#1 QuikIM最好的Msn软件 XX !!
M/ w+ o8 a9 w* ]* G! [/ [3 L8 \7 q* W8 R) U
Since I don't have a networked Palm, I can not test the program fully. Please let me know if there is any error. In this patch I removed some restrictions, such as expiry, 30 messages..3 W/ F$ ~% s* w9 k
* a0 Q; f8 o3 B
Let me know how it goes.4 E0 h& f7 I: L3 r, F
* t0 w* M) q7 W# g
说明:MSN兼容信息软件PalmOS版本7 l9 S3 N: ]& J" l# z8 Y5 V; K
) K# c: S, k" x! Q9 K+ n
QuickIM MSN compatible messenger software for PalmOS. \( h9 o2 x3 r7 \; a
! M7 H6 h6 L) S6 `$ D* L. u; C8 |
QuickIM is a powerful instant messenger software for Treo 600 / 650, Palm Tungsten / Zire, PalmOne LifeDrive, Palm T|X devices (see the requirements and compatible devices section) supporting the public MSN network. It enables you to quickly exchange and send instant messages to other phone and PC users from anywhere without paying any ''per message' charge ! Because it connects directly to the MSN instant messaging server, this solution is a cost saving alternative to most costly data consuming messengers that use proxy technology and that charge you an annual subscription fee.; B; p/ H2 \" g6 H. A7 w
* g' S; t8 O* b+ R+ B- y3 f" Z9 L
Why choose QuickIM instant messenger? Because it helps you to keep your instant messages confidential and save money on your gprs, w-cdma or umts internet connection. Read more about the benefits using a QuickIM messenger, the only ProxyLess MSN network compatible messenger!* P8 K, ~" U# h4 l% R
% H- _: S: B8 l最新!支持中文用户,QuickIM兼容CJKOS系统,可以发送和接收中文信息!
|% E$ s, b. \$ T8 K. t( c, t/ ~# ]
New! For Chinese speaking users, QuickIM is compatible with CJKOS system and allows you to send/receive messages in Chinese!- P+ }- J1 Q* k& f" J/ B# c1 N+ J) ]
" c0 S" x; J! k! O
& A) t1 M7 l& m) ^( Y: ~2 g官方下载地址:http://www.quickim.com/products/mobile-phones/palm/buy.html% K5 F7 Y. }+ ?( Y/ a& _& G
( B' x ] {4 T: D# I# |**** 本部分信息必须回复才可以浏览 ***** |