在mytreo看到几个好用的小软件,大家可以试试看% D6 S; l$ |; o& m: A7 f1 G
& T. V; a5 i" ]6 ^+ d- uRNS:: TopNaviText was renamed from RNS:: TreoNaviText.2 g$ \ q0 H# |) q
It now supports Treo and Centro smartphones, so we decided to give it a more general name.
$ z( `3 a M% f6 m& V8 K3 e9 l3 nFree updates for all RNS:: products are still valid for renamed products. & {) y( t. w3 n& \, P' P
Normally, there is no way to quickly move the blinking cursor around text without removing the stylus or struggling with a fat and/or stubby finger.
T6 T5 | M" ?. R/ I6 ~1 u! ? G8 I; K0 L: z0 [
Now you can do it!4 G$ f/ E+ J& ]0 C. Z
v: l" B- w' ?- KUse the following Option and 5-Way Navigator combinations to move the cursor faster: RNS:: TopNaviText is a Preferences panel, which means its icon is not displayed among other applications (in a launcher), but it shows up as a new panel in the Palm OS preferences (the "Prefs" application).
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; A+ N8 ?# C v1 ?& L! [8 I
# F/ P& B- F v+ R2 ^/ e) Q6 g此工具用来快速的跳过词句和段落,再也不用用方向键一个一个的往下移了.........) G2 T$ D0 d* G: s- U, q+ y
! Z# G# M4 f2 o& l[ 本帖最后由 falconlord 于 2008-8-4 22:30 编辑 ] |