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[ROM-Centro] Blazer使用技巧(英文的)

发表于 2008-10-26 22:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://forum.brighthand.com/showthread.php?t=252620. J! Y: o% R" x% y9 Q9 }& {8 I. z4 J6 i
7 f6 }7 u! r; C" I
- Z: {  q" H9 D) P3 \
Blazer Tips and Tricks5 |( C8 n: ~2 C1 H* @5 m3 S- i
7 B8 J. }; p: Z7 L
Web Sites in Favorites:
9 p2 ~: ]3 `% j# cMost will know this but it took me a while to find it (yeah yeah, I know, RTFM )
; k( d2 F( l/ x: x: zLaunch the Favorites app, then
, a+ g  F: r& f8 Y2 h8 v4 ?% KMenu>EditFavorite>Type:9 g; m7 h7 C/ r
select WebLink.
! \* J( |' r7 `* ]# K7 n0 H- g7 R, m. C# [7 N" `2 o/ t
Optimized Mode:; Y% n. y6 I& b
Blazer>Menu>Options and choose 'Optimized Mode' this will make the website fit the screen so no side scrolling is needed on most websites.$ H8 y* Z4 s/ b0 _
NOTE: 'Wide Page Mode' is necessary to view some webpages properly but this is rare.
$ F/ y0 A/ ^- |, @" D( N( E+ i4 B9 e% x
Fast Mode:
# T; d" r) t1 |& Z: b; v+ W! @/ W/ MBlazer>Menu>Options>Preferences>General and select Fast Mode and tick the boxes
. \) o5 m9 H5 u'Don't Download Images' and 'Disable Cascading Style Sheets'! f! p- ?5 ~/ G5 t" S0 {0 D2 T
When you Tap on the Lightning Bolt icon on the top bar of Blazer and select Fast Mode webpages will load very fast but you get no images. This can be handy to just read text and you can simply change to Normal Mode while in the webpage to see the images.
" K# f' b2 w! A/ ^* T! V5 F" C9 k7 Q3 H% n+ ~# z$ F
Why 'Disable Cascading Style Sheets' ?* S  H. d+ S: R) X
eg: While at a website, I wanted to read the FAQ but Tapping on the FAQ question did nothing.
/ R7 D* S8 q( ~I changed to 'FastMode' which had 'Disable Cascading Style Sheets' enabled and the FAQ answers appeared after the questions4 B9 ^- {+ M" G# S9 E* J

