 4.0 版更稳定,启动时检索耗时更短/ U; n, y; q" }, R7 Z# y+ }& {
' o$ Z4 R l4 S3 _( F' |7 I1 ^
为了让更多朋友看到这个软件,请按照本坛规矩,回复吧 :)0 @; M+ b7 f& y
* A. h! _3 h7 d
, s! K. ?4 ~7 L: i! t7 h
; r) H, G; q4 f0 A+ O..
4 W8 k- I+ O: }; }& Q4 \+ B感谢回复 :)
" j( d3 S, o; r7 l; y9 d4 v, g, F<<<<<<------------- http://www.treo8.com/bbs ----------->>>>>>/ n" _ j4 n! {8 G( n" y* K
p9 [' e: O6 w& s/ l( ]
[ Last edited by zdyx on 2006-12-13 at 11:04 ] |