5 m9 F1 e1 b* ~$ Y7 kSave Source to Memo3 G- E" \6 Q' V) [: q1 J  c+ h
Among other things 'Save Source to Memo' is handy for finding the address of linked images and URLs
( V. C8 b$ G/ j$ e. O5 @' {6 P
4 t" t6 B$ ^) W) s, ~1 tFirst you need to enable the EasterEgg
9 ~& n5 @: Y8 v( W- ?Launch the Prefs app and select 'Power'.8 t' ]6 z- d: N, H/ c  I
Draw a small counter clockwise circle on the screen in the bottom right corner7 `7 E0 x( w2 }; _
TX: Just above the Grafitti area., [* q9 d2 W( c: q9 ]
Treo/Centro: Just above the 's' in the 'Tips' button.( n) i' p/ `2 X% `. L& @0 i
An 'EasterEgg' should appear.. O  L8 ~' V) m9 U4 I( N) b: c
ASIDE: This will also make the EasterEgg 'Taxi' appear at random
& k. V  h8 s8 L  Y# u( }1 A9 \' `- ]9 n" ~# e1 S& j. h
Launch Blazer and go to the webpage.
/ W5 G5 S4 ]7 i/ S, `  hGo to Menu>Page and select 'Save Source to Memo' which has now magically appeared.$ o0 P0 [# ~* C# d. h/ M6 ^2 Q  G
Launch Memos and find the Saved Source Memo, it will not have a special title but usually starts with a <
- u1 f9 m$ K# n1 m' dIf the page is too big to fit in one Memo it will be saved in two or more Memos.
! \2 Y0 }$ r1 n" [# Z
% Y$ g- N) I6 l) Q9 _7 HGo ogle:) a, Y4 }: }6 p$ n! \4 D9 R
I have found that going through Google/pda is often the quickest way to get to your web destination at least until you get to know and maybe bookmark a site.
! ?" d$ z7 ^% `1 OInstead of entering the web address directly I go to Google/pda and enter the search words plus pda mobile, s; H3 [0 d5 I( I! ?* R6 a
eg: wikipedia pda mobile- a1 y& f5 I) x& r. `! d6 q) j" Z
I almost immediately get the direct address to the pda friendly site if there is one, also I often get a direct link to the actual page I want./ `& I4 I# h6 k5 T& k8 y
This is usually quicker than going to the Homepage and navigating or searching from there, especially with large Homepages.
! e! i& b- Y3 M5 y2 K, k
' T; c0 u. V! u! }, w9 bGoogle Advanced Search
4 F4 O: O. _5 z6 p6 t9 bWhen using Google/pda I choose 'Classic' as this has the option of 'Advanced Search' and is still quick to load.4 m7 S+ ]# @/ c3 a4 N/ |
However, if you just want to search at a particular site then it is quicker to put
, u4 b, e. }- csite:webaddress at the end.
: j8 R/ [& i& Qeg: blazer site:brighthand.com1 O' w1 b; x7 v5 k* p( G1 _* G
1 k8 G+ p$ H% J8 {3 W
Google Format Webpages! {6 T) V! L+ {" F% T9 L. C$ d
Go to
- l; l- T* L- J3 p3 c/ h3 `  N: q4 d; _7 Lwww.google.com/m
6 v& j) H5 ?2 E) E' Q' F/ J: ~Select 'Mobile' at the bottom of the page (if needed)
5 B6 I" h3 o% B& w! l  M* @Select 'Settings'2 B7 z- W. I3 c6 b, G: w' N( M
Select 'On' in section 'Format webpages for your phone'
) i/ Y+ K: f( V3 S6 W1 W7 cSelect 'Save'.
- u1 s9 C9 S$ E9 F  FAfter this, when you search with Google 'Mobile' all links followed will be formatted to fit your Device." K; B5 O5 s$ g" k4 }
NOTE: If 'Format webpages for your phone' keeps changing back to 'Off' try this:
4 m* y( p" D, d* v3 HDo the above and after selecting 'Save'
8 [1 h7 W; O/ tSelect 'Classic' near bottom of page.'
! w$ u! \0 k# xSelect 'Preferences'
6 S0 G6 B( t' T4 xTap 'Save Preferences' (you don't have to change anything)4 G; O! C0 m5 }5 h3 H0 w) ]
Select 'Mobile' near bottom of page.  ~; @9 ^- y1 }4 }; Z4 H" b
3 ?* o2 _8 S  a9 R" ?
The easiest way is to have 2 Bookmarks
5 X4 ?, M+ \, ?. g! N) mGoogle Mobile:
! k5 e- u9 t. ?www.google.com/m
; O+ L6 U  i& xGoogle Lite:
- }% m' O2 p# p7 @google.com/gwt/n?u=http://google.com
3 ]% W: G7 x, W7 a4 F2 d$ p7 t  R
6 f4 s: \% H  F, |4 h( G$ DThis page is too large to be displayed8 X2 j$ |1 W& T7 l/ V$ \  A- e* m, k1 n# E
If you get this Error message try the following but remember, some webpages are just 'too large'.8 ]# R0 p( z6 j/ N" O' m' l  h
As Mobile web browsing is now very popular more websites are becoming compatible with Mobile devices (even though they might not have a Mobile version) so this 'too large' message is seen less and less.( f: s" _, L. D0 {1 A

& G% L, x9 k, Y: ~8 ?; ?9 pTry clearing the cache in Blazer:
8 e& y& F/ l6 O4 lMenu>Options>Preferences>Advanced>ClearCache$ q, S0 A6 h% W$ _, s
I have 'Clear Cache on Exit' Ticked9 y' N' H3 q9 d, U5 _( ^2 O( A8 P
) C5 C3 Z7 U+ J* _% j$ f
Also, you can go to! }# v  Y, f! U' J2 C& r
Blazer>Menu>Options>Preferences>General>FastMode' R  P/ ~9 A" Y& l0 x6 q) }
and Tick 'Don't download images!' if the images are not important to you( }% L: }& j9 c" ?( n* P
- I( J% c+ v# Y  z1 |* K
If the website does not have a Mobile version and so the page is just 'too large' for your device then you can go through a web page compression site like MobileLeap See 'Compressing WebSites:' below.
* e; ]/ M! t4 Z" |9 M  M% E+ d4 U/ i2 P0 p3 ~% D
Compressing WebSites:# _8 L5 Q: o! x3 w. f4 K
There are sites that can compress other websites for viewing on PDAs and Mobiles.
: x" Q! ?6 j7 {8 h9 g8 Z
: N( P/ R* E9 b. A/ SMobileLeap (Updated to v2.11u on 16th July 08 and faster): S0 i  P* @% {  s
This does remember my logins.* _; y; B3 G9 {  F: K; u2 W3 z. r. V
TIP: If you find a webpage does not fully load ("This page is too large to be displayed") then write:& @) x  z* U  H  J/ h
mlvb.net/; R; ^, O3 }' _8 D# V# u% S* x
after http:// in the AddressBar) X# y3 V" L* |6 @8 h  u: k' T. o
eg: http://mlvb.net/forum.brighthand.com
# X! w+ s, t7 }6 [+ [then Tap 'Go'! x; J9 K$ |0 M

" E8 x! k" X& V9 ^' ISkweezer5 m6 L$ |- q1 N  Y
The fastest but is not on the BrightHand and other sites 'WhiteList' so I must keep logging in.8 J% Q8 s% K' e4 I) `1 u2 `
TIP: If you find a webpage does not fully load ("This page is too large to be displayed") then write:
  h1 W' m$ g" d7 Tskweezer.net/s.aspx?url=
9 l( L2 S$ H6 A* y0 `$ R' mafter http:// in the AddressBar& ]& W5 n6 E, J/ I# h- z6 N$ j
eg: http://www.skweezer.net/s.aspx?url=forum.brighthand.com& i) s* {/ q5 {, c! ?# [0 ^
then Tap 'Go'
+ O0 X2 J( b! `1 l
) W- ~' O: x4 V2 l. m* a# W) oGoogle Compress0 ?. D. ~4 w3 k# o% F  r7 o
Enter the web address and it will be formatted to fit your Device.; J7 V5 f# S) b  ~
TIP: If you find a webpage does not fully load ("This page is too large to be displayed") then write:7 P% z$ g- S$ c7 F4 o
google.com/gwt/n?u=http://5 a' i  g. Q% [- ]% W/ s( U( D
after the http:// in the AddressBar
; R0 z! n' b9 k$ k$ S! @5 z1 Heg: http://google.com/gwt/n?u=http://forum.brighthand.com
9 Q7 c' X' z, z8 O% ]3 H! V! xthen Tap 'Go'% X4 G& i1 _) f

: x: O& D  t7 ]Blazer to download:% V7 |* f) J% T. c( r
When you download directly to your Palm the download may come in one of the following formats.6 M2 n4 K; e, B0 R
2 E( n) Y4 ^2 f
Download= .prc File:
" l+ h" S% o4 s: r+ y, yIf the file you are downloading is a .prc file it can be downloaded directly to the Device and is accepted into 'Applications'.
4 [  Q0 ~" E* ~: w, e( }# n4 X.prc files downloaded to the card will end up in Launcher and can be copied to the Device by going to Applications (Home button)
! k2 g$ K' ]# ~, |4 lMenu>Copy 'From Card to Device'
; f9 R7 c" H( J  Jor using a File Manager.7 R# L* e7 }7 J9 k, A/ M$ x1 ~
% r* c- {9 O6 Z' M) T! B6 O
Download= .zip File:+ I2 F4 p1 T+ K. X
If the file you are downloading is a .zip file it cannot be downloaded directly to the Device unless you have an unzipper app installed on the Device.0 h" O. e  ~+ Z' W/ {. t
.zip files downloaded to the card will end up in# c; Z/ I! i0 N. E$ c; e' \
Palm/Blazer/Download2 J- L6 B( F) U) ]) Y' H8 X! L

& N/ e* j% q" w  [5 B5 EI use Resco Explorer to unzip on the card then install to my Device (TX)" o2 S! ^0 G. }' k8 d" F, P

3 T; \! z( z( a! ]# I* }There is also the free File Manager UniCmdthat can unzip then install to the Device but many people find UniCmd too difficult to understand and work with.# N" ]' L" m# i( y

; o7 a- |; X. `3 K- k, W7 mA free unzipper app that allows you to download .zip files directly to the Device then unzip is HandZipperLite
8 M$ {  S( u9 Z' g3 N- [. y" `  iThe link is for the .prc download at MyTreo.net and you will have to join but it is quick, spam free and a handy site.- x+ g3 `9 {" @) Q
NOTE: All Palm files in the Zip will be 'Ticked' by HandZipperLite for installation to the Device by default. So look first to see if there are
% R7 u* B) T( o3 k% H( H* S4 Neg: More than one language and untick what you don't want.
# _' c& {* v. `. @3 J( Y) H. M
6 F! m. M  d( F7 z6 ADownload= .php File:  q: f' y5 l8 D0 `" |, s- h
If the file you have downloaded to the card ends in .php then simply use your file manager to change to .zip or .prc whichever the original download was.2 w6 X1 ?! _. ~; a  H% g
# s; s. c. s3 o6 c) g0 n
WiFi Hotspots:
! Q/ c) R& m) t* i! X4 K6 pJiWire has a list of WiFi HotSpots in different countries. It's not great but may help.! w4 q9 B0 B/ H9 a7 v$ X# R
/ ?3 B0 d+ e! F, S
Blazer @ Hotels, Airports, Free WiFi HotSpots etc:
) @9 S7 z3 L9 j# JMany Hotels, Airports, free WiFi HotSpots etc require you to go through and sometimes login to their HomePage to access the internet.$ \. }5 E/ o% P, {$ ]1 ^0 \& Q
If you can't get to that Homepage to login then try this:
9 I- y9 r* S) \  R% c# w: J% d! y1 D3 P8 N. P" F5 g. O
1) Launch Blazer and go to! e1 j7 j8 e6 S( n/ e+ C' h
Menu>Options>Preferences>Page  D6 a! y7 ~+ c/ ]2 g+ ]2 E
and select, Start With: BlankPage+ A& }% b5 d" N
2) Exit Blazer and tap the WiFi Icon on the BottomBar and make sure it is Off.( ]' z6 J! @3 V4 X
3) Launch Blazer then tap the WiFi Icon again and turn On.
( i' Z* i8 |. B$ _6 L- [4) Scan for or choose the Hotel.! b5 E# _4 @0 d9 [2 C
5)Tap Connect
. h: I3 s. d/ {/ K+ h; wIf the Homepage does not come on screen then:* g- x& A& f% i0 ]' c
6) Launch a BookMark eg: Google9 }# a! b! j- X& c
Hopefully the Homepage will come up and you can login" |9 N; j5 J9 Q

/ H* v; g7 d) `7 e' [  }+ MIf you get to the Homepage but you still have a problem with seeing the LogIn text box or maybe the Go/Submit button, then:
1 p" h: j4 U( i+ Z- C1) Blazer>Menu>Options>Preferences>General>FastMode
) J5 U8 m9 {/ P+ Y5 b) C3 e2) Tick 'Disable cascading style sheets' and exitMenu.
# D) Z7 v0 c, e4 n3) Tap the LightningBolt icon on the TopBar and make sure 'FastMode' is selected.
7 Q9 }9 a% {0 D" ^NOTE: You may have to 'RefreshPage' (CircleArrows icon on the TopBar) or even start again from the beginning (see above)* K3 a+ F. Q* C' t! t8 Q
The Login text box or Go/Submit button should show after doing this, E& y, O" o8 ?

1 Y1 D0 p$ Q% U" nBrightHand- Modes:
8 y. G+ K  ]: X" e2 DIf you go to the bottom left of this or any BH page you will see/ U/ \3 ^; k# T, {0 o4 W
- - Brighthand Default( }4 Y- a- D- t) a, ~# g
in a rectangle box.
8 q# `# L0 u  G' M# L, @, g; VIf you tap on that you will get other options
1 q# k5 Z1 x$ R( g- - Plain Style& L. n. }& ~: ?1 n+ i0 r% _
- - Brighthand.com Mobile
7 ~/ e" G' G( v: @5 T1 d- - Brighthand.com Mobile25 O1 }! s- b+ B+ I' S

4 v8 R( I4 ^/ ^/ g. l! N4 c) W/ GBrighthand.com Mobile2 is the most compressed and fastest.
/ k. T/ G6 J( x% Q: L6 f4 ]8 JBrighthand.com Mobile has images and Post date plus a few other extras so it is the one I use the most.
* o2 s& v6 b1 m& I$ k1 tQuote:9 o# O) k) h. z/ x' }# X3 g
Originally Posted by BAB2000, j, C0 U8 n$ \& b
I use BH Mobile 2, the selection you make, if done from Blazer and you signed in from the TX and used the "Remember Me" feature, the style then will remain for that device, and yet allow you to use another style for your desktop as long as the "Remember Me" is utilized for that log in as well3 i  ^. W4 f6 K' }1 s) t- z) P6 w
BrightHand- Todays Posts:
. H6 h5 f  u* f  Y) aI think the Todays Posts is a better option than New Posts because if you read a few New Posts, then exit, when you come back later you can only see the new and updated posts since your last visit, so:8 s. A3 [8 D: k& r. a  N

9 X' Y+ u  G! j7 V8 uIf you have a fast connection:
" X  ^4 d9 X- Y( kLucky you Obviously, viewing BH in 'Plain Style' is the best. This is done by going to near the bottom left of the BH Page and selecting:# X/ C8 m' Z0 F2 U' ?4 k
- - Plain Style (See 'BrightHand- Modes:' above)./ K; g  q/ H% _4 ]! m* ^
; ]4 j5 Y, D5 G
Then go to:
- ^' N2 r4 N4 ^- Y- D$ Q  d- [Blazer>Menu>Options>Preferences>General>FastMode and Tick
7 c) w$ I9 A$ X3 r) F'Disable cascading style sheets'
" x# z' s& M7 o% W) `/ ]1 [& p* n- z+ D- n5 y
When you want to view BH:6 g- H( }1 z$ |) U* m- K3 p. F
Tap the LightningBolt icon on the TopBar of Blazer and select FastMode then launch the BH page and you will see Todays Posts is listed on the page.
& j- Q0 N  E6 H- F
" Z/ X8 O0 k- m7 [3 a7 pIf you have a slow connection:0 _4 f; t/ d' z
The best way to view BH is in% C- C$ U9 D. V3 n2 v8 O* z) q- O
- - BrightHand Mobile or
3 h4 u  s* V$ q. e- - BrightHand Mobile 2
* D. \1 [, F% C# c. DUnfortunately, in the Mobile Modes you only get to choose New Posts but Todays Posts can also be viewed by using:
+ L& B! E# U% k* ?: \
& D0 p# t* q6 i: p  X  ?: c! T' @MobileLeap Choose 'BrightHand default' or Plain style' so that you can also view Todays Posts and you get to see which Forum the Post is in plus you can Tap on Page# or Last Page. Login is remembered. Use the address:9 f, o# Q4 X9 [3 D9 o- b+ E, \: h
http://mlvb.net/forum.brighthand.com...hp?do=getdaily% s* u- ]" o% y

- O' ?8 z/ |4 c8 CSkweezer and selecting- H) n8 |: A6 i  p
- - BrightHand.# R5 j% B! E1 k
Use in the same way as MobileLeap but you have to LogIn again if you have exited Blazer (Skweezer is not on the BH 'WhiteList')8 Z" s' _6 m. \  z" w# n

, V, l3 L3 T7 j: @. M& ^! m; ]) hUsing just Blazer and not Skweezer or MobileLeap, you can also go to (thanks jigwashere):3 W2 q- x8 J0 E2 a
/ l, N7 w! Z" p* \: b  RNOTE: Write this address in a Bookmark or whatever as Tapping on the above Link will result in the page address having a number at the end and this number changes.
0 H& T, L! r1 K5 k0 I, K+ lHere you can see Todays Posts while in one of the Mobile Modes but you do not get to see which Forum the Post is in plus no Page# or Last Page6 c: |! r6 X1 s  k0 e9 u. N

& l3 D5 [' S6 G2 s$ T9 w3 I9 tBrightHand Post Tips
( W8 V" m, s8 m5 _+ [/ F+ ^3 |2 hA few tips for adding extras to your Post here at BrightHand.
* X  @: ?$ j( s
) j( ^% l( _& A2 G1 O9 b) C& o9 i% }Attach an Image to BH Post (thanks RickAgresta); L  ]" u- x! c+ n2 x# g$ |
  H% f' g7 K) Z5 m" A) a8 n
Necessary SetUp
( d$ z' U' p# a2 l4 H1) To attach an image to your Post at BH you first need to know the PathName for the image. From the Expansion Card this will be eg:
% Y: h1 g9 D4 R/ x- adcim/imagename.jpg
7 B2 j3 u8 ~$ u* w! G' _. Kdcim/imagename.gif
; K, X6 H4 C) {9 p2) 'Disable Cascading Style Sheets' must not be selected (Ticked)
, A/ k- D5 J6 ~# ^; S7 OSo: Blazer must be in 'Normal Mode' (TopBar, LightningBolt icon)2 |+ m# x& C# E3 |
3)Go to almost the bottom left of the BH page and Select 'Plain Style'+ L- z2 V* E9 A) v% D
or 'Brighthand Default' not 'Mobile' or 'Mobile2'! p+ h; d; v) V/ Y- V6 a7 Z
/ ]& D1 ?, e& C  M, p" O
Posting with Attachment
& g7 A, p$ J) q8 e* ~# i* j  l1) Near the bottom of the BH page you will see 'Go Advanced', select this.
- G( ?8 i$ l3 j* t" N5 ?( M2) Write your Post (Copy it is a good idea )8 d, H: w- v' i+ Y# B
3) Select 'Preview Post' then select 'Add Attachments' (If you don't see 'Add Attachments' then select 'Preview Post' again)
9 r% S: z8 F( r4 |9 |) a4) Write the image PathName eg:
! V% s( q% A0 T; idcim/imagename.jpg, z% K3 s; ~- t' h
(A list of accepted image types and size is shown near the bottom of the BH page plus see below)" u1 x. @! l8 I4 X2 L: q! y8 k
5) Tap 'Upload'
! u8 q1 H. U! r9 [& |* c6) After successfully uploading Tap 'Close Window' at the bottom of the page and wait.
# z2 q4 u- Z8 s& M6 PThe previous 'Add attachments' page will appear.  m9 T* a9 `: b4 X- o2 G% J9 L
7) Tap 'Close Window' at the bottom of the page again.# {* Z" S0 y4 U* a9 v" i
8) Select 'Preview Post'; r+ e- S0 X4 U" l
9) If all looks good select 'Submit Reply'" O( i) T* f2 C/ Z: \& P

! t; E, G/ Y  P- I- {List of accepted image types and size:
* y! n# ]- z% T, E, x  p- g) H: oFiletype: doc Max Filesize 19.5 KB
  U  n* k3 m6 E! {  cFiletype: gif Max Filesize 195.3 KB Max Width1024 Max Height 768
& x6 G. Z! H+ x; ?7 I/ ]Filetype: jpe Max Filesize 195.3 KB Max Width 620 Max Height 280. n' q- Z- ?7 o* ]
Filetype: jpeg Max Filesize 195.3 KB9 B: Y; A  T/ A2 l& ], }3 A7 O
Filetype: jpg Max Filesize 97.7 KB, c( k  L6 F( ]% K$ t/ v8 ?
Filetype: pdf Max Filesize 195.3 KB/ Y& {% C( T7 w2 l7 _
Filetype: png Max Filesize 195.3 KB6 Z9 W4 L6 `: o0 A2 H
Filetype: psd Max Filesize 19.5 KB
2 w0 m/ U0 i" ]) a# \4 QFiletype: txt Max Filesize 19.5 KB  J$ S) @9 t+ m! L
Filetype: zip Max Filesize 97.7 KB5 w& R: W$ }6 w8 X8 d; f

' Y) z: ^8 {, _7 c2 S( zBH Codes: Quote, Link etc in Mobile Mode2 s# P: |/ Y* x8 R' M
If you are using Mobile Mode you can still Quote other's Posts or add Links by copying the text and pasting it in the vBulletin Codes.
# l8 {. h2 T% n' {: {$ N3 deg: Put a [ at the beginning of the following:: y* o) e5 w0 q) k  `
quote=Name Here]Quoted Text Here[/quote]( K0 P8 r7 S7 ^, {7 T* Y& g
The full list of codes is at http://forum.brighthand.com/misc.php?do=bbcode- w8 @) R" {" I, K
1 m9 v- ~% |& y  T* _
Blazer SpringClean- Normal & FileManager:6 W" D3 f1 s6 k' x
There are 2 different ways to SpringClean Blazer, the 'Normal' method is good enough but the 'FileManager' method is a complete cleanup .# r7 u( S5 q3 q1 Q
Choose which is convenient for you.% q4 C4 m! g6 z1 y8 n% ^! I5 p
I do a SpringClean on a regular basis (every 2 weeks) and it keeps Blazer running smoothly
: y6 l5 Y' f& P* W+ ]It is also the first thing I do any time Blazer seems to give me any trouble.
! C$ A& `1 ?0 B" m3 F# |" e; p% o% O( Z0 G
You will notice that in both these methods, Cookies are not Cleared in Blazer but Deleted completely, this is much better.
: v8 g, o! m$ O7 U& U. O% @
9 {, ]+ i: Z' V* g0 i# R* {- ^Blazer Spring Clean Normal
* {( {; G) k# LPress the Home button to launch Applications (Palm Launcher) and go to:
1 n/ y* R; i/ _9 rMenu>Delete.
0 h0 q, H) ~9 ?- i$ lSelect the file 'Blazer Cookies' and Delete it.( F0 G6 ~) T+ \; }6 y$ V  K
Don't worry, the next time you launch Blazer, a new 'Blazer Cookies' database will be created.
) [4 S) N' O; K# e6 U1 \NOTE: You will lose all stored cookies. and need to log in again at all sites.
& `; H& S! e! v8 h7 F5 n" M2 f8 s+ u
Launch Blazer and Tap the World icon on the Top Bar.' h/ Y. G- J& `: O9 U6 w4 W
Select 'History' and then 'Clear All'+ b7 y. a0 Y; K$ a$ [; o5 ~! R
Go to:1 A- Q* _8 S  C; z5 n
: F/ o8 v+ a6 [8 M& ~" {- k. dthen Tap 'Clear Cache'3 u: s* p3 Q' h/ B
I have Ticked 'Clear Cache on Exit' but that is up to you.
2 y, k* {! K- ^/ m5 ~- ^. F* P8 [: i
Blazer Spring Clean using a FileManager3 A" _- L* m& w8 U) ]- U3 B
This is how I do a Blazer 'spring clean' using a FileManager. I will use FileZ as an example but I think any FileManager will work in similar way also.
& l3 v' y6 u7 S# P2 W3 T9 V& B
. R6 ^6 F& I+ N2 Y3 X+ j6 z0 YLaunch FileZ and tap 'View and Edit Files' then tap 'Internal'
8 N! V4 ^0 _. D& C. D# E7 N2 x1 EScroll down the list and you will see these files there:" W2 Z- A2 U/ r
5 T. X6 N1 F+ q& Q! X, y
Blazer BF-History
! t/ S1 b& A: u5 K" sBlazer CacheHistory
( x' i; m7 \; F+ F+ HBlazer Cookies8 l  f9 F/ a8 {% a& j& A
Blazer Field Autofill
) ]" x4 }4 |7 f7 d$ ^Blazer Find Autofill" m3 r. q6 U8 ^. H) c6 M% [
Blazer URL Autofill4 q/ W) j% x- _  Y6 G
2 ~) L% l; J* T: l, p" P
Tap these files and a Tick will appear on the left, if you accidently Tick a wrong file just tap it again.
2 B' p3 Q. l+ i0 J' J" QNOTE: Do not select Blazer Bookmarks as you will (obviously) delete all your Bookmarks.+ d' ]2 l& `; q- N  I
9 |8 t, V5 I" @: S0 [  L
When happy with your selection go to Menu and select Delete.
- [+ o; q5 r3 e7 \# F% K# e  f; `! S
Don't worry, all these files will be recreated
" ]! I1 ]  _' N! `! H. I
# r" }4 N' ^: JNOTE: You will lose all stored cookies. and need to log in again at all sites.
# ^2 \/ V! B  ]6 T$ [5 x
4 `% Z1 Z7 r  b# |2 w' y) ?% zMobile website- Cookies don't stick:
- L& t2 z8 X# W4 N! n0 uIf you use Blazer to access a mobile version website and find that you have to log in all the time try this:
8 x. z# }7 F  g6 h
. X; d' N' i8 t) wGo to the website's full version page (not mobile) and log in.' u, R4 K. d1 ~4 _/ R& ^
After this the mobile version Cookies should stick." }- ^) X) J! f* G1 p8 s6 b
If you still have problems you may have to delete your Cookies and try again.. F* U$ S; h$ _6 H- Z
See: Blazer SpringClean- Normal & FileManager* j- _- [$ ]; d1 U/ y+ ^  G' {
8 _  L4 m. |# l" T( W. U
A trick that works at some websites is:* F$ o, t2 Q' g; ^: R
After logging in you get the message1 d) B' b9 R" I% V# A+ K- I5 i
"You have successfully logged in. Click here if your Browser does not automaticaly redirect you" (or something like that).
4 p  n5 H( V$ J3 ]: pTap that message immediately it appears." s+ C% N) K# l9 W3 j) d
Helps sometimes but not always.6 A3 A. n6 D& C

5 O/ K, b$ U  \8 lBlazer Freeze?:" ~2 N( q4 l0 K3 o
If your Device seems to 'freeze' while Blazer is trying to go to a website then try tapping the arrowhead to the left of http:// in the web address bar and wait up to 30 seconds.
! r8 l( c) V8 N+ w5 ~; G! JHopefully a list will drop down, then select a 'good' web address.1 Q8 O  g" A+ s* q2 N/ q+ X
8 J: i6 u* f* K
Blazer Friendly Sites:, S; z0 t: k& w$ W

) B$ G& K0 q8 W  U* ?2 U- Z. nPDA friendly sites list:
  H$ A: d; k. Y/ k3 Q8 ]PdaPortal and LudusTechPortal both have a list of PDA friendly sites.
: H) h( m! d9 |" G! L, x8 w; m3 u8 j5 F# M! i
Blazer friendly Freeware Downloads:: y& l6 h1 v: L, e
Softppedia Google> appname site:handheld.softpedia.com
6 s; g* E, G% R  S# cFreewarepalm Google> appname site:freewarepalm.com4 k) y" I% U  x+ Q4 |5 q
PalmFreewareMobi Google> appname site: palmfreeware.mobi% ^. h. |' D0 C* j. T
MyTreo Google> appname site:mobile.mytreo.net
( P+ d. v7 n2 c1 x+ U! J+ ^
! D/ ], @0 b5 C1 R/ G; vBlazer friendly Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikiquote etc2 }# e, E2 }! y) a1 f7 s5 ?
0 Z, Q4 o$ V' F( z5 P
The best Blazer friendly Wikipedia format I have found is the wonderfull Wikipedia by 7val
. Y/ F! S4 M: r/ T( O) kDon't go to the standard (original) Wikipedia site with Blazer, it's just too big.2 p6 B/ B. u9 `1 N- B% W
EDIT 31st August 08: The standard Wikipedia site seems to be getting more Mobile friendly but I still like the 7val version
, a% |5 o( Q8 W6 F/ r6 {5 h' h8 J% V6 @4 U; M! ^/ b
Also Wikiquote by 7val/ f& W4 \2 K$ x7 p
- G) W( x! ^& g
NOTE: You can only be view the standard Wikipedia, Wiktionary and Wikiquotes websites properly in Fast Mode, so go to:/ O( T) H5 P- h% S
Blazer>Menu>Options>Preferences>General and select Fast Mode and tick the box
; p5 }7 k/ l0 d1 ?. ^5 b+ T! h9 |" ]'Disable Cascading Style Sheets'/ f# a! Z7 y, j3 K
Tap on the Lightning Bolt icon on the top bar of Blazer and select Fast Mode. u; j5 S' k( S5 J
9 f5 h5 W2 F7 R0 ?5 p- j; Q
There is also Wapedia but this will split what is one Wikipedia page into 3>4 pages./ A) c  a+ e$ v+ o  ~8 e. m
' c) Q+ Z  X3 ~6 ~+ ]1 l0 {
And the handy TheFreeDictionary which seems to search Wikipedia and Wiktionary and other sites as well.
& q2 ]' m# F! l4 a3 f( m" w0 i% Q- ?5 t! B
Handy Apps:
0 d- X* [( U8 O! w2 m( Z- GChronMemo by Alex Pruss links to Palm Memos so the same memos appear in both. ChronMemoDA is included in the zip file.
; M" n5 }1 I' G& a) R9 R+ j9 iI use ChronMemoDA to copy text from Blazer to Memos for later reading and from Memos to the Blazer textbox./ q" I5 I) j2 v, |  |) p) E8 F

  c: Y9 L3 y3 ITo Copy Text from Blazer to Memos:
* x$ N- P. R8 k" V. R. p; {First you just need to go into Blazer>Menu>Preferences and make sure that "Tap and Drag" is set to select text.
# Y7 t- ]( j! Z) @+ P/ `Select (highlight) the text then use the CommandBar copy or Blazer>Menu>Edit>Copy then tap the screen to get rid of the highlight.
/ j; @$ t2 }! r$ {Launch ChronMemoDA and paste the text.2 m3 u5 A1 W% [) g- g3 R' c

! r! `- P- `! ?2 V6 bTo Copy Text from Memos to Blazer:
; J! Y3 o+ C3 w$ C7 s; @Launch ChronMemoDA on top of Blazer and go to the required text and highlight then Copy.. q/ {0 a' e" w& X; d% A
Exit ChronMemoDA then use CommandBar paste or Blazer>Menu>Edit>Paste to paste in the Blazer textbox." k4 |; L7 k1 b/ A% @2 _

& @. Y  _- J6 idaMemoPad is similar to ChronMemoDA.
7 F/ T+ ^6 E6 g2 m4 s  OYou can read about it here7 E7 I8 J/ V, n9 j1 g9 G
$ c- U8 Y5 p; Y% |0 e
TeikeiDA will allow you to keep a lot of web addresses on hand.8 |* p4 Z: y( J2 R5 Y. N% o
You can read about it here8 P( [- S4 j. m  B. b3 D0 O4 }

9 G7 J  {; u, S8 n( Y8 ?9 B9 N7 rSharkLinks is a free application that lets you launch web sites from any Palm OS launcher.% ~* n& P3 z; A8 A; [2 h* D
Go into SharkLinks, tap New, enter the link's name and URL, and tap Save. The links will appear in your Launcher as if they were applications.( x) k4 W6 _" q
; @1 y6 I6 E: n1 o, i
This can also be done in the Favorites app.
( s! k2 c" H) Z7 cMenu>EditFavorite>Type:
' @& q. M4 p8 b# N6 Fselect WebLink.
% D% i! H; |) Z3 ], |' U$ _; |7 N! ?$ r7 w
I am sure I have missed many things so any other Tips and Tricks would be greatly appreciated
  C% A) Z% D" q! Q
. G8 b- L: z/ b# Q# G+ CAll the best, woz of oz

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-10-26 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-10-27 03:43 | 显示全部楼层
看个鸡儿哦 !全E文,楼主自己能全部看懂吗?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-10-27 09:18 | 显示全部楼层
···讲的全是废话···- Q5 N- B! x7 c9 t

% X( E3 ?4 V% O$ S他怎么不讲讲WAP连接(其实只有中国有WAP····): w" n' s" m' Y

4 n3 W- c. F5 c- ^; U2 s6 g0 _他怎么不讲讲丢字的问题(也只是丢汉字······)
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-10-27 09:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-30 09:50 | 显示全部楼层
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